So I come back after a few months...

Started by Dresan, December 09, 2009, 06:46:54 AM

I come back after a few months off and check out the game. A number of interesting changes seem to have taken place making the known world a slightly harsher place. Then the HRPT oocurred, while i missed it due to work, i was able to see the before and after. Even though its over, the affects are still being felt...I personally can't believe i ended up dying after the event was over...let alone to something at the level of :

You enter your safe apartment
A mekillot enters from the west.
Think "huh?, i have uber stats!...wait wait a moment...let me just fle.."
:Mantis head:

Harsh. That said,i gotta give Kudos where Kudos are due. I LOVE IT! Mwahaha, i just love this kind of mayhem!  I really liked Undertuluk but its so cool to see what happened to it, or more specifically that the staff was willing to do what it did to it. Good job staff and those who made it happen. Really makes me want to play some more. I really hope it gets alot worse (with some consideration to total newbies of course), with no chance of rebuilding. It is really starting to feel like Armageddon.  :D

Ever since hearing about Arm2, my wish has been that by the time the Imms are ready to shut down Arm1, the world has ICly degraded to such an extent that there is nothing left to destroy but maybe the Sorcererkings. I want to see everything we take for granted, GHM, Outposts, city states, d-elf tribes, races get destroyed but not in flashy booms(like undertuluk), rather for it all to go out in slow agonising whimpers.

Anyways Kudos to Staff and Players for the hard work. Keep it up. ;D

Glad you enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun too.