Advice on reactions

Started by Narana, August 15, 2016, 10:49:39 PM

So, something I have always struggled with in general with this type of game  is how fast most people react to things.  Its  like they have everything clear in their mind and don't even need to think about anything, just jot it down.  I know there's the whole know-your-character and whatnot, but I've always seem unable to get past the self-criticizing bit be it about wording/word-use or just more generally about what my character would do.

This by itself would not be much of a problem, except I know people get impatient, both IC and OOC. So I wanted to ask whether anyone had any suggestions about... I don't know. How to reach that point where you don't have to spend so relatively long figuring what is it your character would do? Ignore the nagging feeling that you could express what you are trying to emote better? I guess I am not entirely sure myself.
Counting all the assholes in the room...

                                                                       I´m definitely not alone!

It's just something that came with time for me.

Some tips:

1. Nothing wrong with: ooc 'New here, processing, please give me a moment.'

2. I generally follow the six second rule: I count six seconds before I send out another emote/say; and it's sort of what I expect in return, before I assume the other end went afk.

3. You can send out little 'pulse/filler' emotes if you are unsure what your character would do.  For instance,
"em tilts ^me head, listening." "em blinks."  "em opens ^me mouth to say something."  One of my favorite characters was kind of dumb and blunt, and I'd always do a quick: say (blinking) Uhhhhh.

4. In general, with Armageddon, with the word count on emotes/says, putting things out there in short snappy emotes/says is the way to go.  Plus, you have to spellcheck less, and grammar check less.  But as Yam said: it's a bit of an art you pick up on with time -- ESPECIALLY if some sort of time critical coded action is on the line.

5. Regrets, I've had a few!  It's just a game, go with the flow and enjoy the improv moments.
as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

comes with practice is key. Yeah. Soon enough, you'll have your characters acting out the way they should be acting out while you're at the keyboard thinking, "The fuck am I doing? This is going to get my chara killed!!!" But you're unable to stop yourself and your character took a life of its own and already got itself into trouble.

You can usually guess how people will respond to some degree, and you also have an idea of what your character's going to continue to do regardless. Just start writing your next emote/say/talk as soon as you finish with your first one, and go back and edit for what's happened.
<SanveanArmageddon> d00d
[Laeris] (11:52:53 AM): If penicillin started spilling out of your butt, what would you do with it?

I still struggle with this. Moreso when I'm not deeply into a character. I just sit there thinking. How would they react to that?! What are they doing now? And drawing blanks. Then I just kind've try to phone something in quick. I like to imagine that, much as in real life, people are more interested in themselves than others.

An old tip that you don't hear much nowadays is to alias a few social tics your pc might have, then you can pull them out of your hat in a pinch! So if you find yourself coming back to the same sort've gesture again and again, maybe that would be worthwhile.

I met a character not so long ago who mainly used the "nod" and "smile" and "frown" socials and managed to convey an incredible strength of personality. Not a super vocal person, either. I was astounded by that.

When in doubt, just emote puking on someone. Or, technically, IN THEIR DIRECTION (you don't want to power-emote, after all). Trust me, it breaks up the tension and will buy you some time.

More seriously (not that puking is not serious business, because it is and I highly recommend you do it sometime), it's OK to do very short emotes. Just emote nodding, smiling, whatever. We've got plenty of 20-year vets who don't emote much beyond that. So don't overthink it.
Quote from: Decameron on September 16, 2010, 04:47:50 PM
Character: "I've been working on building a new barracks for some tim-"
NPC: "Yeah, that fell through, sucks but YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIREEE!! FIRE-KANKS!!"

think, 'What should I do?'

think, 'Oh, fuck, how should I react to that?'

feel confused and bewildered.

emote stands there, blinking at ~short in confusion.

say "What uh, what uh..... what? Sorry, I wasn't listening."

All real life examples of my actual responses to some things. It's totally IC to not know how you would/should react to something sometimes. After all, it happens to us, right? ...Right?

feel like a half-breed.
Quote from: Miradus on January 26, 2017, 11:36:32 AM
I'm just looking for a general consensus. Or Moe's opinion. Either one generally can be accepted as canon.

Hey, don't stress, just get into the action. Some of the best RP experiences I've had have had improper spelling, grammer, even lacking proper symbols for when things stop and start. Roll up a dwarf until it ceases to be a problem. All things come with practice and time, that you look at your actions and give them a healthy dose of consideration is proof that you have a lot of potential, but don't stress too much, because, it's just a game, nobody knows who you are so feel free to wreck as much stuff as you like, just follow the rules while doing so and no one can complain.
Quote from: Synthesis on August 23, 2016, 07:10:09 PM
I'm asking for evidence, not telling you all to fuck off.

No, I'm telling you to fuck off, now, because you're being a little bitch.

>Think "I don't know what to say...shit, what am I gonna do"
>feel overwhelmed by the situation
>Think "I know!"
>em shuffles backwards, staring at ~whoever all the while
>flee self

Problem solved.
The Ooze is strong with this one

Quote from: 8bitgrandpa on June 28, 2016, 12:01:20 AM
You are our official hammer, Ooze.

Malachi 2:3

Quote from: Narana on August 15, 2016, 10:49:39 PM

This by itself would not be much of a problem, except I know people get impatient, both IC and OOC.

I'm one of those people that genuinely expects that speed to keep up, in the middle of a scene, and when your response goes from 15seconds to over a minute, I get worried. I'll admit it.

However, I don't think any less of the player (unless they totally BOGRE out) and just wait for them to come up with something. Unless I'm playing a soldier-type that has duties to get to and have to head off.

Stress less about it, if you can. I'd say the majority of the playerbase might have to suddenly AFK to change a baby, or grab pizza from the delivery guy. If you REALLY need a moment to think it over, emote it.

em @'s eyes roll to the ceiling, as he rubs at his chin in thought.

Suddenly, you heard, you understood, you're formulating.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Taking your time is not a bad thing, and eventually you will get quicker.  You can always have an emote on an alias or something that shows your pc to be obviously in a pensive state like: pem lips purse as she takes a moment before responding.
At your table, the XXXXXXXX templar says in sirihish, echoing:
     "Everyone is SAFE in His Walls."

Getting into the groove. especially playing a character entirely unlike you, can be difficult, but it's rewarding. Take risks, care not for errors, get immersed in the environment and react accordingly. Your PC may die, but you will be fine. No one 'wins' here.
Quote from: Synthesis on August 23, 2016, 07:10:09 PM
I'm asking for evidence, not telling you all to fuck off.

No, I'm telling you to fuck off, now, because you're being a little bitch.

When I make a pc, the first thing I do once ig is find a reason to talk to somebody. It's usually in the first interaction few interactions I found out how I'd like my pc to talk, speech pattern, basic mannerisms etc. I make a little list of things about my pc that absolutes and don't change, either from background or things I think would be realistic or entertaining to have be a part of my pc's personality. I add the list to the top of my character notefile (where I list sdesc, names, things I need to remember etc)  It sort of sets up the framework of the character in my mind. Is my pc carefree, is he a deep thinker, does he understand people, why does he like and dislike particular things and people, what does he truly enjoy, his opinion on other races, his opinion on other cities. Core things about my pc that aren't likely to change anytime soon. From there I just go and with time it becomes quicker and more natural as I settle into the pc.

The most difficult part then becomes not letting your current character's thought process bleed into your next character's thought process if you play them for awhile.   ;D
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

Quote from: Talia on August 15, 2016, 11:31:25 PM
When in doubt, just emote puking on someone. Or, technically, IN THEIR DIRECTION (you don't want to power-emote, after all). Trust me, it breaks up the tension and will buy you some time.

More seriously (not that puking is not serious business, because it is and I highly recommend you do it sometime), it's OK to do very short emotes. Just emote nodding, smiling, whatever. We've got plenty of 20-year vets who don't emote much beyond that. So don't overthink it.

This legit works. That was how I handed things when one of my PCs first encountered the Muarki Veddi, and now his player and I are married IRL. Pukes FTW.

The green, diabolical cabbage-creature emits a projectile mass of bile in the direction of the red-haired, silver-eyed templar.
Quote from: Adhira on January 01, 2014, 07:15:46 PM
I could give a shit about wholesome.

Quote from: path on August 16, 2016, 05:52:59 PM
Quote from: Talia on August 15, 2016, 11:31:25 PM
When in doubt, just emote puking on someone. Or, technically, IN THEIR DIRECTION (you don't want to power-emote, after all). Trust me, it breaks up the tension and will buy you some time.

More seriously (not that puking is not serious business, because it is and I highly recommend you do it sometime), it's OK to do very short emotes. Just emote nodding, smiling, whatever. We've got plenty of 20-year vets who don't emote much beyond that. So don't overthink it.

This legit works. That was how I handed things when one of my PCs first encountered the Muarki Veddi, and now his player and I are married IRL. Pukes FTW.

He even looked like Veddi for a really long time. Except for the raptor-removed eye (it was a raptor, right?)
<SanveanArmageddon> d00d
[Laeris] (11:52:53 AM): If penicillin started spilling out of your butt, what would you do with it?

August 17, 2016, 04:32:28 PM #17 Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 04:37:19 PM by Dunetrade55
Shit, if I had kids with a fellow Arm player, those would be some UGLY ass, creepy kids, I'd have to sleep with one eye open, just in case they got it in their head to tear out my heart and eat it to absorb my powers.

Quote from: Synthesis on August 23, 2016, 07:10:09 PM
I'm asking for evidence, not telling you all to fuck off.

No, I'm telling you to fuck off, now, because you're being a little bitch.

August 17, 2016, 06:08:36 PM #18 Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 06:11:36 PM by path
Quote from: Samoa on August 17, 2016, 03:44:19 PM
Quote from: path on August 16, 2016, 05:52:59 PM
Quote from: Talia on August 15, 2016, 11:31:25 PM
When in doubt, just emote puking on someone. Or, technically, IN THEIR DIRECTION (you don't want to power-emote, after all). Trust me, it breaks up the tension and will buy you some time.

More seriously (not that puking is not serious business, because it is and I highly recommend you do it sometime), it's OK to do very short emotes. Just emote nodding, smiling, whatever. We've got plenty of 20-year vets who don't emote much beyond that. So don't overthink it.

This legit works. That was how I handed things when one of my PCs first encountered the Muarki Veddi, and now his player and I are married IRL. Pukes FTW.

He even looked like Veddi for a really long time. Except for the raptor-removed eye (it was a raptor, right?)

I'm certainly biased, but I don't think Veddi was ever nearly as good looking as Dig has always been. (It was a spider)

This man's feline features have been worn by the combined efforts of age and
the elements, with thin creases wreathing his eyes and mouth and contouring
his dusky face. His wide maw pushes out around his mouth before the sink deep
in each cheek. Pointed and straight, his nose hooks down in an aquiline manner,
and his cheekbones are set high. The pitch-black hair emerging high on his
sloped forehead is pulled back, leaving only a few rebellious wisps behind,
to join a thick snake-like braid that hangs just below his waist. His face is
almost androgynous with an utter lack of facial hair, but a strictly masculine
brow and sharp jaw spoil the effect, and the fully-developed musculature packed
tightly into his diminutive frame leaves no doubt about his sex. Standing out
amidst his dark features is a sinister gouge that flares out from the corner of
his destroyed right eye.
The taut, serpentine-braided man is in terrible condition.

OMG!! SAMOA!! I forgot you were THERE FOR THAT SCENE!!! You. Introduced us. And precipitated the vomit by giving my awkward, milky-haired woman too much whiskey.

Quote from: path on August 17, 2016, 06:08:36 PM

OMG!! SAMOA!! I forgot you were THERE FOR THAT SCENE!!! You. Introduced us. And precipitated the vomit by giving my awkward, milky-haired woman too much whiskey.

Mmmn that's a LITTLE familiar, but boy, I'm shaky. Were you an Atrium student or something, then? At least you're not the one that we murdered and chopped up into little pieces in revenge for an attack on the phrala within the city walls; that's probably a much worse omen to start a relationship on.

And I dunno, there was a time there when Dig? was all triballed out from day to day, he just needed more tattoos and piercings maybe. Now you've gone and turned him into a filthy gorgio, but it's OK.
<SanveanArmageddon> d00d
[Laeris] (11:52:53 AM): If penicillin started spilling out of your butt, what would you do with it?

I find my PC personality realism has improved considerably since writing my bios in 1st person perspective. This helps to get into your PC's mindset and is also a lot more fun to write.

Quote from: Inks on August 17, 2016, 08:19:32 PM
I find my PC personality realism has improved considerably since writing my bios in 1st person perspective. This helps to get into your PC's mindset and is also a lot more fun to write.
i love being a nobles health points

Path was the rl free spirit with itchy feet. I'm the rl homebody that doesn't like to talk to real people. -I-made -her- into a filthy gorgio.

To buy my participation in path and samoa's thread derail, I'll grab the track and keep us on course with this: Armageddon's peculiar role play/collaborative writing style is as much a skill as anything. Until you get comfortable immersing yourself in creative-writing-text-improv to the point that the right emotes flow without much thought given to the big question "what would my character do," just KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. Some really amazing writing is comprised of short sentences. Sometimes a dude just smiles. Sometimes an emote is two ahort sentences. Sometimes dialogue happens without people worrying about the placement of their hands relative to each other. After a while you'll discover your characters flow and more detailed actions will come readily to mind.

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

I guess I came from the MUSH world before I went to MUDs, or at least I played a few MUSH's before I moved into ArmageddonMUD. It was sort of informal on most MUSH environments but it was sort of 'taking turns' within reason. I mean, on a MUSH, it's absolutely bonkers because someone splats a paragraph in your face, so it's a lot of information to get through before you write your response.

In that way, my usual 'courtesy' is to do my emote, and wait even a minute for the other person to respond. If they don't respond or seemingly went AFK, I tend to put a few out there, a say, an emote, or just emotes that affect my PC or the virtual world around them, nothing that would affect the outcome of the person's response. In that way, I can keep the world around my PC fluid and 'happening' while the other person is taking their time to respond within the scene, so I don't get bored.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the person's speed who you're interacting with, you might do a quick OOC catching up, new to this, give me a second to respond. I'm sure the other Player will be accommodating. Although I did interact with a few PCs that were Flowery mc Florists, and they didn't really get the hint that people around them were into the whole brevity thing. I think people who are Flowery mc Florists don't really care, most of the time, they're going to do their own thing regardless.
"You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done -- So therefore you may never know a life of peace."

~Jack Vance~