
Started by DesertT, April 02, 2006, 06:34:20 PM

It would be nice if once you bartered a merchant down, you could TRADE for an item of equal to or greater value of the NEW price.

For example...Let's say I have a cloak that merchant is willing to pay 200 for and he has a vest that is listed at 210.  If I talk him down to 200 or less, I should be able to trade straight up for my cloak, but that's not the case currently.  Doesn't matter how low I talk him down on his vest, he still won't trade for my 200 'sid cloak.

Also, I'd like to be able to trade multiple items for one.  Example here.
I have a cloak that he's willing to pay 60 for, and pants that he's willing to pay 40 for.  I want to be able to trade both my cloak and my pants for that shirt that he's selling for 100.   :D

As is, either YOU have to have enough 'sid to make this trade possible, or HE does.  I think it would be nice if neither of you HAD to have the 'sid, and could just trade straight out.
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

I dig.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


I think in a society like Zalanthas there would be a lot more bartering of goods than there is, especially for the poor class.  I've suggested something like this before and think it would be fantastic.

Assuming merchant's have an across the board markup of say, 50% on items then the trade you gave as an example means that the merchant is trading an item he paid 100 sid for for an item he'd pay 200 sid for which he could then mark up to 400.

Additionally I think merchants would trade for items at a higher value than they'd pay for them.  Looking at it from the merchant's point of view they are, on one hand, either trading one item out of their inventory for a higher value one without affecting their on-hand coins or they are depleting their coins and adding another item to their on-hand inventory which they may or may not sell.  Trading goods for goods keeps the merchant from increasing his risks while simultaneously increasing his potential for profit.

So either the merchant offers you 100 sid for an item he'll try to sell for 200 or will trade you a 110 sid item for an item he'll try to sell for 200.

I like the idea a lot.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Venomz stated my reply before I ever read this.
The lauramarsian, female human is standing here, patiently.

You think:
 "She almost makes it too easy..."

This post was most likely written by a belligerent drunk, please chase with salt.