OOC Musicans of Arm read Here!

Started by Radioactive Age, February 20, 2005, 06:16:13 PM

Yea ima muscian.
I play bass, guitar, sax, and clarinet.

I have 9  years on stage experience
I was thinkin....

It would be fun to grab a buncha people who play arm to make music with a zalanthian sound.
And then record the music and make it so people can download.

You know how there is artwork?
Would be nice to also have music that everyone can listen to. Maybe even while playing the game inorder to get a better feel for everything. And we could also record some of the more popular songs in arm. It would be fun. And then after a few hours of playing music we could all go out and get drunk out of our minds! (or not)

I have made a few recordings of my perception of zalanthian music of desert elves and a little of tuluk too. They are cool.

Only problem i envision is trying to sing in any zalanthian language. But i suppose it wouldent hurt to translate into english. ;)

I am crazy busy as it is. But if anyone is intrested in at least trying to come up with some music for the hell of it Look me up. Making music is always fun. Don't matter if it is zalanthain or not.

AIM: RadioactiveAge

[edit] Ohh yea I live in North NJ right next to NYC.

If everyone had access of a way of recording and computerizing their parts of the music and you had someone that knew a mixing program you wouldn't even have to be in the same area. Might defeat the purpose but might also be fun in it's own rights.

21sters Unite!

You know someone who has a mixing program. Me. It's very powerful, allows a considerable amount of multitracking, and can import pretty much every PC-based audio format I've found so far. Mixing parts from different people wouldn't be an issue.

As for recording, it depends on what level of quality you're going for. Just about everyone has a microphone port on their PC, and cheap-ass PC mics aren't very expensive.

quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Hi. Um I'm a musician and stuff. I have some access to synth stuff, Digital Performer, no protools, but I could do a limited amount of mixing with DP. I've also composed stuff in the past, tho it's been awhile. I sing, do keys, and French Horn, (which might be an awsome sound for a gurth, bahamet, or Suk-Krath, off the top of my head). So let me know. I'm down, although I'm wondering what yer plan is fer workin' this all out. And I think it'd be cool to make up an elvish or dwarvish language for a song based on what the docs say about how such a language would sound. I mean - why not? PM me on how to make the dream a reality.

The software that I have is called ProTracks. It came with a recording/effects processor that I bought. Apparently, it's a slightly scaled-down version of Cakewalk's set of recording tools. So far, I haven't found anything that I needed to do that I couldn't. However, I haven't used it at a "professional" level yet. Just a happy, enthusiastic amateur.

As for how to do it, I have no idea. It would require people coordinating on who was performing what part, and the like.

I think this would be possible, even given our far-spread locations if someone were to write a score and give specifics on the meter. If there was a score with a specific set of instructions for the pace, I would be happy to play a part along with a metronome and send it to someone. It's definitely possible.