Where did you start out?

Started by Antigone, April 13, 2006, 07:47:18 PM

I remember playing diablo II for hours and hours, day and night.. Then i discovered armmud and i started playing it night&day, i was playing it just like diablo at the beginning, but it was still fun cause PK is funn and brings satisfaction!

I started on a MUD called DaShadow's (basic DIKU Hack N Slash).  That MUD, Armageddon, and Arctic all had a room you could go in that was 'linked' to the other MUD's and chat with people from all three.  While in the room for DaShadow's, someone from Armageddon convinced me to come try it.  I never turned back.  That was in about 1992.  Came on staff in 1993.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Ultima Online, a game that was great and went more and more down the shitter with each new edition. Now instead of the original 2 worlds I beleive it's somewhere around 8 or something. From there I went to playing HL counter strike and starcraft, as far as muds I toyed with a White Wolf mud to get my vamp: masquerade fix and later a friend of mine at school turned me onto armageddon one day in class. Only been WoW and Arm since.
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

Kitmud(builder/imm) - Dark castle - Arm
Malifaxis has UBER board skills

Mmm...Started about 10 years ago.

1. "Teneria & Ayenee" - Yahoo Chat RP  :oops:

Someone from there introduced me to:

2. Illusions of the Mind (tiny little hack and slash)

Played there for YEARS AND YEARS, it got crappy for a while so I went to:

3. Clandestine (Whoo, Cuusardo!)

Stopped *playing* muds and hopped between IOM & Cland building and imm'ing. Tried Furcadia at one point too, it was awful. Then another staff member from IOM introduced me to:

4. Arm!! And now I'm here to stay. Once I get out of my solo-rp burn-out slump.

Almost exactly ten years ago I started roleplaying on a MUSH based on the "Wheel of Time" series. I met my now-husband there.

After that MUSH closed down, I really didn't do any kind of online gaming or RP until Star Wars Galaxies opened in 2003. I remember being really intimidated by the thought of virtual "combat," because I really suck at video games. SWG attracted me because there were lots of non-combat things to do...I could play an entertainer, or a crafter, or many other things. But I really got into SWG once I created my completely awesome Imperial doctor officer chick. She was a total loyalist, ambitious in her career, conducted biological experiments on Rebel prisoners, did combat support for Imperial forces...mmm yummy. I was regarded as one of the best doctors on the server, for my better-than-anyone ability to buff other characters with the meds I crafted with my characters' own two little hands, and also because I just kicked ass at healing my teammates during combat. Later I also became an uber swordswoman and happily wielded some of the best weapons on the server, crafted by my own wonderful husband's Imperial officer / weaponsmith character. So I had gone from being intimidated by combat to enjoying it a fair bit.

We really, really tried to focus on RP in SWG. We founded a roleplay city, the only one on our server. We ran RP events and plots. I was "famous" as the figurehead of roleplayers on our server. "Oh wow, you're THAT person?!" But once holocrons came into the game...and you know what I mean if you played SWG at the time...everything went downhill fast. All the "roleplayers" went out and started "grinding professions," just like everyone else, in order to maybe unlock their Jedi character. There was just no roleplay to be found anymore, because no one had any time for it.

After the SWG debacle, my husband and I switched to EQ2 when it opened. And I tried to start roleplay stuff up there on one of the "unofficial" roleplay servers. Events, plots, an RP guild...but I became convinced that real roleplay, real character development, can't happen in an environment where it's not required. It's just too easy to slip out of character, lack of permadeath means nothing is scary, lots of alt characters means I can go do something else when I get bored or happily twink myself, etc. Roleplay in MMOs now means "look at the new outfit my character got" and "hey baby, let's get virtually married."

Feeling starved for roleplay and being generally interested in virtual world theory, I was cruising around the 'net one day, reading something on Raph Koster's blog...and stumbled across a reference to ARM. "Huh, interesting," I thought. "May as well check it out, even though I'm not sure I'll like a text-based environment again..."
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

Armageddon Mud... It was a bit gorish at the start.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

The Eternal City -----> Elendor ------>Armageddon

plus a dozen or so muds that I never got into. Those are the three that I had long lasting characters (well not long lasting with Arm) and actually had fun with, untill TEC when pay for play. Still play Elendor.
QuoteYou are neither hungry nor thirsty.
You are totally plastered.

Started with Armageddon. Tried probably a good seventy to a hundred other muds over the next 5 years. Stayed with Armageddon. Heh.

I remember my first char still, I believe he began his life by attacking the first dwarf he saw for loot. It happened to be an NPC dwarven miner that destroyed him in like, two rounds of combat with bare hands. Heh.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

My VERY first character, when I was fresh from H/S MUDs attacked a mul. With bare fists.

I thought, 'hey look, a slave, they must be weak'. BAM!

This thread is still going, well shit son...  And that's not nearly as bad as my first day on SOI, I attacked a guard so I could level up.  Apparently there was no leveling up to do, just hard time in jail, then the mines later, as I was a repeat offender.
"rogues do it from behind"
Quote[19:40] FightClub: tremendous sandstorm i can't move.
[19:40] Clearsighted: Good
[19:41] Clearsighted: Tremendous sandstorms are gods way of saving the mud from you.

Wow, I've had a long road to Armageddon, past and back again. I always come back to Arm. I have no idea if the order of these are correct, but these are just some I remember.

Lambdamoo --> Sprawl Moo ---> The Great Hunt MUD ---> Sanctuary MUD ----> Various other hack and slash muds, including an imm spot/builder on a few that were in progress, but never amounted to much ---> a Wheel of Time MUSH or MUD or something that was roleplay required, maybe the one mentioned above, although the code didn't enforce anything ---> Armageddon (that brings me up to about 10 years ago) ---> Ultima Online ---- Dark Age of Camelot --- various other MMORPHS ----> Armageddon (about five years ago) ---> other various online games including FF and Warcraft ----> Armageddon (this brings me to now). This is the first time I've stopped playing and started back and not had my favorite city destroyed or some other crushing detail that made it even harder to get started again. I always seem to come back.

Ladies and gents, we're still alive
By the skin of our teeth, now it's killing time
Angel in our pocket, devil by our side
We ain't going nowhere, cuz' heroes never die!"

Blood of Heroes - Megadeth

SillyMUD -----> Apocalypse -----> PernMUSH -----> DuneMUSH -----> SillyMUD (Revisited) -----> ArmageddonMUD

Even though I was an ignorant turd when I came to Arm (not a feces....that's Dyrinis's department *grin*), I knew I'd found home after just two days of Arm.  Been here ever since.  Not interested in any other MU*

Tried Harshlands once (at a friend's behest)  Bleah!
Tried LOTR MU once (at a friend's behest)  *snore*
-Naatok the Naughty Monkey

My state of mind an inferno. This mind, which cannot comprehend. A torment to my conscience,
my objectives lost in frozen shades. Engraved, the scars of time, yet never healed.  But still, the spark of hope does never rest.

Thus far, Armageddon has been the only mud that I've truly played.  Shes a tough gal, but shes mine and there'll never be another!

Epitome->Aldara I(H/S)->Sanctuary->The Dominion->PK Mud->Arm.....

Needless to say, I remember Armageddon when it was a hack and slash.  Shit, does that make me old or Armageddon old??
dropped everything and held my breath. This could not be happening. This was not my life. I began panting, all alone in a locked cubicle in a half-decent restaurant in France with a dead tapeworm hanging out my ass.

Gemstone -> Avatar -> Oblivion (and someone said Dawn of Time was original, ha!) -> Armageddon.

Played many, many, many muds before and after, but Armageddon is still the bestest!  Special thanks to a few people from Oblivion for turning me onto Armageddon as it was going down.
Tryin' to make friends but people are jerks,
So I'm gonna put some fleas on you.
And the fleas'll have the plague,
And they'll make you cough a lot,
Then you'll be too sick to hurt my feelings anymore.

Started mudding with Arm and have never left. Still a console gamer, but as far as muds (or whatever) go, Arm is the one and only.
Fear not death, for it is your destiny.



Then some other crappy muds then arm.

My monster thread has been growing nicely, I see.


Quote from: "Antigone"My monster thread has been growing nicely, I see.


too bad your manhood has failed to follow it.
"rogues do it from behind"
Quote[19:40] FightClub: tremendous sandstorm i can't move.
[19:40] Clearsighted: Good
[19:41] Clearsighted: Tremendous sandstorms are gods way of saving the mud from you.

Legend of the Red Dragon --> Barren Realms Elite --> Usurper --> Fourlands (I was an assassin turned emporer before the game closed) --> Armageddon

Legend of the Red Dragon, Barren Realms Elite, and Usurper probably don't count, but that is where my online gaming craze took root.

Fourlands and Armageddon I have traded on and off over the last eight years (if memory serves me right).

Fourlands was interesting. I was an assassin with the goal of killing the emporer, and in the end, the emporer handed me the throne to go on a quest for an artifact my character had.

Now I am here on Arm! I wonder how far I can take an assassin here?

Armageddon. period. This isn't my first RP, but it's my first MUD. All my other RPs have been free-form, forum or IM style. Nothing code-based other than like, Morrowind.
...so instead of stealing an uneaten one, like a normal person, I decided I wanted the one already in her mouth."

Best movies EVAR:
1. Boondock Saints
2. Green Street Hooligans
3. Fight Club

Norman Reedus is my hero.

Quote from: "HarborGeek"
Legend of the Red Dragon, Barren Realms Elite, and Usurper probably don't count, but that is where my online gaming craze took root.

But they are awesome.

Iron realms-->gemstone--->whispers of time lost--->SoL---->here

Dragon's Gate - Gemstone - Armageddon
I'd rather be lucky than good.