The Akai Sjir: Jozhael and One Dealer

Started by Eurynomos, April 03, 2013, 08:03:07 PM

We are looking for a Dealer for the Akai Sjir.

Second only in population to the teeming throng of humanity, elves can be be found anywhere their quick minds, quick tongues and quicker fingers can be put to good use. Well known are the elves of the wastes – their propensity for raiding and taking what they want through guile and a mastery of their territory: Knowing every game trail, every meagre water hole, hidden niche and vantage point across their home and how to best exploit them. Most take these desert elves' distant cousins, who dwell within the settled places of Zalanthas, to be nothing but mongrels – mangy curs who feed on the cast-offs of the greater races. How wrong they are...

You are a Kjurr of the Akai Sjir. Your game trails are crowded alleys. Your water holes are taverns. The sprawling rooftops of His Ivory City provides your vantage points and His Citizens are your prey - their coins, goods and services your goal. From birth you've learnt about the territory staked out by your tribe and how best to move across it, as learned as even the most savage desert elf ranger. Your hands may shape stone masterpieces, or simply pawn them off at exorbitant prices to customers.

Do you have what it takes to bring the elven mindset to the streets of Tuluk? Can you take the tribal mentality of an elf and apply it to a territory of streets, spires and markets? Are you able to temper your art with the subtlety demanded by His Ivory City? Can you do all this and instil the same pride in the elves you lead?

We're looking for a strong applicant to take on a leadership position within the Akai Sjir. We're looking for a concept with a strong elven element – a character that screams 'necker', who is willing to take on what is a challenging city elf concept. We also ask that any interested applicants be willing to put in regular reports, meaning once a week or so.

This position is a good stepping stone for people who have had no/some/little leadership experience and want to show us their leadership skills and longevity in a leadership role.

If you think you have what it takes please put in a role application request with 'Dealer Application' as the subject, with the following:

1) Your GDB account name
2) A character concept including character name, description and biography.
3) What exciting things you'd like to do with the role, if accepted.
4) How familiar you are with Tuluk – feel free to reference previous experience here!
5) Your availability and play times.

We can tailor your application with documentation access after acceptance. This role call has no time limit -- I am leaving it open until we get the app we are looking for.

We are also accepting applications for Jozhael in the tribe. This is the lowest rank in the tribe, and allows you the opportunity to work your way up from the bottom up. Please submit these applications through a 'role application' as well with 'Jozhael Application' as the subject.
Senior Storyteller
ArmageddonMUD Staff

The position for Dealer has been filled.

Still accepting Jozhael applications on an open basis pending review, for now.
Senior Storyteller
ArmageddonMUD Staff