Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: jmordetsky on February 18, 2004, 06:04:00 PM

Title: AutoFlee (no...not wimpy)
Post by: jmordetsky on February 18, 2004, 06:04:00 PM
I'd like to see an AutoFlee property, not unlike nosave.

Reason being, is that I think that one might be able to turn this on if they were in a situation where they deperately, or not-so desperately needed to step away from the keyboard while they were in a not so friendly area.

Theres nothing worse then dieing because you went link dead, got an important phone call or had to use the proverbial 'can'.

By setting auto-flee to true, if a sneaky npc or pc desert monger did come to get you while you were gone, you'd auto flee at being attacked, possibly giving you the few minutes needed to return from the pressing task at hand.

Of course, you might autoflee yourself into the silt, or off the top of the shield wall....or slowly tire yourself to 0 stam...But I think that might be better then your PC heroically battling a mek while you finish up your business.

Any thoughts?
Title: AutoFlee (no...not wimpy)
Post by: spawnloser on February 18, 2004, 09:14:29 PM
For the reasons you listed, I don't like it.  Sorry, man.
Title: AutoFlee (no...not wimpy)
Post by: Kalden on February 18, 2004, 10:06:25 PM
QuoteTheres nothing worse then dieing because you went link dead, got an important phone call or had to use the proverbial 'can'.

I think getting killed because you forgot to toggle nosave on is worse, and happens far more often.  :roll:
Title: AutoFlee (no...not wimpy)
Post by: Forest Junkie on February 19, 2004, 01:29:43 AM
Quote from: "spawnloser"For the reasons you listed, I don't like it.  Sorry, man.


If you must leave the pc, quit out. If you can't, just pray to God you get lucky.

No thanks.
Title: AutoFlee (no...not wimpy)
Post by: Agent_137 on February 19, 2004, 04:00:27 PM
eat lots of beef jerky, pee less.
Title: AutoFlee (no...not wimpy)
Post by: Ueda on February 19, 2004, 04:08:26 PM
I always hate when your in a bad situation & you have to go do something IRL, but this makes me think of people that do Illegal drugs & are like damn COPS! Its their fault & I didn't get myself into this position.
Title: All this says to people.
Post by: gfair on February 20, 2004, 09:59:31 AM
I have to agree with others - take out a second and/or third person with you, or find a safe place where you can quit out, auto-flee will just make a lot of players want their PCs back when they auto-flee off the shield wall and the player says "My PC would NEVER do that", not to mention that essentially being a suicide, so suddenly flee code needs a check for every room that results in instant-death, that turns twinky because your PC can die due to falling or other causes normally, so people might turn on auto-flee even while at the computer, unless auto-flee ignores all commands, in which case they can just turn it on and off at need, unless they add in the same code as when you try to quit out shortly after a fight.

Ideas regarding code are complex, which is why they can sound great, but then the person who wants to consider them has to think through 10-20 areas that can either make the players really happy or really angry when any one of those scenarios come up and don't happen the way you want it to.
Title: AutoFlee (no...not wimpy)
Post by: Jozhal hunter on February 20, 2004, 11:49:16 AM
A ring-tailed jozhal arrives from the south.
You panic and attemt to flee.
You head north.
You are falling.
You are falling.
you fail to grab onto anything.
you fail to grab onto anything.
think Shit. Stupid bastard jozhals.

Just what I think.
Title: AutoFlee (no...not wimpy)
Post by: Dracul on February 20, 2004, 01:49:14 PM
He did suggest it as a toggle command, which would be used at discrection. It doesn't sound like too hard to code either (I don't know much programming or whats used by muds for that matter though).

In my thoughts, I think in less public/safe zones within a city (like the rinth) it could be very useful. For anyone, even those whose real life doesn't take preference over armageddon, sometimes things will pop up that interfere.