Producer Report, Q3 2015

Started by ArmageddonMUD, August 05, 2015, 05:03:48 PM

This is our first "state of the Producers" type post.  We've been working on this for a month and a half or so.  This version is trimmed down somewhat from the version available for staff members.  We are removing all reference to timelines or specific projects that we are not prepared to announce.  In it, we will go over the major stuff we have been working on in the past quarter from a Producer perspective, but mostly focus this time on plans we have for enacting things in the next quarter.  The reason for identifying both is that plans change and occasionally there will be breakthroughs or a focus on an area that was previously not given as much focus.  

One great example is that the banking changes that we're pursuing now appeared as a project while creating this document.  A storyteller suggested some ideas, and things snowballed from there.

This should help us keep track of things we do want to do, but haven't been able to handle yet.

The biggest overarching producer projects for the past quarter:

  • Changed structure of staff to allow for 3 teams rather than 4
  • Closure of Tuluk
  • Recruitment of new staff

For now and for the next quarter, here are some projects we are focusing on specifically.  By "focus" I mean that a Producer is involved in some capacity guiding, spearheading, or leading the project in question.

Improvement in staff communication, both in method and tools. Not as much focus has been given to these tools and methods in times past, and this is a specific effort to try and bring things in line.  One example would be the restructure of the IDB to make it easier for staff to track what is going on.  There are now subforums for clan related stuff, and archived forums for previous month posts so that we can keep a focus on current information without losing information from the past in a myriad of threads.  Threads are organized by month.  Additionally, Storytellers provide a synopsis of the stuff going on in their groups every so often (once or twice per month) and Administrators give an admin's-eye view of what is going on for their entire meta-clan region, with the hopes of driving things towards a specific goal over the course of the next time period.  Each quarter, Producers will post what their major focuses are for the upcoming quarter.  The hope here is to provide timely communication about major stuff, letting the things that STs and Admins want to do affect Producer plans and goals, and vice versa.
Owners:  Nyr, Adhira, Nessalin

Secret coding project.This is currently in testing phase with a few player testers as well as staff members.  Debut date is determined on bringing on a new coder.
Owner:  Nessalin

New coding and scripting needs.  Current plans are to bring on another coder.
Owner: Nessalin

Builder implementation.  We have recruited new builders and worked on a process that does not require them to be full staff members.  Adhira has spearheaded most of this, setting up documentation and running through what may be needed.  There is still more documentation that is needed for builders, but the process has been started and there are ongoing projects that these builders are able to contribute to.  This is a pretty good thing.
Owner:  Adhira

Update IDB and GDB to SMF 2.0. We are behind the times quite a bit with regards to board technology.  A move to SMF 2.0 would allow us to use more mods available for that environment.  This is only a first step towards a more long-term plan of modernizing our boards to be a bit more functional and "Armageddon-like," but by itself, it is still a difficult undertaking.
Owner: Nyr

Sorcerer subguilds changes. Sorcerer subguilds will be beefed up accordingly based on staff feedback.
Owners:  Adhira, Nessalin, support/collaboration with Seidhr

Changes to spice.  Proposal submitted and approved, code pending.
Owners:  Nyr, Tiernan

MMH changes to process.  We will be updating documentation for MMH progression to take into account some things players have wanted to do.  In it will be details on criminal enterprise, non-humans, and specialization.  Staff-side documentation will be needed for providing obstacles and conflict for those pursuing this route, as the role is not simply one that can be pursued by "having money" and "outliving everyone else."
Owners: Nyr, Adhira, support/collaboration with all staff

Updating weapon values and material affects/effects.  Proposal submitted, WIP.
Owners:  Nessalin, Taijan

Red Storm Revamp. This is not intended to increase Red Storm's footprint, but is meant to make it more livable.  Proposal pending.
Owner: Adhira

Review of Wilderness Areas and Quit Spaces.  This is a project in consideration but not fully fleshed out at this time.  Moving/adding/developing more save/quit rooms in the wilderness.  Proposal pending.
Owner: Adhira

Banking/Economy.  This has been started in June/July, with more discussion and implementation just this week.  More improvements planned (social hierarchy consideration, exemptions, etc.).  Also, we'll do better about telling you if something might affect your account. :)
Owner:  Nessalin

Rooftop project.  This is a project to expand rooftop areas in Allanak.
Owner:  Adhira, w/ Builders/Storytellers

Crafting/tools/rooms code. This is a project Nessalin has been working on for a while now.  All of that stuff where code interacts with crafting, rooms, and tools?  That's his thing.
Owner:  Nessalin

Assorted building projects.  There's really a ton of stuff going on behind the scenes with builders.  We can't tell you about all of them but they're pretty cool.
Owner: Adhira

In addition to the Producer-led/assisted initiatives, there are projects led exclusively by administrators and storytellers.  We won't get into the specifics of these, just the high-level stuff.  There are some cases where there is some overlap with the above list, in which there's back and forth on project plans.  All of the below projects are current projects, meaning they are approved, past the proposal stage, and in progress.

3 proposed new clan openings
5 area revamps underway
3 area modifications underway
4 clan documentation projects
7 infrastructure projects
1 world development project
2 NPC revamp projects

Staffing team changes
As far as staffing team changes go, Kivan has been moved to Legend.  Thanks for your help, Kivan! 
Nathvaan has been moved to Administrator so that he may more effectively kick the ass of cancer.  Thanks much, Nathvaan!
The Shade of Nessalin now Produces once more.  Tremble in fear.

Discussion thread here.

More importantly I posted a Kadian Merchant role call.,49801.0.html
ArmageddonMUD Staff