Junk emotes

Started by Hexxaex, April 09, 2005, 06:27:21 PM

I know that in some or all taverns, you can attach an emote to your junk.


>junk bottle giving it to a passing serving girl with a nod

The lean man gets rid of his brown bottle, giving it to a passing serving girl with a nod.

That would be good to have everywhere.  For example, if you just skinned an animal, and you've got some entrails you don't want, you could:

>junk entrails digging a small hole, and burying them.

The lean man gets rid of his smelly heap of entrails, digging a small hole, and burying them.

*blank* hmms to himself, carefully peeing across the ground.

Quote from: RaesanosI want to kill everyone.

It's impossible to attach an emote to a Junk command.

In usual cases, one will simply emote how they get rid of the item and then junk it, like so:

emote gets rid of ~mug, throwing it at a nearby elf.
junk mug

I personally don't see a need to attach emotes to the Junk command, since it will always be an OOC command as far as I'm concerned.  I don't believe that making this possible would actually enhance play.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

I'd say it's a very very minor thing. To me.

It would diminish some of the ooc factor of the junk code, and I've very much liked the adaptation of emote to more and more commands.
(soon watch us be able to emote with...every...single...coded command. *Grin*)

One thing is that some newbies often don't recognize it as ooc, but that only takes once or twice to learn.

junk ale
The newbie looks at you with a shocked glance.
Veteran Newbie

Quote from: "Larrath"It's impossible to attach an emote to a Junk command.
I personally don't see a need to attach emotes to the Junk command, since it will always be an OOC command as far as I'm concerned.  I don't believe that making this possible would actually enhance play.

It IS possible, in some taverns. Whether or not Junk is OOC, it does break up the scene. If it's an OOC junk, then junk it without an emote.

If it's an "IC" junk, like Kruth cards, burying something, getting rid of a mug, I would much rather be able to emote it.

What looks better and enhances immersion:

The skinny elf tosses a Kruth card: Wind of Fate on the pile atop a rickety table.

The skinny elf breaks a Kruth card: Wind of Fate.


The skinny elf gets rid of a Kruth card: Wind of fate, tossing it down on the pile atop a rickety table.

I dunno about you, but I'd rather see the latter.

Quote from: "Delirium"
The skinny elf gets rid of a Kruth card: Wind of fate, tossing it down on the pile atop a rickety table.

I dunno about you, but I'd rather see the latter.
I agree. Make it so others can always tell that a junk is happening ("gets rid of"), but make it customizable so it doesn't detract from the scene.
quote="www.baobobcomic.com"]Naturally, the worst happened. Soon we saw not only a PC, but one of those weird PCs who uses words I don't know in their sdesc. The podgy, dappled dickens-whelp.[/quote]

Why do you think it is important for other people to see that the junk is taking place? Why not take out the echo all-together?

Some OOC information is just good to have.
To name one good reason, there are some filthy twinks that, if approached by a templar/militia about a contraband item in their possession, will simply junk the said item.

With the echo, the templar or militia can email the MUD and let them know about that.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Quote from: "Larrath"Some OOC information is just good to have.
To name one good reason, there are some filthy twinks that, if approached by a templar/militia about a contraband item in their possession, will simply junk the said item.

With the echo, the templar or militia can email the MUD and let them know about that.

Definitely a need an echo for exactly that reason.

However, trying to ditch something when the cops show up isn't always twinkish. It's often realistic to want to try. You don't know how often people in real life will try and ditch that joint in the bushes with the cops watching. The thing to remember is, this is Armageddon. The templars don't need to worry about pesky things like evidence or due process. If they see you ditch that spice, they can bust you for it. Hell, even if they didn't see you toss it, they can still bust you for it if they just think you have it. Of course, if it's Lord FancyPants who is dropping an illegal item, whether he gets busted depends far more on the relative power of the two characters.

Anyway, enough of a derailment. I am all for allowing junk emotes everywhere. I guess I didn't notice that you couldn't do that already. I mostly junk ale passing it back to ~barmaid.

On a related note but maybe with a different spin on it...

Maybe the *templar* doesn't need proof. But the merchant house crafter who just witnessed the crime might. Also, no it isn't twinkish to *ditch* an item. But the item would still exist wouldn't it? Just not in the character's inventory. Maybe in a midden heap, or dropped in an alley, or tossed onto the ramp of a wagon. But it would be FINDABLE by SOMEONE. Junking the item prevents anyone from ever finding it, and that IS twinkish.

Quote from: "Bestatte"Junking the item prevents anyone from ever finding it, and that IS twinkish.

Well, I was thinking of something small, and quite easily concealed. If I manage to get to a back alley and shove the pinch of spice into a midden heap, sure someone might find it, but no templar is going to go digging looking for it. I guess it depends on whether or not you can see someone use junk while using watch. For something small, that would be near impossible to find if they didn't actually see you ditch it, I think junk can be used without being considered twinkish. Perhaps accompanied by a wish letting the imms know that you hid the spice there in case it becomes a major concern and the templar has a dozen slaves dig through that midden heap.

Now, if we are talking a larger item, like the two handed sword used to murder Lord FancyPants, obviously junk isn't a good option. Drop with a good  description is better, and junk would just be twinkish. It all comes down to judgement on the players part, I hate saying 'this is always bad' or  'this is always the right way to do something.'

And when it comes to minor aide reporting crimes, once again, evidence may or may not be needed. If I was a templar, and an aide from a respected house pointed out two elves and claimed they'd been smoking out back, I'd take the aide's word for it and punish the elves. Figuring the elves must be guilty of something. I mean, come on. Now, accusing someone of higher standing, like a noble, might not work, even if the noble puts the joint out and steps on it in front of the templar, then indicates that obviously minor aide who should have minded his own business was the one who had the contraband. Zalanthan justice has far more to do with bribing templars than anything else.

But that's just my take on the subject.

There MUST be an echo specific to the junk command, for the twinkable reasons above. However, adding the emote ability to it would make it possible to incorporate your junk command into the world, and not throw that OOC wrench into the slew of IC going on about you.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


I personally like the junk emotes in taverns.  You can get rid of ale mugs and wine glasses rather than leaving them all over the bar and the room to clutter up the place, and let people know you're handing it to a bar wench in one simple move.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".