"Murder, Corruption, Betrayal" - you've been our tagline for longer than most of us remember, but alas, perhaps it's time to retire you.
We are going to change our tagline to something new, and we want the playerbase to help us decide what it should be. In the thread linked below, everyone can feel free to post their idea(s) for a new tagline. Something that we want to describe our game moving forward. Maybe something more positive? Maybe something that better describes the game? The format can be similar to what we have now with 3 nouns, or it could be a phrase, any format goes!
The way we're going to go about this is we'll have a GDB thread where everyone can submit ideas. It will close after 10 days, on June 7. Once the thread is closed, staff will then narrow it down to 3 to 5 of the ideas that we think best encapsulate the vision for the game. We will then open a new thread and have the community vote on those options, and the highest vote wins.
If you submit silly ideas, we'll all have a good laugh, but they probably won't be taken seriously. Staff can feel free to post ideas in the thread.
Post your ideas in the thread below!
This closes tomorrow, get your ideas in if you have them!
This is now closed, thank you for your submissions. Staff will take a couple of days to pick the top 4 or 5, then we'll open it for a vote to everyone.
Finalists are up! Vote here: https://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,60471.0.html