Issues with NPCs and the 'talk' command.

Started by Fathi, February 13, 2007, 11:13:54 PM

Recently, my character found themselves sitting in the Gaj having a conversation with someone at a table. Of course, we were using the 'talk' command instead of 'tell' because, you know, we were at a table.

In comes one of the chat-uppable NPCs!

Now, I'm finding that every time I try to say something that includes one of that NPC's keywords, the code interprets it as me trying to talk to that NPC about that keyword.

It was basically like this:

> talk (with a shrug) All I really want to know is her name.

You begin talking about name.

The NPC says, "Oh, me? I'm ___!"

Which isn't too annoying to deal with, except for that the message I typed in won't show up at my table, just like how when you talk to an NPC, what you say doesn't echo to the rest of the room if it contains a keyword.

So basically I was forced to start using 'tell' instead of 'talk' any time I wanted to say a sentence with the word 'name' or any of the NPC's other keywords.

I'm not quite sure how to go about fixing this, but I figured it should be brought up. Perhaps have a different command than 'talk' used to communicate with NPCs in Arm 2?[/code]
And I vanish into the dark
And rise above my station

We should have a 'list topics' command. And more NPCs with topics.
omorrow is cancelled due to lack of interest.

No. Like 'list topics'. Something that wouldnt let newbies 'tell npcs topics' aloud, or table talk getting hijacked by npc.

Alright, fair enough.  A seperate command for NPC communication would probably be a good thing.

I think what was meant was something like this:

instead of

talk man topics
The man says, in sirihish:
   "Yeah I've traveled all over the world in my youth. Seen all sorts of animals and hunted most of them. My favorite weapon for hunting tregil is the blowgun."

we would have:

interact man (example command, but I suggest something other than talk)
The man says, in sirihish:
   "Yeah I've traveled all over the world in my youth. Seen all sorts of animals and hunted most of them. My favorite weapon for hunting tregil is the blowgun."
The man can tell you about the following topics:

In other words, no more annoying guesses by trial and error.
b]YB <3[/b]

Oh, um. To be honest, I just thought what was proposed is a set of commands that would identify talkable npcs and provide the introductory sentence. Something that cant be confused or messed up and so on. To be honest, I kind of 'like' the guessing game itself. I wouldnt want the keywords getting lists. I'd just prefer specific non screwable commands that would allow a player to spot a chatty npc.