Blood Loss and Shock

Started by Forty Winks, August 20, 2006, 11:14:34 PM

I was thinking, after the death of my previous character, about blood loss due from very bad to horrendous wounds from slashing, piercing, and chopping weapons, and perhaps a slight chance with bludgeon that cannot be stopped as easily (internal bleeding/wounds). I thought it would be a neat feature of combat to have a bleeding condition from very large wounds from the mentioned weapon types where after a period of time after being inflicted with the wound, your character's body would go into shock from the loss of blood and lose additional health, the amount depending upon the type and condition of the weapon, as well as the amount of damage inflicted. The bleeding can be stopped by a physician or through certain magickal means.

Not only would this make physicians a much more important role in combat units, it'll also add some extra flavor to those final death scenes where no physician is able to heal the near death wound without a high chance of killing the person, and the character is able to give his final words to those nearby before the attempted surgury or until his body gives out.

Thoughts, suggestions?

the only problem i forsee with this is that they would have to instigate having npc physicians around, other wise what happens when some guy get slashed during off peak hours and all those physician guys are off sleeping or somthing?
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
     -Douglas Adams

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
     -Douglas Adams

There's blood loss code in the game already, Krrx made it years ago and as I recall used it primarily as a behavior modification tool.

It was pretty brutal, I'm not a fan of it.

Quote from: "CRW"There's blood loss code in the game already, Krrx made it years ago and as I recall used it primarily as a behavior modification tool.

It was pretty brutal, I'm not a fan of it.

But that has been disabled, about like, three years ago right?  Because I did not see any blood loss.

And on the topic, daedroug made a good point.  If there are NPC physicans and vivaduans that we can hire to seal our wounds I would support it.   Or, everybody gets to salve the wounds, just physicians get the highest cap.  Both could work for me.
some of my posts are serious stuff

No. As advanced as it is, the code still has the intelligence of a retarded goldfish, and this would account for more silly and stupid deaths than I would like to think about. The blood code is still inflicted unto people by immortals as a "behavior modification" tool. Generally to discourage people from fighting until they're down to 5hp, sleeping, and doing it again.
esperas: I wouldn't have gotten over the most-Arm-players-are-assholes viewpoint if I didn't get the chance to meet any.
   Cegar:   most Arm players are assholes.
   Ethean:   Most arm players are assholes.
     [edited]:   most arm players are assholes

I vote no as well.

Our game has a great many realistic suggestions that are never integrated because they don't turn out to be very playable.  Going to the bathroom, restricted inventory rules, advanced physiology or physics, covering distances, contracting diseases; they are all examples of things this MUD is "loose" on to provide better playability.

The problem with trying to integrate something "realistic" into an unrealistic world like Zalanthas is that you can't just make one change.  

It's like wanting to build a roof.  Seems simple, right?  Some shingles, some nails.  Well, before you can have a roof, you need some walls.  Before the walls, you need some wood.  Before the wood, you need to build a foundation.  Before the foundation you need to buy some land.  Now, all of a sudden, you've got a huge list of things that need to be done before you can even approach the roof without it being an unbalanced pain in the "you know where".

Some aspects of real life just don't translate as well to the current state of the game.


My main concern about things like this has always been the impact to playability.

If you make wounds that cause decreased movement or ongoing hitpoint/stun loss after the initial hitpoint cost of the attack, you reduce the incentive for people to play combat-oriented characters.

What's fun about going into the desert to kill a carru to make your living, then getting your leg hit, and having to drag yourself back to the city with 1/2 your movement (or worse, just dying from shock) due to one unlucky strike? If you end up spending 4 RL hours of cursing and swearing and emoting your way through sandstorms to get back to the city just to get it healed, what's your incentive for going out and doing the exact same thing again every day? Where's the appeal? Consider this especially for people who don't play for 6 hours per day.

I like the idea of justifying physicians. And for diseases or faster healing, I'd be all for it. But making things significantly worse for those who haven't the play times or the funds to alleviate the burdens might sound more fun than it actually is for everyone except for the physician.

Quote from: "Ghost"But that has been disabled, about like, three years ago right?  Because I did not see any blood loss.
As far as I understand, it's a script they attach to a character, as was mentioned by someone else, as a behavior modification tool.  Someone is being unusually unrealistic about reactions to combat?  Slap it on the character and watch him/her change how they behave.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.