One of the themes of Season 1 so far is the discovery of how to find Copper, and to acquire it, and to (as the new helpfile says: to work it.
Part of Zalanthas' history is that there have been wars fought over it, and over the last few in-game years, skirmishes between merchant houses for it in the desert wastelands.
1567 (Year 27 Age 21)
Tuluki forces capture a source of copper - an extremely rare and valuable resource - deep within the Red Desert. Very soon an army is sent from Allanak, led by Templar Malenthis Jal the Red, to try and wrestle control of the mine from them, and a two-month long conflict erupts, known as the Copper War. The war ends with both sides claiming victory as the Tuluki force, led by Templars Radic Lyksae, Eunoli Winrothol and Felysia Kassigarh, withdraws from the desert after having mostly spent the vein. The Allanaki army quickly seizes control over what is left and establishes a small camp at the location.
1568 (Year 28 Age 21)
In the aftermath of the Copper War, the Allanaki Senate votes to fine House Kurac a vast sum of obsidian coin, as penalty for apparently supporting Tuluk.
1706 (Year 12 Age 23)
An Auction in Luir's Outpost brings two Faithful from Tuluk and a Templar from Allanak, along with a handful of Nobles from both City States in an unprecedented peaceful gathering of highborn from both cities. During this auction, a Dragonsthrall appears, calling himself the Moth Whisper, and offers a trade for the Tome, but is pushed away. The tome is acquired by nobles from Allanak and returned to that city. Later that year, House Salarr hires mercenaries to clear out an ankheg nest near Luir's Outpost. While inside the caves, they discover copper in ankheg excrement. Houses Salarr, Kadius, and Kurac set up a campsite together, proving to become a period of relative unity and cooperation. Meanwhile, Tuluk and Allanak send forces to secure a portion of the mines' yield. Ultimately, Tuluk and Allanak's armies leave the area, the mine depleted, having secured a portion of the copper each from the Merchant Houses without shedding blood.
1736 (Year 42 Age 23)
The rivalry between House Kurac and House Salarr reaches a new boiling point as tensions escalate between the two. Violent skirmishes erupt in the streets of Allanak as Agents of both factions vie for control of key strategic assets. The conflict is forced out of the city by the Templarate in order to maintain peace in the streets, but the relationship between the two Great Merchant Houses is deeply strained.
1754 (Year 60 Age 23)
House Salarr strikes copper again and establishes a new mine in the far western reaches of the Vrun Driath desert, naming it Helwith's Redemption. They quickly and massively fortify the site.
Here's what you need to know:
* It is not illegal for commoners to own copper items, although it is incredibly expensive to do so. High ranking members of ALL the Great Merchant Houses have copper items. Remember: Templars enforce the laws of their City States, so if a Templar wants your copper nosering, they can take it.
* Metallurgy has primarily been a highly regarded secret of the Great Merchant Houses, mostly within House Salarr but also within Kadius and Kurac. The knowledge to make, shape, form, and work with is something that these Merchant Houses have hired assassins to kill over.
* Alloys such as Bronze, Steel, Brass, or Aluminum are forgotten technologies. If it was written down, those books would be thousands of years old and written in a language probably forgotten.
* Nobody knows what Tin is, and it has not been discovered or used within the last thousand years. Your character would never ask someone what Tin is, or how to find it. There have been no Gold or Silver mines discovered as well. The only change that has been implemented in this season is the -discovery- on how to locate Copper mines.
* Metalworking will eventually be added to the skilltrees of Artisans, Fences, and Dune Traders. Currently it will be taught to players - but the class limitation still stands. Metalworking will not be used to craft the final product - you will still need to use your crafting skills such as armor making and weapon making to create a final product.
There may be some retroactive continuity that needs to happen, for players who have decided to inquire about and search for items in the game that don't exist in the Zalanthas.
Thanks everyone!