
Started by Rhyden, November 28, 2004, 08:02:53 PM

Alright, I know this has been brought up numorous times, but I thought it was an issue needing to be discussed:

Mounting. Gotta love it. Two people mounting? It works. But it's really...-messy-.

:arrow: Well, first, one character has to have thier character completely vulnerable to anything by turning nosave on so that the primary rider can subdue them

:arrow: The main rider has to subdue the secondary rider! This stinks! And when these two characters move from room to room, it states that the primary rider is dragging the secondary which, when two person riding is occuring, is not happening at all!

:arrow: The primary rider can take utter advantage over the secondary rider while subduing. Now, most will say that this is absolute twink and 'yada yada yada', but it's happened before and it will happen again. Trust me.

:idea: Why haven't the imms fixed this? Can it be fixed? What's your views on this?


heh...funny...but if this wasn't a joke. I'd be speechless.
Veteran Newbie

What you're describing isn't two people riding.  It's dragging someone along behind you.  And the low low low price of mounts, I really don't think dual riding is a priority.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Quote from: "Rhyden":idea: Why haven't the imms fixed this?
Because it's a difficult problem code-wise and conceptually.

Tamarin and Dracul, is there a way to ride with two people on a mount at the same time? If there isn't, I hardly see why this is a joke. Just my thoughts.
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
-Winston Churchill

Oh...see...for some reason I read it as a question of one person mounting...another person.

Veteran Newbie

Oh, well, you have reason to laugh then  :?
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
-Winston Churchill

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

Like the Chipmunk Elf said. This isn't a joke. It happens frequently in the game.

Quote from: "Tamarin"What you're describing isn't two people riding.  It's dragging someone along behind you.  And the low low low price of mounts, I really don't think dual riding is a priority.

Whether the mounts is extremely low or outrageously high, there still should be a way for two to ride a suitable mount. I can see how this would bring up many problems in the code but since I have no intelligence with l33t and stuff, I can't speak much on that topic.

Quote from: "Rhyden":idea: Why haven't the imms fixed this? Can it be fixed? What's your views on this?

Because nobody has ever brought it up ever.  I'm sure when Xygax clocks in tomorrow it'll be the first thing on his mandatory list of coding projects.

Look, I hate to be snide and accused of having my head up the imms' asses, but when you say 'WHY HAVEN"T THEY FIXED THIS YET" you sound as though you have a sense of entitlement.  This is a volunteer effort.  Chill out.

I really, really, REALLY don't think dual riding is a big deal.  How long has this game been around...10+ years?  I think that if the demand for this was high enough, they would have done something about it already.  Personally, I have -never- had an IC instance where I thought to myself "gee...sure would be nice if this here PC would hop onto this kank's back with me...", and this includes instances where a friend of mine lost his kank in the middle of the Canyons of Waste.

I don't know too much about riding, but I do know that a lot of PCs carry around hundred upon hundreds of pounds of weight, when you add up their person and all their gear, including water, armor, weapons, food, tents, and krath-knows-what-else.  So take that weight, and double it, and that's how much this poor kank has to carry.  In my mind, the energy drain on the animal would increase disproportionally upwards with each person added to its back (supposing there's even space up there...i'm pretty sure that not all of a kank's back is suitable for riding - correct me if i'm wrong of course).  

So to me, this really isn't practical at all, unless you are examining dire circumstances.  And in circumstances like that (for instance, where you would be putting a fallen friend across your lap), you would need both hands to keep them up there anyway, so just suck it up and use nosave-on and subdue.  It's been said time and time again that RP and emotes generally supercede code in these matters, so whether your bud is on the kank with you, or being dragged behind in a choke hold, is of little consequence.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

What's being described isn't two-person riding.  It's one person riding, with a victim being drug around, possibly half-draped over the mount.  This is NOT an appropriate way for two friends in good health to "share" a mount.

If a victim is subdued, they ARE essentially at the mercy of whoever has them subdued, and even more at the mercy of anyone else.  That's what subdue is all about.

If there is a "bug" here, it is that a person can maneuver a mount (in most cases this requires at least one hand free) while also subduing a victim (which requires two hands; drawing or equipping something else causes the victim to be released).  Or that a small mount can physically carry a rider as well as drag/carry a second person at all, or at least with dramatically increased movement loss.

True two-person riding has not been implemented, as in "mount kank", "You leap onto a kank's back, and take up the reins" then the second person "mount kank", "You leap onto a kank's back, behind someone else, but have no control over the beast."  Really, I don't know that a kank could handle that kind of weight anyway -- they should lose their movement much more quickly at least.  Inix, perhaps.

My main point remains in the very first paragraph.

i]May the fleas of a thousand kanks nestle in your armpit.  -DustMight[/i]

Quote from: "Savak"Or that a small mount can physically carry a rider as well as drag/carry a second person at all, or at least with dramatically increased movement loss.
..and no physical repercussion to the victim, regardless of how far s/he gets dragged [eg., no movement, stun, hp loss].
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

I'd be wary of (ab)using this "bug".  Except in limited situations I personally will consider it an abuse of the subdue code, and I suspect other staff will as well.  Furthermore, it might be a good way to get your fellow rider killed.

-- X

That was fun.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

Wait.. Wow.
Implementing this would give a bonus to riding -bigger- mounts.. like Inix.
So maybe, just maybe, I wont see kanks everywhere?
this might not change it, but hey, it wont hurt.
I'm for it.
But I won't be writing my local senator.
l armageddon รจ la mia aggiunta.

Sacac's got the idea.  :D

Quote from: "CRW"
Quote from: "Rhyden":idea: Why haven't the imms fixed this? Can it be fixed? What's your views on this?

Because nobody has ever brought it up ever.  I'm sure when Xygax clocks in tomorrow it'll be the first thing on his mandatory list of coding projects.

Look, I hate to be snide and accused of having my head up the imms' asses, but when you say 'WHY HAVEN"T THEY FIXED THIS YET" you sound as though you have a sense of entitlement.  This is a volunteer effort.  Chill out.

Sorry man. I just thought that this topic has been brought up other times. Guess not. :oops:

Quote from: "Rhyden"Sorry man. I just thought that this topic has been brought up other times. Guess not. :oops:
It's been brought up many times.

Quote from: "John"
Quote from: "Rhyden"Sorry man. I just thought that this topic has been brought up other times. Guess not. :oops:
It's been brought up many times.

Thought so.  :wink: