
Started by Beux, August 24, 2006, 06:24:53 PM

I know it probably doesnt matter enough to anyone to warrant a change, but it would be quite nice to see a change in the language code that meant when someone doesn't speak the language well...instead of just randomly jumbling up letters, it mixed up letters...but with similrish sounding someone who doesn't know a language well...isn't going to say 'ywuim' instead of 'horse', but they might say 'jowze; (soft pronounciation of the letter j).

I suppose it would be hard to do this perfectly, but it might be nice if letters were grouped, so vowels were only interchangable for vowels. Then you might have groups like d,t,g,p that all swapped with each other, c, k, x, q...v, w, b, etc etc...Might just make it a tad more realistic?

Bah. I seem to come up with the worst ideas. :/

Quote from: "Beux"
Bah. I seem to come up with the worst ideas. :/

Not really the worst, or bad ideas in general, but I would say I don't like this one much.  Well, because if I don't know anything about language being spoken, I would not be able to group the letters, or get a familiarity from pronounciation at all.  And I think, the code reflects this.
some of my posts are serious stuff

The grouping of the letters would be done by the code...not by the players. It would be automatic...but it's like...people -do not- learn languages by reading in Zalanthas. So they have no idea what the letters are or how they sound...when they start to learn a language - they should be learning the sounds of the words...

So it doesn't make sense when a person who can speak alright allundean get's their words TOTALLY muddled up. I can understand the occassional totally muddled word...because this might convey them using the word for it in their language if they don't know a word...but some of the letter replacements just seem silly.

And also keep in mind that a vowel in one language may not be a vowel in another language, may not have the same sound etc. Heck, some of the languages don't even have vowels I don't think (or consonants).

To see which ones sound like what, I'm pretty sure you can read their helpfile.


help sirihish
help allundean

Check eet out!
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
-Winston Churchill

The language code already does some cool things that you might not have noticed.  ;)

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You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.