Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: moab on April 17, 2004, 02:43:03 PM

Question: Correct Behavior in the Hall of Kings
Option 1: Mind your business and get the hell outta there votes: 69
Option 2: It's ok to look at other people there votes: 10
Option 3: It's ok to talk to other people there votes: 8
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: moab on April 17, 2004, 02:43:03 PM
Alright, I hate it when I enter the hall of kings and someone else is there.  I hate it when they look at me and I hate it more when then try to talk to me.  Gah, I hate it!!

Anyway, this just (again) recently happened to me and I wanted to see what ya'll thought.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Tamarin on April 17, 2004, 02:59:40 PM
I've done this before...sorry.  I don't think it's such a big's not like you'd ever be there long enough for it to make any difference.

One stupid thing I did while there is try to use the way...Having only 10 stun ended up knocking me out, and I had to wait it out before getting to my start location.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Ghost on April 17, 2004, 03:08:00 PM
I havent seen anyone there, but I dont see anything wrong about it.  Consider it as an OOC room, and people talk there are going to talk OOC things.  You have the option to get out quickly before they can look at you, or ignore their presence.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: flurry on April 17, 2004, 03:32:02 PM
I would assume they were either very new, or were trying to be obnoxious.  I can't think of any other reason to talk in there.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Trenidor on April 17, 2004, 04:24:05 PM
Quote from: "uberjazz"
One stupid thing I did while there is try to use the way...Having only 10 stun ended up knocking me out, and I had to wait it out before getting to my start location.

Who the heck are you waying in there? Your character hasn't met anyone to RP with yet!

lol that just seamed funny to me...makes me wanna see if fighting works in there
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Trenidor on April 17, 2004, 04:26:20 PM
Quote from: "Ghost"I havent seen anyone there, but I dont see anything wrong about it.  Consider it as an OOC room, and people talk there are going to talk OOC things.  You have the option to get out quickly before they can look at you, or ignore their presence.

The mud shades your presence IIRC the only way they know you're in there is if you log in and it says: The *(*(*(*(* has logged into the world
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: sacac on April 17, 2004, 04:47:19 PM
I just think of it as a dream room.
That you awake from and that day on, you control.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: X-D on April 17, 2004, 04:49:37 PM
I've seen people in there before, happily they did not talk or look at me nor I them, personaly, I think talking should be disabled there and your char given a 'newbie' mask or something while there that would autodelete when you entered the game.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Louten on April 17, 2004, 05:26:44 PM
As long as I've been around this game it's been considered bad form to look at or speak to anyone in the Hall Of Kings, -because- it is OOC.  OOC communication I guess would be okay, but any of the IC forms of communicate please -do not use- in an out of character setting.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Callisto on April 17, 2004, 07:34:04 PM
As far as I know, it's against the rules.

I've seen it done a few times and every time an imm showed up and told them to knock it off.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Nidhogg on April 17, 2004, 08:22:16 PM
It may have even been me. I have been animating the npc there, when I've noticed newbies coming through.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Stroker on April 17, 2004, 08:24:55 PM
In all of my time plaything Arm I've NEVER encountered anyone in the Hall of Kings. Yeah, I'm just that good I guess.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Gilvar on April 17, 2004, 08:44:26 PM
There was one time there was like 8 of us in there. I don't know what the hold-up was, maybe lots of sponsereds.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2004, 09:47:28 PM
I started taking starvation damage from having to wait in the Hall of Kings once, long long ago.  Before they started having multiple imms for clans.

Luckily someone came to save me.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: mansa on April 18, 2004, 03:50:53 PM
One time, there was a group of 3 of us who all had this 'special' idea and Zagren was so wonderful enough to let us do it.  We all had to wait in the Hall of Kings.  We just sat there, 3 muls together, and then POOF a human woman loads into the room.  Ahh, those were they days of scaryiness and fright, for you.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Anonymous on April 19, 2004, 11:55:19 PM
Quote from: "Nidhogg"It may have even been me. I have been animating the npc there, when I've noticed newbies coming through.

Playing see how many newbies you can stop from entering the world, eh?
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: John on April 20, 2004, 06:27:34 AM
I've had people wish me good luck or nod to me once before pointing somewhere. I personally never had a problem with it. But I haven't seen it done in quite a while though.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: SpyGuy on April 20, 2004, 07:01:20 AM
I don't see whats wrong with OOCly saying "Hi, hows it going?", especially if you're stuck in there for awhile.  Trying to RP is wrong and in some ways looking at people can be problematic but come on, relax.  Unless your character concept is the most unique uber-race special app thats never been seen before, chances our someone reflexively glancing at you isnt going to hurt anyone.

Relax, let it slide.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Agent_137 on April 20, 2004, 11:37:00 PM
yea, i'm gonna have to take a "chill" stance on this one.

It's an ooc room. No two ways about it. I'll likely give some one i see in there a "what's up" because that's the kind of guy i am.

No big deal. If they respond, cool. If they shudder and hurridly point to a destination, cool. I couldn't give a rats ass. But if some one jumps my ass for  noticing another person's existence, I'll tell 'em to shove it.

of course, if some one I just saw in there ends up in the gaj at the same time as me, I never saw them before in my life. because it's an OOC room. It's like talking in these forums. OOC.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Dracul on April 20, 2004, 11:52:12 PM
It's happened to me once. I typed a look, not even an emote look, used it for the ooc coding, then went about getting scars and pointing to my destination.

One thing is that I just like to read people's descriptions sometimes, and another, -if- I happen to see them IC, if I already typed look in the ooc room, no reason to use that command again if I remmeber the description. Less spamming icly.

*Shrug* Real minor things I would think.
Title: Spelling correction.
Post by: gfair on April 21, 2004, 12:59:22 AM
I never really took that room as legitimate, only the entry room to point to, but one time there was another PC in there and I looked at him, noticed there was a spelling error in his desc, and used OOC to point that out to him and, I think, an IMM inhabiting the NPC. That was before Nidhogg's time though, IIRC.

Is that acceptable? Look at a PC and point out spelling mistakes?
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Angela Christine on April 21, 2004, 06:37:25 AM
To me it is like the line of urinals in a men's bathroom.  Sure, you -could- talk to the guy at the urinal next to you, you could even look at him, women talk in the women's bathroom all the time.  But it is usually considered bad form.  Many people are uncomfortable talking when their pants, or yours, are down.  The HoK is like being caught with your pants down, you aren't expecting to have to deal with anyone and you aren't ready for it.

Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Bhagharva on April 21, 2004, 08:28:22 AM
Ok, the Hall of Kings is the urinal of Armageddon, that is very easy to remember. You rock AC.

Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Ix Machina on April 21, 2004, 02:32:32 PM
One time, there were these two mantises in the Hall of Kings.

They waited in there a long time, and then decided to settle down in their respective easy chairs for a bowl of popcorn.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Realedazed on April 21, 2004, 02:54:08 PM
I'm with those who said just chill.  Its no big thing to me.  I'm assuming mostly everyone here is mature. Also, I know if I look at someone, 9 times out of ten I did see them again I wouldn't remember them.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Carnage on April 21, 2004, 02:57:35 PM
I like to make warriors and just sit in the Hall, pkilling anyone who comes through.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: sarahjc on April 21, 2004, 03:12:51 PM
Next PC concept.. A chubby dwarf that passes out High-Fives in the hall of kings with every Scar..

But I've only been with one other person in the hall of kings.. And I looked at them. :wink:
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Majikal on May 01, 2004, 10:55:27 PM
I don't really see how you could use the information IG anyway. I'm voting "chill" on this one too.

suchandsuch man asks you in sirihish "You know him? Where from?"
you say in sirihish to suchandsuch man "We were floating in these eery dark abyss with a map.. and there was this guy selling scars.."

I've wished people goodluck in that room before and I didn't feel I was doing anything illegal or wrong. As long as you don't attack them or anything i feel it should be okay.
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Oxidised Lizard on May 02, 2004, 04:36:20 AM
Oooh, it's so tempting to attack the scars guy....never done it though.   :twisted:
Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Angela Christine on May 02, 2004, 05:00:26 AM
Quote from: "Majikal"I don't really see how you could use the information IG anyway.

That's a melon scratcher, but I think I've found a way.

What do you know about someone you see in the HoK?  You know aproximately how long that character has been played.  Obviously it depends how often the player logs in and how long they stay, but you have a rough idea.

Suppose you look at "the tall, muscular man" in the HoK.  A week later you've made a few friends and you and your buddies are out in the wilderness hunting, when you encounter him again, and due to the fact that he is levitating you jump to the conclusion that he is a magicker!  He looks like he is about 30 years old, and you have no IC way of knowing  how powerful he is.  However, you know that you saw this particular tall, muscular man in the HoK last week, so he can't possibly have more than 7 days played, and probably only 1 or 2.  You consider your buddies, and what you know about magickers, and decide that your group of fearless hunters could definately take on a newbie mage.  :evil:

The opposite situation is less likely.  You haven't been playing much because of RL, so three months later you only have 4 days play time on your character.  You encounter the levitating mage, and somehow remember his main desc, from three months before.  So now you know this is probably a 10-15 day mage, and you wet yourself.  All you've seen him do is levitate, but you figure the fact that he's let you see that probably means that his isn't afraid of anything you can do to him.  You assess the situation and run for your life.

Unlikely?  Sure, but not impossible.

Another potentially akward situation is if you look at someone and realize from their long description that they are a demon, a gith, a kank, an avignon, or some other rare and remarkable thing.  Knowing that there is a PC <whatever> in the game may ruin the surprise later.

The problem with all these senarios is that you do get to see their sdesc, even if you don't deliberately look, and an unusual sdesc can tip you off.  Most mages are something more unusual than "the tall, muscular man."  Most kanks, gith, etc., will have their race right there in their sdesc.  So situations where looking at their main desc can be misused later will be very, very rare.  Rare, but still possible.

Title: Hall of Kings Poll
Post by: Cenghiz on May 02, 2004, 10:05:34 AM
QuoteThat's a melon scratcher, but I think I've found a way.

So? If you don't talk and look, you can't remember when they logged in first? If I see someone in Hall of Kings, I will remember, whether I looked at him or not.
I played a few consequent long living social chars in the same place. Now I remember how old is nearly everybody in that place and this time, I've a warrior. You think I'll use this info from ex-chars?
C'mon! If all things written is about twinks, if all you care's twinks, you should be really nervous. I believe I'm not a twink and I _will_ say "Good luck!" to someone there if I feel to. And I won't care if he looks at me, beucase a twink would always be stronger than you anyway, no need to waste my thoughts on twinks.
Please don't become perfectionist Nazis, we don't need that many rules not to behave OOC. We CAN seperate IC and OOC.