Assumptions With Little Gumption

Started by Strongheart, November 07, 2017, 06:17:25 PM

November 07, 2017, 06:17:25 PM Last Edit: November 07, 2017, 06:32:07 PM by Strongheart
I have (several times) had another player assume the worst out of a situation without as much a shred of evidence to support it. Sometimes you play your character acting out or making rash decisions on a whim to add a bit of spice to the experience, but there are also times where I personally don't see how an action can be misconstrued. I get that people on Zalanthas are not the most welcoming of hosts, but when a player very intentionally goes out of there way to twist your actions into something else? I get a little bothered by it. It bothers me because when you spend enough time with players, they ought to know how your character acts by now. Have any of you had situations where other characters are basically harassing or heckling your character to a point where it doesn't even make sense to?

the solution is to murder them
"Historical analogy is the last refuge of people who can't grasp the current situation."
-Kim Stanley Robinson

Damn... good point. Wait one moment, gotta make a wish all.

I have just a few things for you to think about.

1.  It is the character, not the player, making said assumptions.

2.  Zalanthas is not a very nice place and you don't know what their motivations are.

3.  There is a reason PCs tend to assume the worst. Experience.

November 07, 2017, 08:33:11 PM #5 Last Edit: August 05, 2018, 03:53:51 AM by Molten Heart
"It's too hot in the hottub!"

-James Brown

Yeah, you're right. It just kind of sucks because I like to invite everyone into the fun, but if they're going to do that, then I guess I'll just have to start being more exclusive.

If you feel a player is targeting you, I think you should send in a request to staff and ask. They have an omnipotent point of view, whereas players only has one: Their PCs.
I ruin immershunz.

You should play a city elf, and see just how deep that despicable hole, really goes.

It's almost amazing, to see how far people can game the IC-OOC divide, and still get away with it. I believe that, for quite a lot of people, there is no difference between the two. There are many, who will reach beyond reason, in order to gain an advantage over, or sometimes, to disparage, another player, in plain view of others, in game, and never face consequences.

If someone is making you feel bad, leave them behind and go elsewhere. There are many, many people, who are happy to be included, and appreciate those who are inclusive, that you won't ever miss the company of an asshole, or two.
"Mortals do drown so."

evilcabbage: Come 'ere, we embrace this day.

Kankfly: I'll give it another chance, maybe I just misread the situation and overreacted, I don't know.

Vex: You're right about that, Vex. I guess I could afford to lose people who are total jerks (not their PCs) and hang out with people I know I can play well with.

I wouldn't take it too hard.  There have been times I've framed characters for crap they didn't do (because my PC was getting paid), and times I've suspected every little thing a PC did, because my PC was convinced they were evil somehow.  If you are playing a type that is persona non grata (magickers, elves, muls, citizen of the wrong city-state, etc.) and people are misconstruing your motives, that's to be expected.  Zalanthans are deeply mistrustful, susperstitious people.  They're just playing a role.

This may or may not apply, but keep in mind in some cases, you would have more shared responsibility to put the best construction on the other PC's actions (by assuming they are ICly motivated, OOC->IC shift) than the other player would to have their PC 'correctly' intuit your PCs motives (IC->IC shift).

But at the end of the day, if they aren't fun to play with, find someone new!
Quote from: Lizzie on February 10, 2016, 09:37:57 PM
You know I think if James simply retitled his thread "Cheese" and apologized for his first post being off-topic, all problems would be solved.

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing."
- Robert E. Howard

If someone really seems to be going out of their way to harass you, file a player complaint. And then kill their PC if you can.

QuoteI have (several times) had another player assume the worst out of a situation without as much a shred of evidence to support it.

Just try not to fall into the same trap.

It's hard, I know.  But few and far between are the instances where I think someone turns into an enemy just for the hell of it.  They likely have a goal that you seem like a stepping stone on, have a perceived injustice, or your character has exhibited a behavior that their character finds intolerable.

As noted, if you suspect it's an OOC move, which you seem to be inferring judging by your statement on IC/OOC boundaries, you should contact staff with the information so they can ask about it and gather relevant information.  Or, they can let you know that maybe it's you who has a misunderstanding somewhere.  I realize that sounds aggressive towards you, but everyone falls victim to making a bad assumption in this game and we all have to get corrected from time to time.

As far as inclusion/exclusion, be wary that cliquish IC behavior doesn't really help you escape from people taking advantage of situations or creating drama, or from aggressive moves from those outside of the clique.  And that's part of what being in a world of struggles and conflicts is.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: 650Booger on November 07, 2017, 07:08:13 PM
the solution is to murder them

Quote from: TheGoose on November 07, 2017, 07:13:26 PM
Can't harass you if they're dead.

This is sadly my train of thought. I have done this before.
The man puts his tongued, grotesque, translucent groin rig on over his eyes.

Quote from: Strongheart on November 07, 2017, 08:40:25 PM
Yeah, you're right. It just kind of sucks because I like to invite everyone into the fun, but if they're going to do that, then I guess I'll just have to start being more exclusive.

I like to invite everyone into the fun, too.

Fun being a battle of bone-swordz, of course.

Being mean, overreacting, and being the target of all of that rules.  Revel in it.
QuoteSunshine all the time makes a desert.
Vote at TMS
Vote at TMC

I'm pretty sure this guy looked at me.  Oh, he ded.
Quote from MeTekillot
Samos the salter never goes to jail! Hahaha!

Just like the white winged dove,
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Oooo,ooo, ooo

One time I played a noble who was (wrongly) blamed for just about every death, disappearance, or bit of bad weather in the city.

It was great that everyone thought I had an army of killer assassin minions but it was lame when nobody wanted to talk at the bar
All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

I've learned to love playing an antagonist. When people hate on you, it's a compliment.

Sometimes you will feel unfairly targetted, sometimes, you just might, indeed, be right in feeling that way. As Kankfly said, staff can see a lot more of the picture than we can. I've had to target people before because IC is IC and OOCly I'm like, JESUS, does my PC really have to be THIS much of an asshole? But usually, the answer is, "Yes, yes, they do, sadly. Much as I want to make nice and live and let live, that is not realistic for my PC in this scenario."

So my advice would be similar to that of others and be to file either a question to staff, or, if it's too excessive, a player complaint, let staff know through the appropriate tools so they can keep an eye on certain behaviors. If someone really is OOCly targetting you then they'll likely be dealt with in the appropriate manner. Note, I am not saying you're incorrect, simply that there may, as others have noted, be a lot more to it than meets the eye. Sometimes it can seem that way and not be the case.
Quote from: Is Friday
If you ever hassle me IC for not playing much that means that I'm going to play even less or I'll forever write you off as a neckbeard chained to his computer. So don't be a dick.