Melee combat breaks watch, listen, changes to paralysis & magical sleep

Started by Morgenes, October 29, 2008, 10:34:48 AM

Listen and scan have been changed to drop when you enter melee combat with someone.  This is due to you being unable to concentrate on things such as whispers, overheard conversations, and subtle shadows and changes in light that is required by these skills, and instead concentrate on fighting.

Additionally, changes have been made to paralysis and magical sleep in regards to fighting.

If you are under the affect of a magical sleep, you will wake up and be able to fight, however you will have a penalty to your maximum stun applied.

If you are under the affect of a paralysis affect (mundane or magical) you will have a chance to break out of it, but you will be slowed down based on the original affect.

Additionally, the overall duration of both sleep and paralyze affects have been reduced for playability reasons.

Please use the following topic for discussion of these changes:,32871.0.html

Armageddon Staff