Make It Work!: Kadian Merchant

Started by Eurynomos, August 05, 2015, 04:55:25 PM

Linked Events

August 05, 2015, 04:55:25 PM Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 08:37:34 PM by Nergal

Will You Make The Cut?

Behind every great man and woman, there has been a great clothier...

Do you think this guy would have been half as cool, if he didn't have a clothing expert calling the shots?

"...The hills are alive...With the sound of screaming..."

Do you think this woman would have accomplished nearly as much as she did without a wardrobe dictated by the best in fashion?

"What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose..."

Do you think you could be this guy?

"I'm here to help you make a good impression..."

Or maybe you want to style people up while you talk about last week's episode of Atrium Hijinks...

Where Are My Wyverns?!

Zalanthas is in need of a diabolical fashionista, the clothier behind the scenes, the Tailor of Panama if you will. I am looking for (1) Blooded or Non-Blooded Merchant of House Kadius.

You must:
*Have decent playtimes. You can be peak or off-peak.
*Looking for good experience, or have good experience, playing leadership roles.
*Have good credit (No recent horrible account notes)
*Willingness to take direction from Staff, as well as be a self-starter with your own ideas

If interested, please submit a Role Application request to House Kadius with your role concept -- Description and background preferred, though if you have any questions in this regard, you can modify your application after the fact.

May the Best Fashionista Win!

Applications will close when I feel i've gotten the one i'm looking for, but if you need a time limit, one week from today, August 12th, at Midnight Server.
Senior Storyteller
ArmageddonMUD Staff

This is now closed. I will be in touch with applicants around Monday or Tuesday.
Senior Storyteller
ArmageddonMUD Staff