
Started by HunterKiller, October 16, 2005, 06:56:07 PM

Where in the docos does it discuss the age ranges for races as to when they're "young", young adult, adult, mature, etc.?  I remember seeing them on character creation but can't find them in the docs and I'd rather not kill off my little turd to figure it out.  :-)

Thanks and stuff.

- HK
- HK

I wouldn't mind seeing that if there's a doc for it.  Oh and never make an older character if you care about stats. Just a warning.
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

All I know about is the aging helpfile:
QuoteAging  (Character)  

As citizens of Zalanthas gain years of existence, their bodies begin to change to conform to their age. Generally, a person will grow stronger and tougher from adolescence until they hit their prime, gradually increasing their stamina and endurance. After this peak, they will begin to lose that strength and health slowly. Wisdom nearly peaks early in life and increases slowly until death, and agility peaks in adolescence and slowly decreases into old age.

Following is a list of the average lifespan of members of each race on Zalanthas, in Zalanthan years:

Mantises    24    Half-giants 82  
Muls          60    Elves         92  
Humans     68    Dwarves  100  
Half-elves  76    Halflings   120  

Note that all races develop proportionally to their average lifespans, so a 30 year old halfling would be in roughly the same stage of development as a 17 year old human.

But that doesn't tell you when you go from young to adult to mature to ancient (or whatever the order is).  A few times I've thought I was creating an adult but it turned out to be young, which can be akward.
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Along similar lines, I seem to remember that if you had started a young character, his stats wouldn't adjust properly, so that young characters who reached adult in-game had lower stats overall than characters who were started as adults. Was this ever fixed?

Quote from: "jstorrie"Along similar lines, I seem to remember that if you had started a young character, his stats wouldn't adjust properly, so that young characters who reached adult in-game had lower stats overall than characters who were started as adults. Was this ever fixed?

I ran across an older post that said unless you were logged in on the character's birthday no change would take place.  No idea if this is still the case.

- HK
- HK

I suppose it wouldn't hurt to drop a note to the mud account when your character changes age categories in-game, then.

Sounds good to me.  

- HK
- HK

Wonder if that is related to the issue in the motd, about characters suddenly having more hps/stun than before if they started young.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."