Packing animals with Shields

Started by , April 22, 2003, 01:45:33 AM

From help pack
QuotePACK                                                            (Equipment)

  This command allows your character to pack supplies, goods, armaments,
and so on, upon a beast of burden, relieving him/her of the weight and
bulk. When used without an argument, it will show you what has been packed
upon the mount.

  pack <item> <animal - optional>

  > pack

  > pack shield

  > pack bag kank

  Your character must be mounted for this command to work.

  Only certain types of containers can be packed; in other words, you
  cannot pack a sword onto a mount's back, unless it is in a backpack,
  bag, or some other container. Generally speaking, you cannot pack
  water containers (e.g., waterskins) onto mounts.

See also:
  mount, unpack

From a game experience:
Quotepack shield>
You can only pack a mount with containers.

was just wondering if the shield part was going to be implemented or if the helpfile could be changed.