Color triggers for MUSHclient 1.0 - alters foreground text to match color words

Started by armandhammer, August 14, 2012, 09:44:31 PM

Bump again, links to MUSHclient plugins added above. Major improvements over iteration from years ago.

I goofed; those xmls leeched some of my personal world data when I created them. Deleting for now until I have a moment to replace them with fixes. Standby.

Oops! The QuoteFix plugin will also override your dialog emphasis, i.e. italics/bold/underline in dialogs. Emphasis outside of dialogs still appears normally. If you were wondering, like me, why you couldn't get italics etc to appear in dialog, this is why.

I'll be working on a fix and upload a new version of the plugin soon.

Woohoo! That's amazing!

Do you also have a plugin for Mush that indicates a psionic message with a beep?