Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Krath on January 20, 2004, 12:36:24 PM

Question: Add an Option on the Login which lets you see your account comments.
Option 1: Yes votes: 31
Option 2: No votes: 15
Option 3: Other (See posts) votes: 0
Title: Comments on your Account Idea
Post by: Krath on January 20, 2004, 12:36:24 PM

I usually do not have many Ideas, so to be frank this idea came from UnderSeven. Anyways, he posted on the Ask the Staff board if they could set it up automatically so you could see your comments when you login.

So I am proposing, i am not sure how much coding it would take, but if need be I would assist with it, but How about another option when you login to ARM, Your account not character, where you have the option to see your comments from the staff. IE, why you got your karma, where you need improvements and such.  It would cut down on the spammy email that the Arm staff already gets, and it would give the players info, when the wanted as opposed to waiting for a few days for responce from the mud account. If I am correct they prioritize what is most important email to least and I do not think that is high up.

Now, the only thing I would ask is that, Comments on a current character which you have alive, you can only view after he is dead. What do you all think?
Title: Comments on your Account Idea
Post by: UnderSeven on January 20, 2004, 12:38:37 PM
I never have asked for my comments before, mainly because I never felt it worth some imms time to grab them and email them to me.  But I think if it were avalible automatically I might do it.

Why would this be good? Because it might give me ideas to improve my rp.  I'm all for it.
Title: Comments on your Account Idea
Post by: Anonymous on January 20, 2004, 12:55:35 PM
If I'm commented negatively, I'd certainly like to know about it, so I can try to improve my play, liked <7 said.

I don't know what the policy is, but I know in the past I had a negative note on my account that I had no idea about.
Title: Comments on your Account Idea
Post by: JollyGreenGiant on January 20, 2004, 01:39:56 PM
I'd be hesitant to vote yes for something like this, because it's a two-edged sword.  For every player out there who would read the negative comments and use them to improve their play, there'd be at least one person who would immediately start pissing and moaning about it, complaining that the Imms hated them, etc.

Another downside is that inevitably, people would discuss their account notes, both the good and the bad.  That could lead to more complaints of unfairness, since not every Imm is going to give karma at the same rate or the same reasons, nor are they going to criticize by the exact same criteria.  I'm not necessarily saying the playerbase would erupt into a cacophony of dissatisfaction over their account notes, but for me... I guess if I really need to know, I'd rather ask.
Title: Comments on your Account Idea
Post by: Xygax on January 20, 2004, 01:48:29 PM
When the staff have comments that we want you to see immediately, we will either mud-mail you, or e-mail you directly.  The rest of the comments on your account can often contain IC sensitive information about plots in which you are involved, or details about your character that aren't necessarily interesting to you.  This is why the comments process isn't an automated one.

-- X
Title: Comments on your Account Idea
Post by: Cuusardo on January 20, 2004, 05:43:33 PM
I am sure there is a good reason why players don't have access to their account notes.
Title: Comments on your Account Idea
Post by: sacac on January 20, 2004, 06:34:20 PM
Hm.. I after reading the posts.. I change my answer.. it is now no.
Title: Comments on your Account Idea
Post by: creeper386 on January 20, 2004, 06:36:58 PM
Simple matter. As the staff has stated and as it's commonly known. It's not automated because everything that is in your player notes isn't just comments for or about you. Including IC situations, plots. General information, and who knows what other staff stuff.

So if it was to be automated the whole system would have to be changed, and then the current accounts switched over to the new system.
