Misc. Crap

Started by rishenko, April 12, 2006, 09:34:03 AM

Simple really, I would like to have command emotes added for "get" and "put".

Example of get (put would work the same):
get steel cloak (Rummaging through his pockets with a pensive expression)

Rummaging through pockets with a pensive expression, the rugged man of mystery gets a pair of steel balls from his clichéd color shifting cloak of creative coloring.

Secondly, I would like to have an addition made to psi, such that you can tag emotions or feelings without resorting to the use of asterix or equality signs.

Example of psi feelings:
psi (abject fear and dread) You gave me -which- bottle?  Krath, you mean to tell me that I just gave Chosen Lord Prissy Pants perained belshun wine!?

You send a telepathic message containing thoughts of abject fear and dread to the ultra thin, pale, sneaky assassin: "You gave me -which- bottle?  Krath, you mean to tell me that I just gave Chosen Lord Prissy Pants perained belshun wine!?"

The ultra thin, pale, sneaky assassin sends you a telepathic message containing thoughts swirling with mirth:
    "Oooooh, did I get the bottles mixed up?  So sorry, love."

How about we just put emote-power on everything.  EVERYTHING.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Seems like that's the idea.

I can live with that.

Including the commands shoot and throw.
[] for the aiming message
() for the firing message

shoot duskhorn e [notching the arrow, drawing and lifting ~bow in a single fluid motion] (with a final squint towards the east)

Notching the arrow, drawing and lifting you bow of doom in a single fluid motion, you take aim at your target...

With a final squint towards the east, you fire a small-headed, agafari arrow south.

I'd rather keep it as-is.
"The most important thing is to find out what is the most important thing." -- Shunryu Suzuki

Get and put would be nice to have tag-on emotes for, but I'd much rather see the emotion trasmits for psi. Yes, I know we can do it now with *anger seeping through his thoughts* or whatever, but I hate entering a command like that and having it come out looking like AIM roleplaying. It's nickpicky, I know, but it irks me. I don't even mind when other people send me messages with emotes like that. But if I do it, I suddenly feel like a giant tool. I dunno why.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

I'd like command emotes for mount and dismount most of all. Because I keep on emoting something about climbing into the saddle, riding off into the sunset... and leaving my kank behind. Because I didn't actually mount the damn thing.

I would like to see the emoting ability applied to each and every command in the game. I absolutely love the storytelling power it gives you.

When the emote ability is lent to kick, I would like to see a generic kick message, like, "You kick the man", or, "Your kick misses the man". Then, dwarven players could avoid the kicking a giant in the head syndrom.

Spinning on the ball of his left foot and aiming for his shin, the gaunt dwarf kicks the monsterous giant, his teeth bared as he snarls.

Spinning on the ball of his left foot and aiming for his shin, the gaunt dwarf's kick misses the monsterous giant, his teeth bared as he snarls.

Admit it. That's pretty.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Purely my opinion, and I am well aware that a majority of armageddon players may very much disagree, but:

If you get this code, I want a brief command so I can choose not to see it.

Because I don't give a tinkers damn about whether you're rummaging around in your pack if you get something out of it.

It's bad enough that getting a piece of bread out of a backpack in Tuluk is a three line affair now, much less throwing on another two lines of relatively pointless atmosphere by adding an emote to it.


Sorry, I disagree, but that was a funnyass example.

Are you saying, then, that you would rather see:

The ghost-eyed, black-toothed PC reachs around himself, tugging his yellow-crested, leather pack around so that he can peer into it.

The ghost-eyed, black-toothed PC gets a many-colored, translucent crystal from his yellow-crested, leather pack.

The ghost-eyed, black-toothed PC grins broadly, letting his yellow-crested, leather pack swing back to its position.


Reaching around and tugging his pack around so that he can peer into it, the ghost-eyed, black-toothed PC gets a many-colored, translucent crystal from his yellow-crested, leather pack, then lets it swing back to its position.

Nah, I didn't think so.

It's much more fluid to have emotes attachable to all the commands.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


While I'm instinctively inclined to disagree with davien right off the bat, I can understand where he's coming from. Any of these things can be annoying and unnecessary if overdone.

However, all in all, I still have to disagree. I do care how people are eating and drinking. I love being able to visualize all coded actions (this is my agreeing with Venomz) as part of a scene. It's a beautiful thing when a bar scene comes together into something I feel like I'm watching from a bird's eye, with that rinthi girl gnawing on her travel cake and staring at the juicy steak that some Wyvern is carelessly tearing into while that northerner beside them slowly nurses his ale, trying to avoid speaking up as much as possible.

Ahem. Sorry. I just love that stuff.

As an example, I had the pleasure of playing with a very fine emoter a couple of character's back. When removing a sword from his backpack, he placed a very nice, very descriptive emote about how the sword's blade was leather wrapped and tied to one side of his backpack. It was suddenly a real thing for me to see, making it easier to stay fully IC, rather than him just jerking a bastard sword out of his diminutive knapsack. Tag on emotes would encourage this and avoid the extra spam of emote-coded action-emote.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

I have a fast-forward button now...
After one last character, I realised sometimes I slow other players and the scene down emoting _everything_.. So now I fast-forward anything not so important for the scene.. Like, let's say..

You, your defiler friend and a nilazi sit there.. All of you have demons summoned, guarding the only entrance. You're speaking about the world domination and you get thirsty. What do you type? "remo skin;drink skin;wear skin".. Why? It's unimportant compared to what you RP at that moment.

Fast-forward buttons are good.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

I would warn everyone here that the more emote ability we get attached to our actions, Armageddon becomes in serious danger of being polluted with a great deal of smug.  Especially those players who actually regularly use an emote on every single action.  I won't mention other games where people do paragraph long emotes to every action and literally make you wait between five minutes to have a simple response to a simple question in a simple conversation (but if you pay any attention to my posts, you'll notice I have bashed said nameless games in the past)  The point is, help fight smug, accept increasing technology without the expectation that  using it makes you somehow better.

A message from your pretension protection agency.

Note: the author of this message is by no means claiming originality for it.

I think I should clarify my disdain, here.

I would rather see the coders of Armageddon put their time into making code changes that -really- add something into the game than adding Yet Another place for people to "emote" and make me read 75 lines of content to find out 5 lines of actually useful and interesting stuff.

Unless being able to emote while getting something out of a pack or putting something into a pack (discounting sleight of hand, which is coded), what contribution does this add to plots or other affectable areas of the game?

Or is it just more shit to read?

I'm game for making things look pretty, but when it comes to things that affect -gameplay- (like the godawful scroll rate, the insanely long descriptions, and unneccessarily complicated command syntaxes), I'm more prone to vote that someone spend their time coding more cool spells, more areas to explore, or just spend that time fostering way cool plots in game than coding this kind of thing.

And again, I know all ya'll disagree.  And I don't care.  It needs to be said.

I thought the idea behind having command emotes was to REDUCE the amount of text associated with an action...

Isn't a command + emote on one line better than a command and an emote on two lines?

Except that I have to read through a paragraph to figure out who put what where.  Whereas, if it's three separate lines, I can scan for keywords and be done with it.


Looking away from the fustian pymlithe-pink-eyed man to smirk wryly at the sesquipedalian agafari-eyed man, the sesquipedalian carru-brown haired guy gets a small piece of mouldy baked dry wheat bread from a gray-fringed, green-tasselled carru leather belt-pouch.


the sesquipedalian carru-brown haired guy looks away from the fustian pymlithe-pink-eyed man to smirk wryly at the sesquipedalian agafari-eyed man.

the sesquipedalian carru-brown haired guy gets a piece of mouldy baked dry wheat bread from a gray-fringed, green tasselled carru leather belt-pouch.

vs (with a better brief)

the sesquipedalian carru-brown haired guy looks away from the fustian pymlithe-pink-eyed man to smirk wryly at the sesquipedalian agafari-eyed man.

the sesquipedalian carru-brown haired guy gets bread from his belt-pouch.

Now, which of these three do YOU want to read 15 of in the Inn?

God forbid that when we're playing a text game, we might have to read a bit.

Quote from: "ale six"God forbid that when we're playing a text game, we might have to read a bit.
I can see people's complaints at having to read a lot in an overcrowded tavern. But if you're in an overcrowded tavern, ignore everything except the two or three people you're talking to.

A somewhat valid point I suppose.

Maybe things could be changed so that when ANSI color is enabled, the coded parts of a emoted command show up bold, like how damage recipients are currently.

Edit: for example...

Doing something really cool with his fingers, the guy with an sdesc gets a pair of bone dice from his ebony pouched belt, smiling smugly all the while.

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"Doing something really cool with his fingers, the guy with an sdesc gets a pair of bone dice from his ebony pouched belt, smiling smugly all the while.
This is possible to do with good mud clients, such as MUSHClient.

I say put it in..

You can always chose not to use command emotes.