We are announcing an opportunity for one additional noble of House Oash to join the game!
The colors of black and azure should be your guiding principles, should you choose to take on this role. While House Oash may not be the premiere house of Allanak right now, let's be real - they have been and always will be the most influential if not the most powerful noble house. It's only a side note in the history books that House Tor currently holds the premiere title.
As a Junior Noble of House Oash, you are rising through the ranks of this glorious noble house. Through your journey you will have
Valkyrja, and myself to guide you on this role, your plots, and reclaim your rightful place as the top noble house in Allanak. You may find yourself spending time at the Arboretum Bar hobnobbing with other nobles, performing magickal experiements with Oash circle mages, visiting the Oash Plantation for a weekend getaway, as well as making sure Oash wines and spirits make it into the most popular establishments in the city. There is a lot of potential to move and shake with this role!
You may make enemies in the process. Others will strive to hold you back. There will be challenges. It is a dangerous game to be played... but
Some things to consider when sending in your application:
- Play times should be closer to peak times (4-10pm server) to align with current and new minions! Per week we are looking for someone who can pop in around 1-2 hours a day, or a minimum of around 10 hours a week.
- Being public and approachable - people need to see you, be able to reach out to you, and annoy you to the point you consider hiring someone to put an end to them. Not that you would, right?
- Mundane class and subclass. We won't make any exceptions on this. You don't need to choose these right away if you have a concept in mind you want to work on with us.
- Some experience with leadership roles, or someone who wants to pick it up and is committed to giving it the old Junior Noble try. We're willing to work with you as long as you communicate and keep things moving.
- Oash nobles deal with magick quite often. If you have some experience dealing with gemmed or rogue mages, that's great! If you would like to learn as you go, we can help you along the way.
Please submit a role application to House Oash with the title of 'OASH NOBLE'.
This role call will be open until this next Saturday, August 3rd.