
Started by Vesperas, December 28, 2005, 10:46:40 PM

I have no idea about whether or not this has been suggested before, but I think it would be nice to have a 'show' command.

Syntax: 'show <thing> [target]'

It would essentially show the description of the object being shown to the target(s).  Possible "targets" could also be tables, bars, benches, or other such things where there are multiple people sitting.

It would make a good RP element for someone playing a bartering PC, or someone wanting to show off that cool trophy they don't want other people to scum up with their grimy little hands.

Most things in the game can be held or otherwise equipped.

It's then possible for someone else do to this:

> look man's trophy

So there's small need, really.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

I definitely like this. It could avoid lots (well, some) spam on the screen. Would love to see it implemented.
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
-Winston Churchill

Holding an item does the trick already.  I don't see any need to code anything additional.
some of my posts are serious stuff

Can you hold any item you want? *Tries it* Oh....

Still like the idea, though I guess there's no real need for it. Though, it would be good because the person you're showing an item to doesn't always know you want them to look at the item in hand. So no real need, but would be neat nonetheless.
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
-Winston Churchill

I think it would be a great command.  I recall at one point I had an elf who was trying to sell a very expensive helm.  I couldn't hold the damn helm and I couldn't put it on.  The only way I had to show it was to hand it over to the guy.  The same goes for a grain of spice I was trying to sell.  I couldn't possibily 'show' the spice without handing it over.

Sure, it isn't life or death and more of a mild irritation, but I don't see how a show command could possibly hurt.

Quote from: "Rindan"I think it would be a great command.  I recall at one point I had an elf who was trying to sell a very expensive helm.  I couldn't hold the damn helm and I couldn't put it on.  The only way I had to show it was to hand it over to the guy.  The same goes for a grain of spice I was trying to sell.  I couldn't possibily 'show' the spice without handing it over.

Sure, it isn't life or death and more of a mild irritation, but I don't see how a show command could possibly hurt.

helms should be holdable. that's an outrage! Should bug something like that next time. Some helms -are- holdable.

but this is an instance where 'show' would benefit the situation.
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

Anything equipped--worn or held--can be looked at by another person.  So you can emote showing them your doodad, and they can then look at it.

look templar's signet
look dwarf's thong

So if I understand this suggestion, the proposed difference is that you could force someone to look at your doodad.  And in my personal opinion (which is not an official staff stance) you should never force an action or reaction on another character.
Nyr: newbs killing newbs
Nyr: hot newb on newb violence
Ath: Mmmmmm, HOT!

Quote from: "Vanth"Anything equipped--worn or held--can be looked at by another person.  So you can emote showing them your doodad, and they can then look at it.

look templar's signet
look dwarf's thong

So if I understand this suggestion, the proposed difference is that you could force someone to look at your doodad.  And in my personal opinion (which is not an official staff stance) you should never force an action or reaction on another character.

The problem is that not all things are equipable.  My poor elven merchant ran into this problem ALL of the time.  I would have a sword, but couldn't equip it because my strength was too low.  I would have a helm, but couldn't wear it because it is too big.  That, or I would have something that simply doesn't have a hold tag like a grain of spice or an odd little statue.  The only way to show these items is to take your hands off of it and give it to the other person.

As far as 'forcing' a show, it is trivial to ignore a forced show.

You say in Sirhihsh,
"Check out my new sword!"

You show your curved sword of d00m to Amos

Amos says in Sirhihsh, turning his head and looking away,
"I am not looking until you apologies for calling me a dirty half-breed!"

Sure, you 'forced' Amos to see the description, but it is trivial to RP that you didn't see it.  It isn't any more forced then emoting sticking your tongue out at someone's back.  Obviously they will see it on their screen, but like any good RPer they will simply ignore it.

In my opinion, any object that your character is capable of lifting should be able to be 'held' so that you can display it to those that want to look at it.  If it is not 'holdable,' my first instinct would be to bug the item.

Is this an appropriate thing to do, Staff?
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Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Absolutely. If you think something should be holdable and isn't, bug/typo/idea it.
You give your towering mound of dung to the inordinately young-spirited Shalooonsh.
the inordinately young-spirited Shalooonsh sends:
     "dude, how'd you know I was hungry and horny?"