Quirk in the "talk" command.

Started by Galdun, January 24, 2006, 01:04:38 AM

I've noticed recently that when I use the talk command, something obnoxious occurs.  I don't know if its been brought up before, but here it goes...

When you use most emotes, the emote will catch you if you misplaced a capital letter.

For instance:

emote Runs through the streets jumping for joy.

-the code will spit back out...

The figure in a red cloak runs through the streets jumping for joy.

- Tell and Say work fine because they generally begin with the emote part if you choose to use it.  If you the player type, say (Watching his every move)... the emote comes out fine with the capital in the correct place...


When using the talk command, The emote is placed after the initial bit alerting people that your character is speaking.

Talk (Rolling his eyes) Blah blah blah...

- the code spits out...

At your table, the figure in the red cloak speaks in sirihish, Rolling his eyes, "Blah blah blah..."

That capital letter is midly jarring.  And the only reason I bring it up is because it seems like a simple, simple fix.  I'm guilty of this all the time, and I instinctively type with capital letters at the opening which are usually caught by the code.  Anybody else annoyed by this?

Yep.  I notice the same with the unimbedded feel command too.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

The code will already give proper capitalization to what you put in your emotes, so I simply do everything in lower case and things get along fine.
Also, sometimes you do need to have a capital letter at the beginning of that emote.

At a large, stone-circled campfire, the addled Whiran speaks, in sirihish, Whira accenting his speech with gusts of long, rolling drawls:

Yeah.  So, uh, it can be done, some of the times.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure the code eliminates capitals all throughout most emotes, even if they do involve yer filthy magicker terms.  Even if you try to capitalize the moons when involving them in your emotes, the code generally turns Jihae into jihae.  The talk command didn't always have that bug because I've always had that capital letter instinct and it wasn't like that a while back.

I've only really noticed it recently, and frankly, I've gotten used to it.  It never really seemed like a big deal to me.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure that the code preserves how you put your capitals in.  There is only one instance where the MUD forces you to change a letter, and that is when the emote begins on a new sentence.  When an emote begins on a new sentence, it will force a capitalization.  As far as I can tell, it will never ever force a smaller case letter or upper case letter in any other instance.  The only other quirk of the MUD is that will force a period at the end of an emote unless you put your own punctuation in.

If you type:

"emote looks up at Suk-Krath.  longley he sigh"
The dude looks up at Suk-Krath.  longley he sighs.

If you type:
emote with a grunt, @ scratches his head.  he then rolls over and falls asleep
With a grunt, the dude scratches his head.  he then rolls over and falls asleep.

The rules it forces are:  
- Capital letter if what you are emoting begins a new stance.  
- Period if what you emote ends a sentance but doesn't have puncutation (note that talk DOESN'T end a full sentance in the emoting piece).

As for what it doesn't do:
-It won't force capital letters after periods within something you emote.
-It will not remove capital letters ever.

Embedded emotes are different, Rindan...but in normal emotes, yes, the code preserves capitalization.

In embedded emotes, it is simply easier to NOT capitalize unless something should be, like Rindan's 'Suk-Krath' example.  The code WILL capitalize as appropriate.  For example...

> em sitting here, @ spits at a passing elf.

...will result in...
Sitting here, the dude in his PJ's spits at a passing elf.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.