Armageddon General Discussion Board

Staff-related => Staff Announcements => Topic started by: Usiku on June 21, 2024, 11:58:28 AM

Title: A few launch teething PSAs & reminders
Post by: Usiku on June 21, 2024, 11:58:28 AM
Real Estate Advice

There are a large number of merchant employee, AoD, and aide apartments available in Allanak. These are superior in every way. If you are a member of one of these clans, you should definitely rent one of these apartments rather than the dingy 'public' apartments. Trust me, you'll thank yourself.


There are many new players in the game right now, and it's fantastic to see how eager you all are to help them! However, to both new and seasoned players, please be moderate in your use of OOC. We try to limit OOC communication to protect player immersion. Asking a newbie question and answering it is fine, but please avoid having extended conversations via OOC. Veteran players, we expect you to set the standard here. New players can also wish up (help wish) for help directly from staff.

Jail isn't so bad

I've noticed a few players, both veterans and newcomers, feeling very scared and worried about their Wanted status, to the point of risking their PCs' lives by resisting arrest or taking other extreme measures. Being wanted and getting arrested may not be as bad as you think. Unless your PC concept relies on an impeccable and spotless record (which is required for very few roles in the corrupt world of Zalanthas), it's really not that big of a deal. Bribe a Templar, bow a bit, say you're sorry, do your time. You might even get hooked into a plot. Sometimes the best stories start in the jails.


Please remember to OOC confirm consent for all consent-requiring role play every single time. Do not neglect asking for consent even if you are playing alongside a PC you are familiar with or engage with regularly. If it comes to staff's attention that you have engaged in consent-requiring activity with another player without confirming consent, it will result in an immediate ban. Here is a link to our consent rules ( for more detail and clarification.

Magick RP

Without singling anyone out, we have unfortunately noticed a bit of a lapse in the general standards of RP around magick specifically. Please remember, first and foremost, that we are an RPI, and magick play is about the IC exploration of magick before it is about skilling up spells. Veteran players, we have a lot of new players right now, and they are looking to you as examples of how to do it right. Please show them the way. If you choose not to RP around your magic play, you can obviously expect to lose karma points for Magick, RP, or both.

Newer (and veteran) players, the best experiences in this game come when you connect with your PC and can empathise with and imagine their experience.

Ask yourself these questions and then try to demonstrate the answers in game using emotes, communication, thoughts and feelings: What does their element feel like for your PC when they invoke it? How do they connect to their element to draw power from it? What does that look like to them or others around them? How does it feel to fail? What is the experience of learning a new spell or power like? How did the words come to your PC?


If you are not sure, ask. Ask in the help Discord, send in requests, new players please wish up any time you feel you are stuck. We are here to help. Veteran player Helpers are here to help. There are no stupid questions!