Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: Anonymous on January 09, 2004, 10:44:39 PM

Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: Anonymous on January 09, 2004, 10:44:39 PM
Couple of things I'd like to see with crafting.  All low priority but neat, to me at least:

1 - More refuse on the ground from failure or successes like with wood.  Wood leaves tiny piles of sawdust.  How about:From what I've seen on the crafting submissions page ( there are distinct material types for each object so it doesn't seem like it would be a monumental task to borrow the existing code which creates sawdust piles and expand it to other types.

I like the realism the sawdust piles add and the fact that they represent another activity around crafting other than craft;sell.

2 - Crafting automatically modifies your ldesc to: $sdesc is here, crafting.  I think it would be cool to change this a little to give others in the room some idea what is being done in the absense of emotes.  Presuming the material type of each object is something that can be obtained easily enough, then ldesc change could be modified to read:$sdesc is here, crafting some $material.
Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: Carnage on January 10, 2004, 12:34:48 AM
Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: sacac on January 10, 2004, 01:36:51 AM
I think Babe Ruth said it Best, "That shits out of the park, and very foul."
Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: Lasakar on January 10, 2004, 05:11:23 AM
I like the idea, especially #2.
Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: Delirium on January 10, 2004, 05:18:11 AM
You know, this is a 'discussion' board last time I checked, not a 'be an asshole to anyone who has an idea you don't agree with' board.

Anyway, number one's a good enough idea in theory, but when you walk into a room that's spammed with piles of junk all over the ground, it will probably start looking like less of a good idea, to be honest. I'd have to vote no.

Number two I like. As it is now, if I have a crafter character that often makes the same sort of item, I'll alias an ldesc and hit it every time I start crafting. It might be nice if any of the cooking craft ldescs were changed to "$n is here, cooking." The drawback to that is that then you'd get the wierdness of people thinking you're cooking something when you're really just slicing a fruit.

So I'd have to ultimately vote 'leave it the way it is' and set your ldesc, even though it can be a pain in the ass to keep resetting that ldesc every time.
Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: Anonymous on January 10, 2004, 10:45:13 AM
Quote from: "Delirium"Anyway, number one's a good enough idea in theory, but when you walk into a room that's spammed with piles of junk all over the ground, it will probably start looking like less of a good idea, to be honest. I'd have to vote no.

I can understand this.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't those piles be removed with a broom?  I sorta assumed it was the case due to some things I heard in game.  If there is no way to remove them, then I'm with you.

But if it can be removed, then I think it does two things.  Number one it helps add some realism into the game.  I have played a 15 day crafter who did all of his work in a small area.  I can count on one hand the number of times I remembered to emote cleaning up all the crap I left behind.

Secondly I'm currently playing a leadertype and keeping people busy weighs heavily on me.  So this creates a nice cycle to me.  Tell that newbie ranger to go get some stones and give them to that newbie stonecarver.  Then, later on, tell whichever one of them looks the least busy to get a broom and clean the place up.  I know you can do that now, but there's something more rewarding about cleaning and organizing a room when there's actually code-related activity.  As opposed to emoting cleaning a room.

QuoteNumber two...<SNIP>...So I'd have to ultimately vote 'leave it the way it is' and set your ldesc, even though it can be a pain in the ass to keep resetting that ldesc every time.

Again, I think a lot of this is because I'm playing a leader type at the moment.  And:

The Inn[N]
The happy, go-lucky man is here, crafting some wood

Is a hiring opportunity that presents itself.  I almost never set my crafting ldesc because I'd rather take that time to emote and I don't believe failing or succeeding at crafting resets your ldesc anyways so 2 hours later I'm still sitting with the same ldesc if I forgot.
Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: Bestatte on January 10, 2004, 10:54:47 AM
Delirium's concern about #2 can be rectified by changing the verbiage.

Instead of
The twinky crafting twink is here, cooking.
The twinky crafting twink is here, crafting with food (since cooking isn't really crafting..I mean tugging slices off a piece of fruit isn't exactly a fine art, okay?)

use "work."

The twinky crafting twink is here, working with food.
working with wood.
working with herbs.
working with stone.
etc. etc. etc.

I like that, and it saves having to come up with an ldesc (for those who like having them) each time you try working on something different.

As for #1, I can see both sides to the situation, and agree with both. Not everyone crafts in an iso area, and not everyone carries a broom with them wherever they go. In fact most people probably don't even know where you can buy a broom, let alone how to use one code-wise. On the other hand, it would give those people who -do- have access to a broom, more of a reason to use one.

I can definitely see a templar ordering a criminal PC to walk around town cleaning up all the crafting debris in the Red Sun Commons and other various locations in town. I can even see crafters snickering as they make even MORE piles of crap for the criminals to pick up, just to piss the criminal off. In fact, I can even see whole plotlines created around the idea! But I ain't tellin because they're mine. MINE MINE MINE! Bwahahahaha!

<cough> Anyway. That's my opinion.
Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: Delirium on January 10, 2004, 10:58:23 AM
Bestatte thinks a lot clearer than I do, especially when I've had no sleep and she has.

Bravo, brilliant Bestatte!

I support #2 now.

Oh, by the way - an ldesc does get cleared whenever you fail/succeed a craft.
Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: Carnage on January 10, 2004, 02:23:38 PM
Edit: Oopsy.
Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on January 10, 2004, 02:32:09 PM
HAHA! Give it to them, Carnage! Ok, ok...calm down now.

Sorry, off topic.

I like the idea.
Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: grog on January 10, 2004, 02:36:31 PM
Quote from: "Carnage"
QuoteYou know, this is a 'discussion' board last time I checked, not a 'be an asshole to anyone who has an idea you don't agree with' board.

I wasn't aware that by saying 'No' and disagreeing with someone I became an asshole.

I love Armageddon, but people get far too into it, and start getting defensive.  I think that that post was for the person right below you, as saying no has never been considered being an asshole, unless they are hanging off a cliff and your the only person who could save them.

I think the idea is cool, it might also get some people who craft non-stop in Taverns to get asked to leave because they are creating a mess.
Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on January 10, 2004, 02:39:18 PM
Standing amid the bustling crowd of the tavern, staring down at the mass of ruined feathers arrayed at the feet of the man named Rivers, the red-eyed templar says in sirihish: "Jerusalem, the feathers."
Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: Delirium on January 10, 2004, 05:01:27 PM
I was directing that at sacac, Carnage. Easy, boy.
Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: sacac on January 10, 2004, 07:17:25 PM
alright fine.. I will be more specific.. He said it was better to hit a ball and it go foul then swinging and not hitting at all.
For #2
Call it what you will, but the one problem I have the most with, is how in krath's name am I supposed to know what your crafting? With, or making.
If it is a problem be IC and ask them what they are making.. instead of being all knowledgeable and know instantly what they are crafting with..

the tall, brown-haired commoner is her crafting with, a bunch of orange leaves, a rough chitinous shell, a rough chitinous shell, a rough chitinous shell. (Not actual recipe)

Maybe I am not getting it? But I don't like it.. So.. No. Is that better?

for #1
CRW.. (I will sugercoat my response for my being an asshole) Ok..  
-Unless- They are only doing this for somethings and not everything, take a burned mass of meat (IC?) Unless you were cooking meat and not using it over a fire, then there might be grease, depends on the meat really, and I think it would be easy to RP wiping the grease off of the counter or something instead of walking into a room and see:
Many puddles of grease are here.
Many?!?!?! Let us go with just a few then.
You walk in and see a puddle of grease, alright, yes you could tell things like this:
Someone was in here recently (A random VNPC? No..)
Someone was cooking meat. (Which uses a lot more then just grease, yes I know it was just an example)
Someone was common and didn't clean it up.

Do I think it would add much (If anything) No.. I honestly don't think soo.
Ok.. sum it up. -No-.

I am tired of editting this so.

CRW. Just say you want more things available for when you skrew up, as i don't think (AT all) that this would add anything to you if you succeed.

As in:
What do you get when it messes up? Do you just want every craftable thing in the game to have more of that?
Title: Couple of ideas for crafting
Post by: Carnage on January 10, 2004, 11:31:10 PM
Ah, then I formally apologize. I blame it on the cigarette cravings. ShaL can back me up on that one.
Title: Grease
Post by: gfair on January 11, 2004, 02:43:12 AM
Grease or animal fat burned off the steaks roasted at popular roasting locations would solidify after it cools, possibly being used for various purposes.  Soap?  People could come by from time to time, check for it.

This is reminiscient of impoverished peoples going to local grinding mills and scraping the floor, collecting the fine ground dust of the food that falls down from the wheel.