weapon stats

Started by 650Booger, May 15, 2016, 07:42:18 AM

Hello everybody, so my question is about weapons.  I am assuming every weapon has a set of hidden stats, speed, damage etc.
My question is, how are the stats for a mastercrafted weapon determined?  in other words, when I mastercraft a weapon, how can I effect how 'good' it actually is?
"Historical analogy is the last refuge of people who can't grasp the current situation."
-Kim Stanley Robinson

My impression is that these days there are itemization standards based on design parameters such as quality of construction, what it's made of, damage type, and more. Behind the scenes, a staffer will assign stats based on the parameters of the item being submitted as a mastercraft. If you're mastercrafting an item, you typically have control over the design parameters, but not the item standards. As with anything, I am sure exceptions are possible in principle, but it's up to staff whether or not to allow it. You'll have to communicate with them on that!

On the other/bottom section of the mc you could probably throw out a "This weapon should be really fast" or a "this weapon should hit pretty gud" or "This weapon should X"
Other than that weight and size all matter in that sorta thing.

I think its probably all of those things, along with the whole desc of the thing being taken into account (if staff put as much effort in as I assume that they do) eg This bone sword is sharper than most bone swords, but god is it heavy as a mek.
= High damage but is very slow or something idk.

Honestly, I think weapons all have more or less the same damage ranges, the difference being a few points, and slower/faster swings. I've seen wooden weapons designed for sparring do as much as real weapons, and thats when I stopped believing there was much difference between weapons.

When it comes down to it your skill in using the weapon and your default 'stronk' make a large difference.
Skill and strength can make a rock a decent weapon.