Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Anonymous on February 02, 2004, 04:13:51 AM

Title: public apology
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2004, 04:13:51 AM
I encountered a large group of players involved in an event after my 1 hr old character died on the road.  Though I am very much aware of the policy against looting ones own corpse after a mercy resurrection I intruded upon the event with ooc requests for the loot to be returned to my character.  Having participated in a few events in the very same organization, I am aware of the time and care in which staff takes in setting up and running these events and am therefore very sorry to have intruded.

Still, it would have been nice just to occly pretend my death hadn't occurred: it wasn't a part of any plot great or small, just generic death by wandering mobile.  Most of my dozen and a half deaths are entirely due to my own blatant stupidity banging up against the code.  This be the first time I've ever whined about it, mostly 'cause my last three characters died before their third hour--it feels like I've spent more time working on character concepts then playing them out.   I knew that I didn't have it in me to spend time writing up yet another corpse description, so in the heat of the moment decided to go off and retrieve my character's crap.  As my luck would have it, a large group of somebodies beat me to it.

If I ever decide to make another character again, statistics suggest I won't whine when I die, or interrupt another event with ooc requests.

Beyond apologizing, two more points:

1: Maybe that mercy rez should go away altogether.  I've been the victim of it once before I can testify that it is a fate worse than death to be wandering around naked, with 1 hp, and entirely embarrassed.  The last character was reduced to begging for food on the streets, not the concept I envisioned for the recently deceased character at all.

2: It would be nice if the nosave flag didn't govern whether or not one surrenders to the citystate's uber-guards.  Rather a surrender_to_the_law flag that's automatically on would save me and my fellow idiots countless dumb deaths.  In fact, my last two characters (prior to the most recent death) died to guards after performing actions that I didn't believe would set the wanted flag.

Well, anyway, the idea of writing up yet another character to throw on the pyre with the rest is just too depressing to contemplate for now.  Thanks to the staff and players for your contributions to my entertainment.  The idea of playing a game with such high quality players will probably suck me back into armageddon again...for now it seems best to retire for a month or three.
Title: public apology
Post by: Morrolan on February 02, 2004, 04:58:10 AM
While you were trying to have that OOC conversation with that group, several of the characters were dying from dehydration.

We could not go to [OOC world] with you right then.  Or IC would be -very over- for us.  Frankly, I had no idea if anyone looted your corpse.  And at that point, I could not sit around and ask.

I gave you the [OOC] information to get in touch with me.

I guess I will not be hearing from you.

Title: public apology
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2004, 05:09:58 AM
The probably no one in your party looted the corpse; you'd have seen it happen I'm assuming.  In either case if I wanted to whine so badly I should have wished up instead spamming ooc crap at a group obviously involved in a rpt.

Title: public apology
Post by: Callisto on February 02, 2004, 05:18:26 AM
Feel free to send me a PM if you need some help.

I know it's a pain to be in a situation that, but there are some little things you can do to make being in that position a little less hopeless.
Title: public apology
Post by: wardor on February 02, 2004, 06:00:05 AM
I would be upset too if I had made a dozen and a half characters.. *Gasp*  I am still playing my first... And he just refuses to die no matter what trouble he gets into.

Title: public apology
Post by: deviant storm on February 02, 2004, 07:03:40 AM
I have had over 50 characters die. And I'd be glad to give a few pointers or some help if you want to pm me. We'll work on keeping one of yours alive.
Title: public apology
Post by: John on February 02, 2004, 04:44:15 PM
I've had 50+ chars die as well :) I've only been playing for two years though  :roll: I'd be happy to help you work out how to survive. It only took me 6months to work it out (And I went through 45 chars in that time). I've only gone through 12 in the past 14months :D
Title: public apology
Post by: Kankman on February 02, 2004, 06:33:56 PM
150+ characters later, I'm still hooked. Don't give up. Death is part of the fun.
Title: public apology
Post by: Gaare on February 02, 2004, 07:03:25 PM
No need to sorry for that... It was something many of us could do before. :)
Title: public apology
Post by: sacac on February 02, 2004, 08:56:08 PM
My first and second characters.. I am on my fifth by the way.. I think.. Well anyway, the first two died shortly after the three hour limit finished :)
To bastards.. (Who I wont name) Showed me what I was supposed to know before running and getting my stupid newbie self into places I wasn't supposed to go.. (Ala, Templar's quarter, a really deep whole, into a magickers temple) And thanks to the people that told me that I wasn't supposed to go.. and asking if my limit was up before killing me.. X(

But I found my niche.. and my Current PC is living.. how shall I say.. really too long.. Loner then I wanted them too live.. *Shrug*
but still has it's interesting moments.. I just have to start my own Mini RPTs :)

My point being.. try all the starting classes before giving up.. :)
And feel free to PM me if you need any help.. And I will help the only way I know.. Telling you ;)
Title: public apology
Post by: Anonymous on February 03, 2004, 12:40:13 AM
Still my first character .. I've started playing in May .. must be doing something wrong .. hmm .. now that I think of it ... cheated Death dozens of time ... yay.

I think my character is going to die tonight now.  :shock:
Title: public apology
Post by: John on February 03, 2004, 12:41:10 AM
Quote from: "Anonymous"Still my first character .. I've started playing in May ..
I hate you  :evil:

(kidding of course  :wink: lucky bastard  :twisted:)
Title: public apology
Post by: sparrowtm on February 03, 2004, 12:41:15 AM
Uhm, the last guest was me.  :oops:

@John: Wub you too!  :roll:
Title: public apology
Post by: Ralin on February 03, 2004, 01:32:26 AM
On my fourth as of now...they live longer each time. :) I'm learning with each one, maybe by my tenth I'll have one of those uber, 200 day characters...then again, maybe not.  :roll:
Title: public apology
Post by: Akaramu on February 03, 2004, 05:49:44 AM
I dont know, I find it incredibly easy to not die. Have a smart PC who wants to avoid doing anything stupid or risky. Most of the time.  :wink:

Most newbies make the mistake of overestimating their starting skills. No, you cant leave your starting town and be fine. Maybe once if you get lucky. No, going to obviously dangerous places is not a good idea. You will find death, not treasure. Yes, its very hard to be independant. Join a clan and stick to their schedule. Dont like the clan rules, thats too bad, because independant newbies are likely to die.  :wink:
Title: public apology
Post by: Lasakar on February 03, 2004, 06:25:27 AM
Quote from: "Anonymous"Still my first character .. I've started playing in May .. must be doing something wrong .. hmm .. now that I think of it ... cheated Death dozens of time ... yay.

I think my character is going to die tonight now.  :shock:

Who is your char? The beggar on the caravan road? The white robbed templar who sells water in the temple? Or are you just a statue?  :wink:
Title: public apology
Post by: Cenghiz on February 03, 2004, 06:59:37 AM
My all chars used to die in 24 hours or so, then I decided I would create someone whose focus was nothing dangerous.. Play the average joe.. Still entertaining, and 52 hours now :) A record for me.
Title: public apology
Post by: spawnloser on February 03, 2004, 09:19:55 AM
I know someone that is still playing a first character...since March or April.  Was in a dangerous profession and then moved to an only slightly less dangerous one.  I've been duly impressed.
Title: public apology
Post by: sparrowtm on February 03, 2004, 07:30:31 PM
No, I'm not a statue  :D I even play a rather risky profession .. but ... I just won't die. NEVER! You hear me! My character will die of old age! Only 40 ingame years to go ...  :roll: