Inns and Apartment Buildings

Started by Rhyden, March 14, 2005, 08:44:04 PM

First of all, I'd like to send a major kudos to those imms that made the 'rent-yourself' apartment building(s). They're fantastic, efficient and really helpful for those who want a coded place to live but don't have the obsidian for it.

The system seems to work very well and I was wondering if it was possible to have a similar coded system in some inns where a room could be rented for say a day, week, etc.

I was thinking the fee could be like 25-50 obsidian to rent for a week? Perhaps less for a day or two?

Just an idea, let's hear what everybody else thinks.

Many taverns provide the service of a private room for those with the interest and the obsidian.
These rooms are fairly expensive, though, and 25-50 'sid for a week (or even a couple of days) is just far under what they currently rent for.

As for the 'rent-yourself' (by which I assume you mean empty and abandoned) apartment buildings, keep in mind that it's usually not recommended to actually decide they belong to you or your family unless you actually clear this with the staff first.  Going to sleep there or using the room is fine, but unless the staff agrees that you own a coded thing, you shouldn't play as owning it.
It can make trouble when a Nenyuki decides to renovate and profit from that abandoned room again, only to find out that you and your VNPC family have been living there legitimately for the four past generations.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

I think he means the coded apartment rental scripts.  As in, you can get an apartment yourself, you don't need to hunt down a Nenyuk agent.

Rhyden is referring to the automated rental buildings which exist in both major cities in which you can rent a (small) apartment for a modest fee from an NPC.  Kudos are due to Raesanos who created the code, and various staffers who implemented the buildings, including Nidhogg, Ashyom, and Vendyra.
Nyr: newbs killing newbs
Nyr: hot newb on newb violence
Ath: Mmmmmm, HOT!

Kudos to Raesanos, Nidhogg, Ashyom and Vendyra.

Ya, I was reffering to the automated rental buildings and was just thinking it would be a cool idea to get those awesomely coded rooms into taverns as well. Just a thought.

Agreed. I'd like to be able to swing by the city and rent a room for a couple nights during my stay. Dump off my goods, change my boots, socialize. Maybe come back to find some thief has rifled my belongings and taken several of my more expensive trade goods. That'd be fun.

Seems reasonable, to me. Though really I'd expect the inns to charge a good deal more--15-25 sid a night, at least, for the cheapest of them. Maybe having prices vary from inn to inn based on ritz.

This thread has made me think about how I've always wanted the Inns and Taverns to have a certain area, preferably upstairs, that contains a hard-coded hallway and several rooms.  I've played for years and have always felt this would add something to the feel of the taverns/inns and the game in general.  

I think some of these other posts have already touched upon this idea, but I'll throw mine out anyway--

Nothing too fancy, just a single hallway away from the rest of the grill pits, spice dens, commons sleeping areas, lounging zones, and general fancy schmancy areas that are nice, but not quite adding to the feel of a REAL tavern/inn.  This hallway would contain maybe five or six doors, leading into single, private rooms with the bare necesseties.  Maybe a cot and a dresser or a chest if you're lucky.  These rooms would be rent-able, and this is the part that needs more ideas.  I'm thinking you could get a key for a room from the barkeep or whatever, and could use it for a few RL days or something.. I don't know, I'd have to brainstorm on that for a while.  

I don't know, maybe it's just me.. but I feel there needs to be more stuff like that in order to promote more backroom dealings and general all-around underhanded plots, thuggery, thievery... and just plain mischief, etc.

The locks for these rooms would be fairly simple, and it would be common knowledge to anyone (city-dwellers) to not leave anything to important lying around, because there is a good chance your room could be broken into and items stolen.  No hallways full of soldiers or guards to whoop-arse on the slightest struggle that broke out, either.

Anyway, like I said.. always wanted the Inns to be more realistic in that sense.  (rather than just one majickal backroom)  But these are just a few basic ideas to grow on, if anyone else thinks this might be a good idea... things could of course be tweaked.  Sorry if this got off track...dotdotdot