Climb / Hide changes -- Discussion Thread

Started by nessalin, October 12, 2015, 12:34:01 PM

Quote from: Inks on October 12, 2015, 08:57:19 PM
I liked what Delirium said. You shoot be able to at least throw and shoot 1 handed crossbows without climb checks.

Have you ever held onto a hand hold and throwing something?  You have to realize that a lot of force goes into throwing a weapon.  The motion of that force you to have an extremely good hold onto the hand hold you have.  Go outside, grab a stick, find a tree, and throw it at the tree as hard as you can.  Now realize your body motion in throwing that stick, now think on that.  Do you think it would take a climb check to keep a hold of the wall you're holding onto?

Now looks at a crossbow.  Have you shot one before?  Did you know that a crossbow does have a kick and most crossbows have to be braced on your shoulder with two hands?  Well, that doesn't have to work with hand crossbows.  Still, trying to aim something while holding onto something that does have a kick, not as much as a regular crossbow, but there is still a kick.  Take into the fact that you're likely looking at a combat situation, that would even make it more difficult.

I personally don't see something like a climb check being unreasonable for those situations.  More reason for someone that has climb as a good rank being good at doing difficult things with it.

Now onto the topic of edges of a cliff...

This is a problem with the code to be honest.  Rooms only have 6 directions you can move, 7/8 if you could count entering and exiting buildings.  The issue with creating the edge of a cliff is technically in most cases the transition between two rooms is the cliff.  I would have to go into all the details of code and the way rooms work.  There is a way to do it, but it would require adding a room to every single edge in the game and then you'd have the problem of making that fit properly and allow for symmetry of the rooms, or you would make every room that is a ledge not automatically make someone fall... but then that would eliminate the risk of falling in the first place from rooms that are meant to have that risk.  All in all it is a great idea, but sad that we can't do it due to the limitations of the game.  All that work though just so you can shoot off a cliff at someone.  Oh, there are rooms in the game though that allow you to look down at another room, but these are rooms made just for the purposes of shooting at something below.  The room has to be designed to do it and then there are limitations.

Sorry, I rambled a bit here, but there is a lot of thought that goes into all of this.  It's just nice to see code changes happening that are making the game better in the long run.
Ourla:  You're like the oil paint on the canvas of evil.

October 13, 2015, 01:21:39 AM #26 Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 01:30:40 AM by Inks
Yah I wasn't denying I like the change. I was just arguing I want to be bobba fett with my hand crossbow but now I have to pick ranger due to assassin's low climb cap to avoid being charlie chaplin.

It's good to see practical and instantly usable code changes more than once every (?) though. I am sure all these things were bugged and idea'd countless times before the GDB posts saved the day. It seems like complaining about bugs on the GDB is more effective now than the idea or bug tool. Awesome work though as scanning for someone you just sapped was sad and very awkward when with other pcs.

I think this and the Drov beetle change speeds set a very positive precedent that I hope continues.

It might be possible to make the "Over the Edge" rooms not ask for a climb check.

In this way someone would be able to take and arrow and shoot down at a climber from the top, or up at a climber from the bottom in equal measure. That would require a builder going through and changing all the top climbing rooms in the game though, which would be a daunting task.

Quote from: Jave on October 13, 2015, 02:57:42 AM
It might be possible to make the "Over the Edge" rooms not ask for a climb check.

In this way someone would be able to take and arrow and shoot down at a climber from the top, or up at a climber from the bottom in equal measure. That would require a builder going through and changing all the top climbing rooms in the game though, which would be a daunting task.

Then you end up with the 3 room dangerous falls turning into a 2 room fall, 2 room falls turning into a 1 room shrug off etc etc. Would definitely take lots of remapping to keep the appropriate danger of the cliff/chasm/asssinkhole to make it work. A big task but honestly I think it might be worth it for the long haul. I spaz out pretty hard when I'm doing anything on a dangerous ledge to the point I'm scared to use the look command and only use my look macros to gaze around.

But these other changes to the climb code definitely kick ass. Experts get to keep being experts. Other folks have the chance to look expert, at least until they fall on their face.
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

I'm not really sure where the idea that you can't stand on the edge of a cliff and shoot down comes from?  If you're skilled enough at 'climb' (ie, not falling over cliffs) to feel comfortable walking into that cliff room in the first place, you're probably at minimal risk of falling while getting a couple of shots off.  As I read it, the code makes you pass a check when you do it, it doesn't translate into an automatic failure.  And if you're stepping up to the edge of the cliff and doing complicated hand-eye-foot coordination things with your hands, I don't see that it's unrealistic that you could risk a fall. 

Where I'd be curious is whether it gives you the (assumed on my part) climb bonus subtractions of being one handed or having both hands full.  That is, whether the check comes while you have the arrow in your hand, or whether it comes after the arrow is released.  If it counts you has having both hands full, I think that would be a little dorky, since I don't think shooting off a cliff should be the same difficulty as climbing it without hands.  ::)  That's perhaps just me.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

To clarify, this:

Quote-Throwing now checks to see if your character should fall.
-Shooting now checks to see if your character should fall.

means this:

Quote-Throwing in/from a room you are climbing in means that you will fall.
-Shooting in/from a room you are climbing in means that you will fall.

Before, the game wasn't running any checks at all--now it is, albeit a harsh check.

We have some more bugs with falling/climbing to iron out before expanding functionality.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

Quote from: Jave on October 13, 2015, 02:57:42 AM
It might be possible to make the "Over the Edge" rooms not ask for a climb check.

In this way someone would be able to take and arrow and shoot down at a climber from the top, or up at a climber from the bottom in equal measure. That would require a builder going through and changing all the top climbing rooms in the game though, which would be a daunting task.

It also would, as Seidhr previously mentioned, not allow one to climb/fall. The 'top room' needs to be set to falling in order for climb checks to work properly. The only work around would be adding an additional room to every 'fall check' room in the game, which is an even more daunting task.
ArmageddonMUD Staff

The only solutions I can think of are an approach style code, where you would stand at the edge of your area and be able to look into the other area, including up/down and directionals, with a penalty to scan results. Or leave the "features" of climb untouched so that we have something we can work around until a real fix is put in place, but it's too late for that.

Quote from: Delirium on October 13, 2015, 10:14:59 AM
The only solutions I can think of are an approach style code, where you would stand at the edge of your area and be able to look into the other area, including up/down and directionals, with a penalty to scan results. Or leave the "features" of climb untouched so that we have something we can work around until a real fix is put in place, but it's too late for that.

A way to look in the direction of the fall and see how big of a fall it is wouldn't be too much to ask, right? It'd be a major improvement just to be able to see from a glance that not every sudden drop is a bottomless pit. Nevermind everything else mentioned in this thread.

>look north
You see a long drop ahead of you.
>look east
You see a short drop ahead of you.
>look south
You cannot see the bottom from here.

Now is this really a climb check? Or just an automatic fall? Seems like an auto fall to me, has anyone else tested this to different resullts?
Who would you kill for a klondike bar?

As Nyr stated, you will fall. Every time. Don't try to throw things or shoot a bow and arrow while in a climb check room.

This is an ongoing code development subject and there may be changes in the pipeline to take into account for things like climbing gear and climbing tools that might allow you to do things like shoot while dangling off a cliff.

October 14, 2015, 07:51:10 AM #37 Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 07:53:05 AM by Lizzie
I'm really not seeing too much problem here. I mean, how many times have you had a PC in game and have him think "gee, I think I'll climb a huge cliff and start shooting this guy down below?"

I just don't think it happens with enough frequency for anyone to really care about it all that much. Surely your target will be somewhere else, at some point in the next 48 hours, where you might have the same opportunity to shoot at him from a different angle?
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

It happens often enough in a certain unspecified location. Whether this is good or bad is up for debate. I find death from fleeing up a climb far more annoying than a dagger tossed from above.
Quote from: Nyr
Dead elves can ride wheeled ladders just fine.
Quote from: bcw81
"You can never have your mountainhome because you can't grow a beard."
~Tektolnes to Thrain Ironsword

Would it be possible to somehow alleviate the crit fail of climbing? As it is, you could climb 1 room up and then crit fail, which would almost knock you unconscious and then a single room drop will completely KO you.

Technically speaking crit fail is a crit fail and that's the danger of climbing. But in reality, it feels so unrealistic and far too harsh and sudden. Of all the mundane skill crit fails, the climb check is probably the harshest one.

I would really rather it be just a straight up climb check than a 'You WILL fall.'

That's...the opposite extreme of the same spectrum, and trading extremes bad.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

QuoteHave you ever held onto a hand hold and throwing something?  You have to realize that a lot of force goes into throwing a weapon.  The motion of that force you to have an extremely good hold onto the hand hold you have.  Go outside, grab a stick, find a tree, and throw it at the tree as hard as you can.  Now realize your body motion in throwing that stick, now think on that.  Do you think it would take a climb check to keep a hold of the wall you're holding onto?

Your body has other ways of making force.  You're talking about a pitcher's throw, which is designed to maximize the physics of the thing to hurl a baseball, essentially a small rock, with enough force to actually kill a man.  Particularly from above, that same amount of force is able to be reached with a heavier weapon or a tapered edge, i.e. a throwing knife or throwing bolo.  If you're a skilled climber, then yes, you will be able to throw it, particularly above and below on the same side of the body as the throwing arm.  It's the opposite side of the body where your body mechanics will actually be in the way.  Not impossible, but difficult.  Throwing upwards means working against gravity, which is 10 m/s^2.  Throwing downwards will actually naturally have much more force with much less effort, again, provided you have the degree of motion of one arm to actually project it in their direction.

If anything at all...throwing while climbing incurs accuracy penalties more than an automatic 'You're screwed for even trying it'.  You do not need to twist and contort your body to the point that your grips will fail, particularly if you know what you're doing, which is usually the case of a character who is throwing while clutching to a wall or cliff.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Someone with master throw could probably hang onto a wall with one hand and "Look at the flick of da wrist" hard enough to do as much damage as someone with apprentice/Journeyman throw.

One would imagine it is less throwing a rock at someone's head who is standing at the bottom of the cliff, and more dropping the rock and letting gravity do most of the work.  Very little force required as that rock is going to be speeding up on the way down!
Previous of note: Kaevya the blind Tor Scorpion, Kaloraynai 'Raynai' the beetle Ruk, Korenyire of SLK, Koal 'Kick' the hooved Whiran, Kocadici/Dici/Glimmer, Koefaxine the giant Oashi 'Aide', Kosmia 'Grit' the rinthi
Current: Like I'd tell you.

Quote from: Kyviantre on November 11, 2015, 12:59:57 PM
One would imagine it is less throwing a rock at someone's head who is standing at the bottom of the cliff, and more dropping the rock and letting gravity do most of the work.  Very little force required as that rock is going to be speeding up on the way down!

Height should provide bonuses to shooting, in fact.

A male voice shouts from above, "IT'S OVER AMOS, I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND!"


An arrow flies in and strikes you in the head.

Welcome to Armageddon!

Quote from: AdamBlue on November 17, 2015, 12:27:36 PM
Quote from: Kyviantre on November 11, 2015, 12:59:57 PM
One would imagine it is less throwing a rock at someone's head who is standing at the bottom of the cliff, and more dropping the rock and letting gravity do most of the work.  Very little force required as that rock is going to be speeding up on the way down!

Height should provide bonuses to shooting, in fact.

A male voice shouts from above, "IT'S OVER AMOS, I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND!"


An arrow flies in and strikes you in the head.

Welcome to Armageddon!

A male voice shouts from above, "IT'S OVER ANAMOS! I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND!"

You shout, "You underestimate my power!"

A male voice shouts from above, "Don't try it!"

You attempt to climb, but slip.