Where did you start out?

Started by Antigone, April 13, 2006, 07:47:18 PM

Challengermud - The Final Challenge - Everquest - World of Warcraft - Armageddon
he two-page description man has arrived from the west.

Dragon Court freeform chatrooms -> Utopia roleplaying forum -> dabbling in various MUDs -> Armageddon

PS1---->PS2---->Gamecube---->DS---->The Sims---->X-Box---->Armageddon

But in no specific order.  I've always been a gamer but I never was into MUDs until my husband introduced me and I've been hooked on Arm since the first day I really tried it out.

Role playing in chat rooms->Dragon Realms->Achaea->Arm

1995 or so: Downloaded the CircleMUD code. Compiled it on Linux on my, like, 386.  Made a few rooms.  Got bored with it.  I actually hadn't played any MUDs to a significant degree that I recall.

Summer 2000: had absolutely no clue what my major professor wanted me to do. Looked for a Circle/Diku MUD.  Took my mage up 40 painful levels on Aaezure Odyssey before I got smart and started multiplaying with a cleric.

Somewhere in there, I distinctly remember visiting Armageddon.  I apped a character, got approved, stepped outside the bar, and was promptly lost in a blinding sandstorm. Gave up.

2006: Found Arm again. Apped a character. Entered the 'rinth.  Apped another character...

Darkemud --> a bunch of clones of Darkemud --> Clandestine --> several years of not mudding because I was sick to death of hack and slash --> Armageddon
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Excalibur -> Kallisti -> YAMud -> Worlds of Carnage -> Arm -> The Masquerade -> Arm.


Last Outpost...Carrion Fields...doomMUD...Europa...Europa II...Armageddon

Crimson MUD II --> Accursed Lands --> Armageddon

(Something I won't name here) -> AOL Chatrooms -> Dragon Spires -> The Eternal City both before and after it moved to Skotos/Some other skotos games -> Armageddon -> Achaea -> Armageddon.

I tried a bunch of others out in the meantime. Basically, I couldn't take any other game as seriously after experiencing Arm. I'd look around and go, "Psh. This isn't harsh. Look at this grassy knoll. Look at the trees. Look at the water. This guy's bowing to me. And I already have a silver sword. What the hell is this?"

You probably can imagine for yourselves.
"The most important thing is to find out what is the most important thing." -- Shunryu Suzuki

relams of fandra ---> Cities of Mdhoria ---> SOI ----> Armageddon

That's a steady indcrease from hack and slash to RPI.... Wonder if I'll end up in a MUSH next..?
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Perilous Realms -> Edge of Darkness -> Arm -> long hiatus -> UO (sorta) ->Arm -> EQ:OA (sorta) -> Arm

-- X

Darklord ==> Godwars ==> Combo Dbz's (odd highschool phase) ==> SWR's  ==> Age of Legends ==> SOI  ==> Harshlands ==> Arm

Yeah Darklord was the first mud I played back in high school.
Then I went to godwars muds, where I learned most of my pk skillz.
Dbz muds were an odd phase, went through everything from circle to mux.
SWR was my first taste of rp, kidnapping space queens, stealing space ships, rape and pillage all the way.
Age of Legends was pretty classic, was the first RPI I played.  Some crazy shit happened there, I'm -still- banned from that game.  Something about using vampire powers on little girl npc's and sending in logs (oops)
SOI sucks.
Harshlands I played for quite a while, still do sometimes, but the pbase is dying.
ARM my current home, I love you, I hate you...but I'm here, like a nasty case of scabies.
"rogues do it from behind"
Quote[19:40] FightClub: tremendous sandstorm i can't move.
[19:40] Clearsighted: Good
[19:41] Clearsighted: Tremendous sandstorms are gods way of saving the mud from you.

I tried RetroMud for about a month, then moved on to Armageddon. Basically my first MUD was Arm. Talking about a learning curve, heh... but the immersion of the game is so amazing, so I'm still stuck here.
oyal slave of Crackageddon since 2004.

Alien Vs Predator Mud, Retro Mud, Achea dreams of divine lands, Shadows of Isuilder,  Grendels Revenge,Carrion fields,  Armageddon

Threshold -> Armageddon.

With a brief overlap in between before realizing where my real interest lay.

Oh yeah, and my very first MUD experience was Aliens vs Predator, haha. I'm so not counting that.

I never tried a MUD until I played Armageddon, so there is no tree of previous lovers for me. I did play UO before Armageddon, so if those things count, then:

UO -> Armageddon
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Armageddon is my first mud ever. I feel very sorry now for the people that had to put up with my first character because I was sooooo lost. The first time I logged in, I didn't understand the command for how to walk, (and yes, I did read the help files first, but I thought you had to type "walk west" which obviously didn't work). Once I figured that out, I got lost, couldn't figure out how to log out, freaked out and had to call my friend who'd introduced me to the mud to find out what the hell I had to type in order to quit. Sad. I'd say it took me about 1-2yrs to really feel like I had most of the commands down.

But you are still here. Thank you, for the blood.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


I am. That's why it's called Crackageddon.  :)

DaShadow's (a.k.a. Dark Shadow's) MUD for about 6 months, then Armageddon for the past 13.5 years.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Farside (was an imm, wrote zones) -> Blue Facial / PK Mud -> Arm

I blame Quantum Binary for introducing me to Armageddon.  I still remember being at his place and him showing me Armageddon.

#BLKDRAGON*INN IRC Freeform --> Sojourn/TorilMUD--> DarkeMUD--> Ascension--> Forever's End RPI (Wade dynasty)--> The X-Files MUD--> Faerun.com (pre-Rauvyon)--> Forever's End RPI (Duke dynasty)--> Xyllomer--> OtherSpace MUSH--> Shadows of Isildur--> Armageddon.

Underlight, eternal city, castle of marrach, accursed lands, threshold, crossroads vr1, and finally armageddon.

I find underlight and armageddon best roleplaying experiences.

Crossroads vr1 and Accursed Lands are games of extremely good possibilities. But Crossroads was a mud with a special client that was ment to be pay to play, but never got out of beta and then got closed downn, it was probably the most interesting and well crafted mud I ever played in. Accursed Lands is very advanced in terms of code, Armageddon alas cant even come close to some of the nice features that AL has. But ... no matter how GMs try, they cant get the rp qualitiy of Armageddon.

ChaosMUD -> { MPV/MC/etc emlen crap; Sojourn/Toril/Basternae/Duris/etc; VampWars/etc kavir crap; Sanctuary/etc } -> PKMud -> arm
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]