
Started by House Rising Sun, April 06, 2003, 05:42:08 AM

I'm realizing now that I don't recall any real world reference to a "surmac" as any type of hat. Internet searches come up with plenty of die and tool manufacturers and "polymer modified surface dressing binders" products under the brand name Surmac, but no hats. Of course I've read the description but it's a lot nicer to be able to see a picture of what my character is wearing, as with most of Arm's other items. So can someone tell me if it's a real thing and if it is where might I find a picture? Shanks.

What you couldn't find a Surmac?? Jeez man, you make it seem like Kanks aren't real either!
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

Yeah... couldn't find a kank... that's it.

emote quickly hides ~kank in ~closet

No basis for this- but I imagine the Don Quixote hat..
hang is actually...

It is an asshat.  ASSHAT!

Some of them are really big, like a couple cords accross.  That's a big hat.  That's like wearing an umbrella on your head, except it's a hat.  I'm thinking something like a sombrero, but not so pointy.   How the heck do you pull your hood up over that?

Many of them are veiled, having veils or netting hanging down from the rim to protect you from the sun and wind.  This makes me think they might be something like a bee keepers hat, except with a rim as big as a sombrero.  A bee-keepers sombrero.

Kind of like this:

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Sorry to revive a dead thread, but I bought and tailored a surmac with the hope that you could (as its description indicates) hang cloth from the hooks surrounding its brim to create the effect of a sort of veil. This doesn't seem to be possible by any kind of syntax I've discovered (e.g. put cloth surmac, put cloth on surmac, hang cloth surmac). I'm sure I'm -probably- reading too much into the description, but being that it's called a 'veiled, wide-brimmed surmac', I assumed it had the capability to veil me. :)

Is there some command like "raise hood" that works for veils, that I'm simply unaware of?

Nope. The veil is probably described as translucent, which means it's see-through and wouldn't truly cover your face. If it did, imagine it's hanging down over your eyes, since it's attached to the top brow of the cap part. If you couldn't see through it, you wouldn't be able to see at all. And since you can see through it, so can anyone looking in your direction.

It's already veiled, it's not a "veilable" thing, know what I mean?

I imagine it similar to what AC thinks - somewhat of a beekeeper's hat, a little boxy around the sides, with a see-through veil hanging down in front of the face.

QuoteIf you couldn't see through it, you wouldn't be able to see at all. And since you can see through it, so can anyone looking in your direction.

Well, that's not exactly true--not at all, actually. You can see through your shirt if you hold it over your eyes, but that doesn't mean you're doing a peepshow all day long.

That's actually how veils work in general--when you're close up to them, their holes allow you to see right through, because relatively speaking, they're very large from your perspective. Someone further away can't see through them because they're further away, and thus more dense. Not all veils are worn nose-down or mouth-down, after all.

That doesn't mean you're not right that the veil on the surmac is probably just translucent, I just felt the need to nitpick, being a general nuisance.