Buying Confirmation

Started by Beux, August 01, 2006, 11:28:27 AM

After having just bought something totally useless and expensive by complete accident after using the buy #number system....I really think you should be asked for confirmation before you buy!

Maybe have it so you can toggle it on or off...

"Are you sure you want to by X for ### obsidian coins?"


The ugly dwarf says to you:
"Yeh sure yeh wantin' these berries for 40 'sid?"

Or maybe an option to return the item for the full price within the IG hour or something?

> return 'item'

You return an obsidian couch to an ugly dwarf for 1000 obsidian coins

Would be nice. I KEEP doing this. And realistically...there's no way my char would by an obsidian couch instead of a sack of flour...but I'm stoopid.

I can't be alone in this!

I always do ">view #XX" before I purchase something.

I would love a return command.  It's terrible when you buy a raw good to craft, and find out you can't do anything with it, then sell it back for less than half what you paid.  Maybe the command should only be usable within a set amount of time, and a very short one at that.
*blank* hmms to himself, carefully peeing across the ground.

Quote from: RaesanosI want to kill everyone.

Yeh, like an IG ten minutes or so RL....but I think it would be very useful. And realistic too, if you're still stood in the shop you should be able to say, "Hey, this ain't what I wanted" and swap it back.

I think a confirmation would get annoying fast, unless it was togglable.  Most of the time you don't buy the wrong item, so the confirmation would either be a nuisance or would just be ignored and people would automatically type "yes" immediately after "barter" without waiting to check the response, so they'd misbuy just as often as now.

Quote from: "Hexxaex"I would love a return command.  It's terrible when you buy a raw good to craft, and find out you can't do anything with it, then sell it back for less than half what you paid.  Maybe the command should only be usable within a set amount of time, and a very short one at that.

It is much worse if you buy the wrong thing and can't sell it back at any price.   :x  Some merchants don't buy, so if you buy the wrong thing from them you are stuck with it.  This is especially vexing if you can't find a single NPC in the entire city will buy the item, I've had that happen with containers and furniture items.

I kinda like the idea of returning items . . . but I'm not sure.  Maybe with a "restocking fee" of 10% of the purchase price, because you are wasting the merchant's time and getting your grubby paw prints all over his goods.

One of the things I like to do is break up my money, so I don't have all my money in my inventory when I'm shopping.  If I only have 100 sid (or approximately whatever amount I intend to spend) in my inventory than I am much less likely to make a catastrophic shopping error, because if I accidentally try to buy an expensive item or over-bid on a cheap item the transaction will fail if I don't have enough money in my inventory.  It really sucks if you accidentally buy and expensive item you can't use, I've done that a few times.
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I like this idea.
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

I'd say a return command at 50% what you bought it for. After all, you try it, you buy it. The catch is that all merchants should be able to buy their own stuff right back, even the ones that normally only sell. They'd be profiting to do so. Could have it that when you leave the room, the option to return is over, so the MUD didn't have to memorize too much.

Another neat command would be 'barter check'. Unless there's already a way to do this... ? What I have in mind a price check that doesn't count as a barter attempt. This would be a handy way to check you had the right item, the right merchant, etc.

> barter check
You are bartering with a campy dwarf for a templar-painted codpiece for 1243 coins.
Amor Fati

I like fnord's idea to make it an additional tag to barter.

May not see much use, but then there is something to be like, "Well, I'm sorry you bought that large codpiece when it won't fit your character and he wouldn't have gotten it, but there is code inserted so that sort of thing doesn't happen."

Anyways, i'll shut up.
21sters Unite!

How's this for an idea?

> list
Merchant has these things for trade:
1) a small bag for 10 coins
2) an ivory Templar dildo for 1234 coins
3) a humongeous diamond for 54321 coins

> barter 2
You are now haggling with Merchant for an ivory Templar dildo for 1234 coins.

> buy
You give Merchant a huge pile of coins for an Ivory Templar dildo.

> offer 1000
Merchant will accept 1175 coins for an ivory Templar dildo.

> barter end
You give Merchant a slightly-less-huge pile of coins for an Ivory Templar dildo.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Personally I don't think this is needed nor a good idea.

If you bought the wrong thing then maybe you should slow down, use the view command and make sure it's right before you squander your money.

If you bought something you meant to but turns out you can't use?  All I see is the merchant getting a big grin on his face over a good sale.  You got hussled.

Thumbs down.  Current system is A-ok.
Quote from: ZhairaI don't really have a problem with drugs OR sex
Quote from: MansaMarc's got the best advice.
Quote from: WarriorPoetIf getting loaded and screwing is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

Quote from: "Marc"Personally I don't think this is needed nor a good idea.

If you bought the wrong thing then maybe you should slow down, use the view command and make sure it's right before you squander your money.

If you bought something you meant to but turns out you can't use?  All I see is the merchant getting a big grin on his face over a good sale.  You got hussled.

Thumbs down.  Current system is A-ok.

I agree with Marc here.  The only time I've ever had real trouble was when the merchant in question had 50+ items, as they will occassionally do.  Since I small font setting (9), it sometimes means that numbers will.... move.  Even if I'm staring right at the item I want.  :)

Quote from: "Marc"Personally I don't think this is needed nor a good idea.

If you bought the wrong thing then maybe you should slow down, use the view command and make sure it's right before you squander your money.

If you bought something you meant to but turns out you can't use?  All I see is the merchant getting a big grin on his face over a good sale.  You got hussled.

Thumbs down.  Current system is A-ok.

If you can pick up a pair of pants off a shelf to test if they fit you, why can't you pick up a leather hide and see if you can make armor out of it?  The view command makes it seem like I'm getting a lot of details from the object I want to buy.  ICly, how am I getting that information?  Are Zalanthans naturally good at guessing how things fit or how much they weigh?
*blank* hmms to himself, carefully peeing across the ground.

Quote from: RaesanosI want to kill everyone.

Quote from: "Hexxaex"
Quote from: "Marc"Personally I don't think this is needed nor a good idea.

If you bought the wrong thing then maybe you should slow down, use the view command and make sure it's right before you squander your money.

If you bought something you meant to but turns out you can't use?  All I see is the merchant getting a big grin on his face over a good sale.  You got hussled.

Thumbs down.  Current system is A-ok.

If you can pick up a pair of pants off a shelf to test if they fit you, why can't you pick up a leather hide and see if you can make armor out of it?  The view command makes it seem like I'm getting a lot of details from the object I want to buy.  ICly, how am I getting that information?  Are Zalanthans naturally good at guessing how things fit or how much they weigh?

Maybe the view command should include information about what you can craft with an item.

The grizzled, face-scarred mercenary points to an enourmous battleaxe.

The grizzled, face-scarred mercenary says, in sirihish:
    "Yeh. That's th' shit. Gimme that huge fecking axe."

The stocky dwarven weaponsmith bobs his head.

The grizzled, face-scarred mercenary gives the stocky dwarven weaponsmith a pile of coins in exchange for a pink-handled dagger.

The grizzled, face-scarred mercenary stares at his pink-handled dagger.

Blinking once, the grizzled, face-scarred mercenary says, in sirihish:
    "What th' feck is this?"

The stocky dwarven weaponsmith says, gruffly, in sirihish:
    "Pink dagger."

Snarling, the grizzled, face-scarred mercenary says, in sirihish:
    "I wanted that huge fecking axe!"

The stocky dwarven weaposmith says, stubbornly, in sirihish:
    "Kankshit, fella. You said you wanted that pink dagger."

The grizzled, face-scarred mercenary waves his pink-handled dagger in the air.

The grizzled, face-scarred mercenary exclaims, in sirihish:
     "This is not what I wanted!"

Grunting, the stocky dwarven weaponsmith says, in sirihish:
     "All sales are final, fella."

I like the return command.
Brevity is the soul of wit." -Shakespeare

"Omit needless words." -Strunk and White.

"Simplify, simplify." Thoreau

Let the dwarf not say he wants a pink dagger.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Return is a good idea.  Accidents happen, and sometimes they are -REALLY- OOC.  This would make sense IC, and also help fix OOC mistakes, to keep things even more IC.

People who disagree.. don't use it.  Add a feature, and let it be optional, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it won't be useful for someone else.

If it doesn't break the game, fits IC, and makes sense?  Its a good idea, even if -you specifically- will not use it.
The rugged, red-haired woman is not a proper mount." -- oops

Diealot - Ninja Helper (Too cool for Tags)

Quote from: "Beux"Maybe the view command should include information about what you can craft with an item.

I think it should as well. It is hole for most of the inexperienced, independant merchants out there.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

I'm in favor of either a %100 return command usable within a few seconds in the event that you accidentally buy the wrong thing or a buying confirmation that you can turn on/off with a nosave command.

Yeah, all for this if it could be toggled.  It's annoying to check in triplicate to make sure I don't buy that erdlu bone nipple ring instead of the jasmine-scented sand facial scrub that I really want.
eel the wetness of her tongue that slides across my skin
the viruses crawl over me and feel for some way in

acid bath

In Armageddon, we shun anything that's similar to SOI the least bit, if a suggestion comes about, no matter how good it might sound, or how much it might help the game, it is similar to SOI it is automatically shunned.  This is one of them, along with countless others.  Apparently the elitist players, and *cough* staff, resent simplicity when it comes to gameplay, why we have twenty-two individual commands when it comes to switching around weapons, wielding them in proper hands, and no color.  But I do give them credit, we sure do have lot of origional magic code, even if it takes up three-fourths of the mass of the code, and this mud is magic light *cough*  As far as the suggestion it's great.  It might be implemented, some time.Yeah right they'd fix the crim code before they fixed this.  But expect it to use one hundred and twenty seven commands in the process, when Armageddon staff code, they code to the EXTREME Was that too big? Yeah probably.  That said I love the staff, what they do, I just believe good ideas are good ideas, even if someone did them first, integration is what makes a good mud even better, you resent them because they come from another mud, but we're only plagerizing with white lies, might as well wholy plagerize it then try to cover it up. Huzzah (rant end)
"rogues do it from behind"
Quote[19:40] FightClub: tremendous sandstorm i can't move.
[19:40] Clearsighted: Good
[19:41] Clearsighted: Tremendous sandstorms are gods way of saving the mud from you.

Quote from: "FightClub"In Armageddon, we shun anything that's similar to SOI the least bit, if a suggestion comes about, no matter how good it might sound, or how much it might help the game, it is similar to SOI it is automatically shunned.  This is one of them, along with countless others.  Apparently the elitist players, and *cough* staff, resent simplicity when it comes to gameplay, why we have twenty-two individual commands when it comes to switching around weapons, wielding them in proper hands, and no color.  But I do give them credit, we sure do have lot of origional magic code, even if it takes up three-fourths of the mass of the code, and this mud is magic light *cough*  As far as the suggestion it's great.  It might be implemented, some time.Yeah right they'd fix the crim code before they fixed this.  But expect it to use one hundred and twenty seven commands in the process, when Armageddon staff code, they code to the EXTREME Was that too big? Yeah probably.  That said I love the staff, what they do, I just believe good ideas are good ideas, even if someone did them first, integration is what makes a good mud even better, you resent them because they come from another mud, but we're only plagerizing with white lies, might as well wholy plagerize it then try to cover it up. Huzzah (rant end)

You know what Fight? I partially agree with you for once.

I've never heard of SOI. :( Idea din't come from there. Came from buyin' somethin' by accident that cost all my 'sid then nasty dwarf said. "I don't buy that shit." when I tried to sell it back.

Quote from: "Beux"I've never heard of SOI. :( Idea din't come from there. Came from buyin' somethin' by accident that cost all my 'sid then nasty dwarf said. "I don't buy that shit." when I tried to sell it back.

Same here, Beux.  I have no idea what SOI is.  I've been playing this game for around 6 years and I still make mistakes on a regular enough occasion to vote for this bit of code you're proposing.