Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Anonymous on June 14, 2004, 09:36:45 AM

Title: A question about instruments.
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2004, 09:36:45 AM
Is playing instruments skill based, or is it just class based.

I am curious because I get when I play one instrument,

You play a melodious tune on blah blah blah

On another though I get

You play a simple tune on blah blah blah
Title: A question about instruments.
Post by: spawnloser on June 14, 2004, 09:49:50 AM
Don't use the instrument to make the sound...

Emote it.  It is purely RP based.
Title: Think outside the code
Post by: Angela Christine on June 14, 2004, 10:39:33 AM
I think the bard subclass originally had instrament making, but that skill is a cash cow.  Combined with the other skills a bard gets, it made the subclass over-powered.

So how does a non-merchant bard make his own lute?  Through roleplay.  Think outside the code.  The code is there to take away some of the monotonous score keeping and dice-rolling of table-top roleplaying, but it does not completely replace the need for the dungeon masters, referees, imms, or whatever you want to call the humans that make decisions on what happens next.  If you don't have the skill it may well take years to craft one of each type, no spam-crafting ten pipes a day for you, but you can still accomplish the task.

For example:  Suppose you had a wood crafter who fell in a pit on his way back from the forest.  He isn't a climber, so he doesn't have any rope or other climbing gear, and fails miserably when he tries to claw his way out of the pit bare-handed.  However he does have a few wooden poles, planks, branches, and his woodworking tools.  He gets the bright idea to build himself a ladder.  As far as I know the code does not support ladder making, there is no ladder making skill, and I've never seen a PC crafted ladder in game, does that mean he is doomed to failure?  Not at all, he can roleplay his ladder construction, and then wish up for a staff member to take a look at what he has done, and apply the consequences.  From what I've seen the staff are usually pretty good about this.  One of the likely consequences is that he will be able to get out of the pit, another is that some of his materials will be lost, either left in the pit or converted into a useless ladder object.

The code is not the world, it just supports the world.  You may be able to do things that the code is unable to handle.

Title: A question about instruments.
Post by: Tamarin on June 14, 2004, 10:44:01 AM
If you want to play a bard who gets instrument crafting as a skill (which really has nothing to do at all with being able to play the instrument.  I know first hand - i've met luthiers who can't for the life of them play the instrument) then mail the mud and special app it.

And for the record, I thought sl's comment was perfectly polite.
Title: A question about instruments.
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2004, 10:52:33 AM
Alright, so what yall think of this, the bard class getting the instrument making skill back, AFTER playing the instrument he choses for say 3 rl months or so of play. I am just saying make it branchable to a bard, but only after a while, kinda how other skills are branchable after playing other chars for a good time.

I am saying this to make it less hassle on the IMMs since they already do so stinkin much.

By the way, for the record I did appologize.

Now back to subject, I do get what you are saying AC and I knew that, but I was just thinking, in most third world countries or small cultures, a musician must also be able to repair and make their instruments because they either dont have the cash or have the means to have someone else make it for them.

It was just an idea, and as far as replacing the skill, make it even harder to craft the instruments, I mean in RL its pretty damned hard to get it right, even Luthiers mess up at times, I know because my fiance is a concert Violinist. shes had Luthiers mess up on her before and it wasnt pretty....

So just to let everyone know (not being rude or anything) I am not totally deviod of knowledge about music and music related topics and skills.

Again thanks though but I was just thinking it would be a decent idea.
Title: A question about instruments.
Post by: jstorrie on June 14, 2004, 11:35:03 AM
I don't see any reason to give the bard subclass instrumentmaking.  If a character can't make instruments, he can't make instruments, Poet's Circle requirements or not.

Characters all have some coded limitations that keep them from doing things they might want to do.

As far as a music skill... well... I just don't see the place for it.  A warrior who's never played a lute before -can- emote picking it up and playing it like a master.  He can also come into the Gaj and emote 'kills you all'.  It's up to the player to keep from twinking their emotes out, really.

That being said, I bet you any character can branch any skill, with the three months of play time you suggested.  Just log your activities and make a case to the immortals.  Hell, 90 days of roleplaying out studying rare and ancient tomes of magic might even make you a defiler.  That being said, is anyone going to put in 2160 hours of intense roleplaying just to get instrumentmaking?

Well, maybe.  And if they do, I'm sure the immortals would not turn down a reasonable request.  The idea of a 90-day character strikes me as a bit mind-boggling, though!
Title: A question about instruments.
Post by: Vettrock on June 14, 2004, 12:01:11 PM
Just FYI, I am pretty sure no subclass skills ever branch.  Only your main class skills will ever branch, so your bard is never going to branch instrumentmaking.
Title: A question about instruments.
Post by: Tamarin on June 14, 2004, 12:14:46 PM
Did I miss something?  What on god's earth would instrument making branch from?  There is no coded play skill, despite the fact that there is a cheesy little play command.
Title: A question about instruments.
Post by: Nidhogg on June 14, 2004, 12:33:48 PM
I want to be very clear here. Posting anonymously is not a loophole for following the rules of this board.
Title: A question about instruments.
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2004, 05:46:53 PM
Alright, well I guess I will just be silent, as far as I can tell thats what everyone wants so be it.
Title: A question about instruments.
Post by: Gilvar on June 14, 2004, 08:25:44 PM
No one is going to tell you what skills branch from what.

If you feel you deserve the instrument-making skill feel free to send your request to with your reason, etc.

It has been answered that there is no coded playing differences. There is one little play command, and that's it. Playing an instrument is not a skill. Usually if your the Bard subclass its expected that you'd actually have some knowledge of playing an instrument, (like a warrior would have some experience with weapons) and that if your not a bard you'd likely have to go about the role-playing of learning to play, or mention something in your background.
Title: A question about instruments.
Post by: Tarx04 on June 14, 2004, 10:00:41 PM
My own experiences in real life would lead me to believe that just being a bard should not give a person the coded ability to make instruments.

I can play a piano but I can't make one.  Yes, I've played in real life for 5 years.  No, I can't make one.  I haven't learned how to.  Sure, if I learned how to, I could make one, given the right materials and time and energy and inclination to do so.

I'd like to see an instrument maker.  But more than that, I'd like to see more bards in Allanak.  That's just me though :)

Yes, it could be coded.  But they can code giant flying bullfrogs that eat silt and crap obsidian, too.