Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: moab on April 27, 2004, 02:56:08 PM

Question: Women, do you make reference to breasts and or @ss in character descriptions?
Option 1: Yes, I do votes: 19
Option 2: Never votes: 16
Option 3: Rarely - Really rarely votes: 25
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: moab on April 27, 2004, 02:56:08 PM
Alright.  I'm trying a little experiment.

Of the women that play Armageddon, do you often make references to your character's breasts and / or *ss or both in the same main desc?

The reason I ask is this:

Whenever I write up female descriptions I have never used references to these attributes both out of my own taste and the advice of a female MUSHer who said that you can always tell when men play female characters because they reference those attributes under discussion.

So I want to know - do you ever make reference to those things, one or both in a character description?

And if the test proves that no, women do not generally write their characters up that way, please, men, take heed.  :-)
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: ShaLeah on April 27, 2004, 03:09:29 PM
How can I resist commenting on this?

I made an NPC half-giant once with boobs the size of gurths after seeing a fruit breasted pc but I don't think any of my pcs have called attention to their bouncy regions in any way other than general, I suppose if I wanted that to be the focal point I would do it more.  I voted rarely.

-who personally always wanted smaller breasteses...
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Zhaira on April 27, 2004, 03:11:23 PM
Typically, I do not.  On some occasions, I find it necessary - if I am playing a waif, I make it a point to mention the *lack* of curves, as I think without really describing things at all, you are implying 'average'.  I rarely mention details bluntly, as I think it's usually easier to just comment on the state of curves and fat - hips, for instance.  I think a lot of players neglect how curvaceous the average female is going to be when she rarely gets enough to eat, although I suppose players are usually the "exceptional" portion of the populace.  But it just seems to me that you're unlikely to have that firm, ample bosom and well-rounded ass, when you are subsisting on just enough water and bread to survive.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Gilvar on April 27, 2004, 03:12:28 PM
Yeah... the japuarr breasted woman (who was played by a woman) who like always fell over because she was top heavy, did indeed reference her shelf in her desc.

I think the women of the Arm community are very free with their descriptions and leave no avenue untravelled.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Cuusardo on April 27, 2004, 03:17:49 PM
It depends on the type of character.  If it's a character who is designed to wear armor all the time, I leave it to the imagination because armor tends to hide such things.  If it's a character who is going to be wearing regular clothes all the time, then I'll put a little something in, because then it would be a bit more obvious.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Delirium on April 27, 2004, 03:27:21 PM
I nver have, but I imagine if the occasion called for it I would.. but I just suggest their overall form with creative wording. :p
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: crymerci on April 27, 2004, 03:39:53 PM
I voted "rarely", as I generally tend to be a little more subtle in describing these attributes: I might use phrases like "ample curves" or "boyish frame" rather than saying large/small T & A.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Angela Christine on April 27, 2004, 04:27:00 PM
Quote from: "crymerci"I voted "rarely", as I generally tend to be a little more subtle in describing these attributes: I might use phrases like "ample curves" or "boyish frame" rather than saying large/small T & A.

Ditto.  I don't think I've ever mentioned ass at all, though I might have mentioned hips.  Describing the general "build" is a good idea for both male and female characters, otherwise all people have to go off of is the assess -v, which really isn't that descriptive.  Breasts, waist, hips, and maybe even butt are part of your "build", just like your broad shoulders or beer belly.  Sure, heavy armor will disguise curves, but heavy armor would also disguise your shoulders and corded musculature.

How much is too much?  Mentioning nipples or penis.  Sure, there are occasions when you may be wearining thin clothing (or no clothing) and people could see those, but under most circumstance it will be excessive.  Even if you have something remarkable, like eight nipples or a fully retractable penis like a dog, it isn't going to show through that leather jerkin.  Save it for emotes on those occasions when people can get a good look.

Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: sacac on April 27, 2004, 04:33:19 PM
I only include things that people -will- look at.
and all of my female PC's have worn "normal" clothes most of the time instead of armor.. so I just went by everything that someone would look at my PC for.. If that makes any sense.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: SailorMars on April 27, 2004, 04:46:55 PM
I describe what someone might see from viewing my character front on, with her wearing average clothes.

As a female, I could care less (insofar as being offended)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        if some chick wrote herself out as a playboy model, but she'd better not whine about being labeled as f-me. :roll:
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Seeker on April 27, 2004, 04:59:29 PM
(I usually don't describe the attributes directly in the mdesc.  I find it is much more entertaining to slip a few choice words into her keyword list instead; i.e. look jugs, assess -v onion, etc.  But that is just me.)
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Carnage on April 27, 2004, 05:33:16 PM
In my opinion, as a male, I think it's something worth tastefully noting briefly in the description as it's one of the first thing men notice and it's hard to miss.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: moab on April 27, 2004, 08:06:11 PM
Have guys been voting on this poll?  Somehow I think that we don't have 26 or so female players.  Maybe I'm wrong though?
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Callisto on April 27, 2004, 08:08:48 PM
It depends on the character, but I do mention general breast size in descriptions, simply because it is something people, both men and women, notice right away.

Plus, when someone wants to comment on them, they need something to go on. If Lady Oash comments that Lady Borsail has little boy breasts, but Lady Borsail clearly has breasts the size of a half-giants fist, it isn't going to make a whole lot of sense.

I tend to roll my eyes when someone invests too much time describing them though, be it in emotes or descriptions. Seriously, if you're emoting the wind blowing your shirt tight against your heaving silky breasts every time you go outside, or investing three lines to describe just how firm your characters ass is,  don't be surprised or offended when someone stamps an F-me tag on the character.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Hicksville Hoochie on April 27, 2004, 08:14:10 PM
I almost always do, but a lot of times it's in a subtle way, unless it would be a thing that people definitely noted.

I rarely describe the backside though, unless it's some huge planet, or too tiny to hit with a boulder. I mean, it's not like there's that many different types of bootys out there ya know? where ass a chest is always more noticeable (or so it seems) to prying eyes.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: EvilRoeSlade on April 27, 2004, 08:24:55 PM
I just want to say that the standard I always use is a description of my character if they were wearing shorts and a T-shirt.

I think it's a pretty good standard.  Armor and clothing can disguise almost every aspect of your character, but I'm not going to fail to comment on any of it just because I know that I'm going to be wearing a hat, a veil, baggy sandcloth clothing, gloves, etc.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Agent_137 on April 27, 2004, 08:47:16 PM
I based the description around on of my chars around the fact that he was a big burly dude.

Big mistake. I rolled a below average strength.

Don't let this happen to you.
Title: No.
Post by: on April 27, 2004, 08:50:45 PM
Quote from: "Hicksville Hoochie"I mean, it's not like there's that many different types of bootys out there ya know?

No I don't. There is plenty of kinda of booty's that women have.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: crymerci on April 27, 2004, 10:51:05 PM
Yeah, I really don't think we have 36 women who play the MUD and check the boards regularly.

Clearly it's another case of people not reading the poll/post.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2004, 11:13:37 PM
Quote from: "crymerci"Yeah, I really don't think we have 36 women who play the MUD and check the boards regularly.

Clearly it's another case of people not reading the poll/post.

There are at least 20 active posters that I believe are female (apologies to gender mismatches)

Dakkon Black
Black Isis

Angela Christine
deviant storm
My 2 Sids

Is it that hard to believe that there are another 16 who just buzz the boards?
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Dan on April 27, 2004, 11:14:01 PM
I voted never to see the poll results...
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Agent_137 on April 27, 2004, 11:15:03 PM
bro, there's a button there that says, "See results"
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: ShaLeah on April 27, 2004, 11:16:01 PM
Quote from: "CRW"
Quote from: "crymerci"Yeah, I really don't think we have 36 women who play the MUD and check the boards regularly.

Clearly it's another case of people not reading the poll/post.

There are at least 20 active posters that I believe are female (apologies to gender mismatches)

Angela Christine
deviant storm
My 2 Sids

Is it that hard to believe that there are another 16 who just buzz the boards?
Title: Heh
Post by: Dakkon Black on April 27, 2004, 11:22:39 PM
With me and Shah we're down to 14 secret board buzzers.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Black Isis on April 27, 2004, 11:24:37 PM
I am also a rarely-posting, board-reading female. :)
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Impska on April 27, 2004, 11:34:02 PM
Since I got listed... I actually did vote "rarely".

I used to, all the time, and then someone said that they knew a guy was playing a female char if they mentioned breasts in the desc, so I stopped, thinking that maybe it was affecting how people rp'd with me.

These days, I don't much care if it affects peoples' rp. I tend to mention body-type more than breast-size specifically (though describing oneself as voluptuous or slight in figure does carry assumptions for breast size). And I'll sometimes mention breasts if they're noteworthy for some reason, but I haven't felt the need to go beyond basic figure description for awhile.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: sacac on April 27, 2004, 11:35:23 PM
Shah is at the top of the list?
And I'm.. the fifth down?
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Sandferret on April 27, 2004, 11:39:08 PM
I'm here too...


Anyway, I voted 'rarely'. I cannot recall ever actually describing breasts, but I might some time. One never knows.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: ShaLeah on April 27, 2004, 11:41:09 PM
Gender benders make mention of breasteses in their describes, don't they count too?

Some of the best women I have seen in game were played by men.

New word, no more penis envy... breast envy!
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Irulan on April 28, 2004, 12:53:28 AM
Don't feel bad, Sandferret, I didn't get listed either. I voted that I do mention them in my desc, but I usually say nothing more than a general over all description that includes the chest region. I actually don't usually point out the rear...cause, well, who cares? If I really want to draw attention to that area, I'll emote something about it. :shock:

Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Miee on April 28, 2004, 12:53:36 AM
I just voted.

If there's a need to mention the breasts, I do it.  If not, I can always just give  an idea of the figure.

Like Shally's actual figure would be "curvy", where as mine would be "pixie" and Imspka's would be "prom queen".

See, nice and simple.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Carida on April 28, 2004, 02:29:16 AM
I'm a gal and I'm not sure if I post rarely or not... -shrug-

Anyway... I voted rarely.. because I don't know.. I don't always see the need to talk about heaving bosoms and apple arses... but then that's me.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Akaramu on April 28, 2004, 03:53:54 AM
Quote from: "CRW"There are at least 20 active posters that I believe are female (apologies to gender mismatches)

I post a lot... and he thinks I'm a guy? Sheesh, now I'll have to PM him my phone number so he can correct the list ;)

I havent voted yet, but will now. I dont, I just vaguely refer to their overall build / shape.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Twilight on April 28, 2004, 04:25:47 AM
As a guy who occassionally plays female characters, I have to say I can't remember putting an undue amount of attention into the T&A.  Well, okay, there was that one female character I modeled after overly, um, inflated porn stars with the gravity defying boobs.  But, then again, her being a whiran could have explained the huge breasts that seemed to nearly float on her upper chest!  Now thats a cantrip!  

Other than that buxom lass though, I don't remember putting a great deal of attention into describing those assets.  Of course, I suppose the male/female definition of undue amount could vary.  I  prefer to try to go with an androgynous look.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Angela Christine on April 28, 2004, 05:10:46 AM
All this talk of T&A is giving me the odd urge to create: the bootylicious woman.

Is that how you spell bootylicious?  Somehow I doubt will be any help here.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: moab on April 28, 2004, 08:09:31 AM
Wow, I can't believe we have so many female mudders.  It's almost like a - MUSH.  :-)
Armageddon is hot! hot! hot!  :-)
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: spawnloser on April 28, 2004, 09:08:12 AM
I'm a guy that plays a relatively even mix of male and female characters.  I had a few month female character and a few less successful when just starting out, but most of them all had mention of being waifish and/or gaunt and/or thing, if actually mentioning the breasts, it was to emphasize their being small with clues as to why in the desc like starving...that's always a good one.

I didn't vote, as I am breastless myself.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: SailorMars on April 28, 2004, 09:41:59 AM
QuoteIs that how you spell bootylicious? Somehow I doubt will be any help here.

Go no further than (! Hehehe. :lol:
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: sarahjc on April 28, 2004, 09:47:19 AM
I voted yes I do.. But really it's more of a 50%/50%. Only if it would be worth mentioning would I.  

My one liners on breast and ass size consist of things like.

Her body is slim with modest curves, corded muscle.. Yadda, Yadda...

Or (for a meaty girl)

She stands short and curved with an ample amount sway in her stride and a heavy bosom seems to round her shoulders slightly.

That is about as far as I go..Never unless it is a full on assault of  T&A would I detail things like:

Her breasts are a soft perky swell, that lead down to well muscled torso and firm rounded buttocks..

And even still.. Come on.. You are wearing clothing. I should not know how "perky" you are unless you are playing a whore that walks around half-naked.  And reality check.. There are no bra's last I checked in Zalanthas. So unless you are stuffed up  into tight southern corsets all day long.. It's saggy tity city for you babe. If you are a warrior type chick and over 25 years or age. You may not want to describe those things at all.

Most women PC's that I have seen played by "actual" women don't put too much detail into it. Do I think it should have reference, Yes.. I mean people do notice those things, and most men notice them right away. But when you start describing your pc like the animations on the cover of everquest.. You are screaming F-me or I'm a 13 year old boy.

There is a certain level of fantasy one can have with your PC's looks. But I do roll my eyes at the curvy, luscious-lipped PC's with the tiny waists and the firm asses. If my PC makes it to over thirty, she will most likely have several wrinkles too. If you want to have a realistic Zalthanthian PC female, I would say stick to what you would notice about them with clothing on and steer away from your bedroom fantasy..

Just my take on it..

The pink rhino swings her large and luscious breasts over her shoulder and walks away with a soft sway in her curved hips, buttocks round and tight.   :wink:
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: EvilRoeSlade on April 28, 2004, 10:27:47 AM
I've seen one, and only one bra object before.  Unfortunately there isn't any "under shirt" location, so you have to either wear it on your torso (and give up the ability to wear chitinous plate armor or a frilly pink dress), or wear it on your head.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Angela Christine on April 28, 2004, 12:44:08 PM
Quote from: "sarahjc"
And even still.. Come on.. You are wearing clothing. I should not know how "perky" you are unless you are playing a whore that walks around half-naked.  And reality check.. There are no bra's last I checked in Zalanthas. So unless you are stuffed up  into tight southern corsets all day long.. It's saggy tity city for you babe.

1)  Yes, there are foundation garments available but, as ERS noted, you have to wear them instead clothes, not under clothes.  It might be appropriate under a aba worn in the about body location, but mostly they seem to be targeted as boudoir apparel or streetwear for worn-out prostitutes.

2)  Despite what the fashion industry would have you believe, a modestly bossomed (say, B cup or less) woman will have less sag if she has never worn support garments (and never had children).  There is muscle under those bags of fat and glands, and it is designed to support the structure.  Wearing a support garment makes those muscles soft and weak, much like regularily wearing a weight belt can actually make you more prone to injuring your back because the belt does the work muscles should be doing, and doesn't do it as well.  For large breasted women (D and above) it doesn't really matter what you do, those puppies are going to sag unless you live underwater or in space, where gravity can't get at you.  Luckily most Zalanthan women are lean, and so are unlikely to have massive breasts.

3) In general you can assume that any woman under 20 has perky breasts, and any woman over 30 does not, with a few exceptions.  Breast feeding promotes sag, not while you are doing it, but once you stop and they deflate like leaky tires.  A 19 year old with three kids isn't likely have perky ones.  Breast lifts, breast implants and breast reduction surgery can all give you perky ones at any age, at least temporarily, but who in Zalanthas is going to have cosmetic surgery?

4)  Women with very small breasts will sag more slowly and less noticably than women with very large breasts.  The bigger they are, the harder (or farther) they fall.  :twisted:  Small breasts will lose something with age, but at least they are less likely to have stretch marks.  If granny can tie 'em in a bow, then they were probably pretty impressive looking in her prime.

5)  Breastfeeding can lead to chapped nipples.  :shock:  Now there's something you don't see emoted very often.

Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Barzalene on April 28, 2004, 01:11:43 PM
Genetics and muscle will play a part as well. Some women with small breasts sag a great deal, while some large breasted women are firmer.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Miee on April 28, 2004, 02:20:18 PM
Quote from: "Angela Christine"All this talk of T&A is giving me the odd urge to create: the bootylicious woman.

Is that how you spell bootylicious?  Somehow I doubt will be any help here.

I have faith in your RP ability, AC, but I just don't think you're ready for this jelly.

I'll admit though, your milkshake does bring all the boys to the yard.

(couldn't resist.  Sorry)
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Dan on April 28, 2004, 03:00:02 PM
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Carida on April 28, 2004, 04:51:24 PM
Quote from: "Angela Christine"For large breasted women (D and above) it doesn't really matter what you do, those puppies are going to sag

Actually... no.. that is not true. And you can guess how I know that for a fact. :)
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: crymerci on April 28, 2004, 05:07:56 PM
Quote from: "Carida"
Quote from: "Angela Christine"For large breasted women (D and above) it doesn't really matter what you do, those puppies are going to sag

Actually... no.. that is not true. And you can guess how I know that for a fact. :)

Yeah, but how old are you?
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: jhunter on April 28, 2004, 05:18:36 PM
Just to jump in on the boob discussion... :D

Isn't gravity weaker on Zalanthas? If so, that would mean there is probably less tit sagging for Zalanthan women wouldn't it? :wink:
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Angela Christine on April 28, 2004, 05:25:19 PM
Quote from: "jhunter"
Isn't gravity weaker on Zalanthas?

That is one theory to explain some of the unusual characteristics of Zalanthans and Zalanthan wildlife, but I don't think it is _official_.

QuoteIf so, that would mean there is probably less tit sagging for Zalanthan women wouldn't it? :wink:

We can hope.

Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Carida on April 28, 2004, 06:14:27 PM
Quote from: "crymerci"
Quote from: "Carida"
Quote from: "Angela Christine"For large breasted women (D and above) it doesn't really matter what you do, those puppies are going to sag

Actually... no.. that is not true. And you can guess how I know that for a fact. :)

Yeah, but how old are you?

Ugh.. that's what my mama always says. Just wait! Wait until you have kids of your own!

-shudder- :shock:
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Evile on April 30, 2004, 07:09:17 PM
A pussy does not have a face. Who cares about anything else.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Socko on April 30, 2004, 07:33:34 PM
Quote from: "Evile"A pussy does not have a face. Who cares about anything else.

I'll buy you a drink sometime, in a few years, when you're no longer fourteen.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Agent_137 on April 30, 2004, 07:50:03 PM
thanks for the pwnij, socko. I was mulling over something, but you handled it well.

Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Callisto on April 30, 2004, 08:02:25 PM
Quote from: "Evile"A pussy does not have a face. Who cares about anything else.

Someone on the staff feel like posting the above guests GDB account name? I'm sick of people logging into guest accounts to make statements like that, then coming back into the general community like it isn't a thing.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Chodo on April 30, 2004, 08:11:20 PM
Not that I think what Evile posted was appropriate but...

Does anyone else find it humorous that females can talk all the time about how men are pigs and such...but the moment a guy makes a statement like that he gets attacked?

I think more people need to take such things with a grain of salt, most guys I know take such comments that way, why not women?
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: EvilRoeSlade on April 30, 2004, 08:12:56 PM
I wouldn't tolerate a female insulting my sex, and in turn I wouldn't ever say something like the above.

Don't tread on me.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Agent_137 on April 30, 2004, 08:13:28 PM
it all depends if you say with with a sly sarcastic grin or not.

Since evile gave no indication of trying to be humorous, it's fair to assume he's not trying to be.

If a woman calls all men pigs, and she means it with all her heart, yea, i'll say something back.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Angela Christine on April 30, 2004, 10:24:03 PM
Quote from: "Evile"A pussy does not have a face.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.  Zalanthas has a high mutation rate.  :shock:

Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: sarahjc on May 01, 2004, 01:21:47 AM
Lets just just say that some of AC's PC's have more than one toothy smile..   :wink:

I love ya.. AC..
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Miee on May 01, 2004, 03:04:01 AM
Quote from: "Callisto"
Quote from: "Evile"A pussy does not have a face. Who cares about anything else.

Someone on the staff feel like posting the above guests GDB account name? I'm sick of people logging into guest accounts to make statements like that, then coming back into the general community like it isn't a thing.

To which, this faceless pussy says, "Bah."

If it's someone with a registered account, s/he probably shouldn't have gone the guest route.  I've found that most of us have a certain amount of balls and can deal with the consequences of saying that.

...or the ones I'm friendly with at least.  It was probably a dumb joke, or said by a dumb joke.  Once more, "Bah."
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Cenghiz on May 01, 2004, 09:18:43 AM
Yey... Four long pages of boobs and asses? I was waiting for someone to make such a comment..
They say men think sex once in six seconds, (maybe only the lonely scientists claiming this) it's already too frequent. Let's talk about flowers or how to craft desert roses into rose jam.
No no joking.. You shall go on, but I'm not in. I had only two female chars, and both had 'standart' bodies; Zalanthan standard. Maybe I create a beautiful woman some time. Then I'll come back and read all of these pages.
Title: T & A Zalanthas Style
Post by: naatok on May 02, 2004, 01:35:18 PM
Judging from this poll....
I gotta wonder where all the female pc descriptions are coming from that I see that speak of 'well rounded or apportioned breasts' and 'curvaceous backsides or rears'.  Yeah, I've seen 'em in game.

If our female players aren't coming up with those descs, then it must be guys playing dolls coming up with 'em.  I've played female pcs, but honestly, I don't think I've ever focused their descs on tits and ass, either.  Maybe my memory is selective...or malfunctioning.  I am getting old, after all.   :evil:

By the way, since we're on the subject of geometrically appealing accoutrements, what sorts of male descriptions do female players find to be well done, awesome, appealing, sexually arousing (sorry, I'm a naughty monkey. Couldn't resist! :twisted: )?
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Agent_137 on May 02, 2004, 01:43:31 PM

*decides not to make a smart ass comment.*
Title: Equality
Post by: on May 02, 2004, 01:47:22 PM
Well, supposedly women and men are socially equal, so do women let their breasts hang out as often as males go bare-chested? Then they'd have to describe them ;).
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Cenghiz on May 02, 2004, 01:59:28 PM
QuoteWell, supposedly women and men are socially equal, so do women let their breasts hang out as often as males go bare-chested? Then they'd have to describe them.
Hehe... That's why no male of mine becomes bare-chested near other males or females.. Someone could watch your body, and you would be embaressed :) It's hard when you're buying chest armor for your new char. Go under a blanket in a dormitory.
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: tortall on May 03, 2004, 09:14:34 PM
QuoteGilver: Yeah... the japuarr breasted woman (who was played by a woman) who like always fell over because she was top heavy, did indeed reference her shelf in her desc.

As the player of the japuarr breasted woman, I did not fall over! Infact, I hardly ever emoted with them! So THERE! Almost all my chars mention their breasts. It is, as many others mentioned, the first thing guys notice.

Though I just realized my current char doesn't mention it much at all.... I wrote her over a year ago during my "woman on Zalanthas should be not so pretty" stage.

As for the people who don't put the breast or ass(Though I've never noticed an ass in the sdesc) because a few people tend to think only guys play woman like that. If people don't wanna mudsex me because they think I'm played by a guy, fine by me! They arn't very good rpers then.

-Tortall, who thinks she looks like a porn star... Well, not from the neck up. Just the body! Seriously, how many women think that? Most of them think they should! That's means it's true, right? Of course right!
Title: Female Character Descriptions
Post by: Miee on May 04, 2004, 12:11:40 AM
And only once did I remember to emote with my female to be in awe of your rack, tortall