Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gus on April 29, 2004, 10:37:59 PM

Title: Go directly to jail
Post by: Gus on April 29, 2004, 10:37:59 PM
Is there a place where you can read the laws and punishments of cities?  I think that would be common knowledge to all citizens of the city they are from.

What I mainly want to know is if the soldiers just keep hauling you to jail or if eventually a stricter punishment comes up.  And do worse crimes have worse punishments?  Getting caught stealing will land you in jail, but what if you are arrested for attacking someone?
Title: Go directly to jail
Post by: Bestatte on April 29, 2004, 11:05:37 PM
The tavern gossip boards in the game have the laws posted within the first 5 posts. Usually within the first 2 if I remember correctly, with a couple of addendums to follow.

Basically though:

Stealing, attacking, breaking and entering, insulting a templar, insulting Muk Utep in Tuluk or Tektolnes in Allanak..all against the law and arrestable offenses. Wielding a weapon in a crowded place can be arrestable depending on the context. If you're just cutting a piece of fruit with a skinning knife - probably not. If you're "claiming" to be just cutting a piece of fruit with a lumber axe, find a better excuse.

Those, -plus- insulting a noble are killable offenses in their respective cities, though it isn't "illegal" to insult a noble. But the noble can have you killed for it if he takes the insult seriously.

Anything you think you could be "caught" doing - don't do unless you're willing to accept the risk of getting caught.

Being naked isn't illegal - but you'll probably go to jail anyway for offending someone important. Templars in the south don't -need- a reason to arrest you. They can wing it if they feel like giving you shit.

Templars in the north could probably do the same but they have a different set of protocols to deal with.

That's my interpretation on things.
Title: Go directly to jail
Post by: mansa on April 29, 2004, 11:06:16 PM
I know there used to be a list of 'RULES' as the first post in the IC Boards around the world....  Try looking in a tavern and typing 'read 1'

Maybe this might help: