Original post topics - a thing of the past?

Started by Incognito, July 29, 2005, 07:02:16 AM

Seems most of the recent topics either get:
1) A "find out IC" response.
2) A "refer to this old thread" response.

I'm scared - have we exhausted all the original discussions about the mud already? Are we doomed to keep repeating the same threads again and again?

What do the older staff members have to say? Is there a cyclic pattern which they have noticed with respect to posts/threads over the years?
The figure in a dark hooded cloak says in rinthi-accented Sirihish, 'Winrothol Tor Fale?'

A lot of new players bring up things that old players have thought about already. That's just going to happen. However pointing to an old thread doesn't always end a discussion. Sure there will be a lot of rehashing, it's an old game. But new insights can always lead to new ideas.
Sometimes I feel less like an immortal and more like a drug dealer.

There is, most definitely, a cyclic pattern wherein we as a community rehash certain topics frequently.  Karma, for example, gets re-chewed every couple of months ever since the karma system came about.  The combat systems, criminal code, etc., are also often examine in the exact same minute detail as they have been examined a hundred times before.

This doesn't mean that these rehashes are pointless.  Every once in a while (albeit infrequently), someone comes up with something new (a new idea, a new angle, a new insight).  The reason we like to encourage people to visit those old threads before plunging into the new one(s) is because doing so increases the likelihood of having a productive discussion that covers new ground.

-- X

I guess for people thats been around a while things will be repeating alot,

So il help and make some new ideas i  have a nak for that.
dd my msn if you want, longvaladrien@hotmail.com