Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Pariah on November 14, 2023, 10:23:24 AM

Title: Gameplay Loops
Post by: Pariah on November 14, 2023, 10:23:24 AM
No matter how you cut it, almost every game out has some type of gameplay loop.

I've noticed a few with Armageddon, this is a semi-serious conversation but I'm just curious what your all takes are on this.

So here are my loops:
Indy Hunter:
Dawn-Dusk (or whenever you get adequately filled up on goods or hurt): Out riding around, practicing skills, killing critters, exploring, doing sekret magick shit if that's your thing.
Dusk-Dawn: Moving from gathering point to gathering point, seeing if anyone interesting is around, talking to random folks, trying to way GMH merchants, trying to sell said shit you collected through out the day.
House Hunter:
Pretty much the same, but more directed by whomever the boss is, "I need more dyestones, I need more raptor hides." etc.

Indy Crafter: (My experience with this is a little old, so take with a grain of salt)
Dawn-Dusk: Wander out two steps from the gates, try to forage what you can to at least train part of your skills, run away whenever something scary comes along.
Dusk-Dawn: Sit in the bar/roasting pit and talk to people, while I craft things, the few initial successful crafts will then turn into a pain in the ass (personal opinion) of running around the Bazaar typing offer thing to see who buys it and also gauge what's worth making or not. (My least favorite part is the running from vendor to vendor trying to find someone to buy shit).
House Crafter:
Pretty much the same, but as with hunters, more directed by the boss.

Take half my starting coin and pay to join the Byn, have a few IG days here and there where there are actually people on to spar with, do mind numbing stuff in the afternoon.  Sneak out the gates on days off to go do hoodrat shit.  Rinse and repeat with a contract here or there, but not enough to keep my interest.

What do you guys find your basic gameplay loops are?  No matter what you do in this game, I feel like you will always end up with a routine to playing it, unless you're purely social and care nothing at all about skill development.
Title: Re: Gameplay Loops
Post by: Lizzie on November 14, 2023, 10:48:14 AM
I have no regular "routine" loops. I'm intentionally inconsistent because I'm not interested in being an automaton. If my hunter needs something specific, they'll try to get it. If they don't, they will explore a bit, maybe greb, maybe hunt, maybe experiment with different techniques, maybe travel to another place to buy/sell materials/finished products, maybe hang out in the bar.

My crafter will do the same, except swap out hunting for crafting.

My soldier will find minds, maybe spar with the dummy if no one's around to spar with, maybe craft a bit in the barracks if they're in the mood and no one around to spar with, maybe hang out in the tavern, maybe chase a criminal, maybe do city patrol.

My characters are three-dimensional, and I play them that way.
Title: Re: Gameplay Loops
Post by: mansa on November 14, 2023, 11:01:39 AM
My general loop is this:

Go to a tavern, look inside
Go to another tavern, look inside,
Go to another tavern, look inside,
Go to my fav tavern, sit down, contact people,
Plan activities with people,
Do activities.

When I played someone who owned a shop with an NPC, half of my playtime was gathering raw materials and turning them into items to load into my NPC merchant.

The other half of my time was going to the taverns and bars and socializing / networking / conspiracy creating.
Title: Re: Gameplay Loops
Post by: zealus on November 14, 2023, 02:22:22 PM
I'm a little dorfy.
Earn coin to do my plan -> Socialize at night, wait for the right people -> Spend coin -> Earn coin ect.
But depends on the sort of PC. I play a lot of city based social roles.
Title: Re: Gameplay Loops
Post by: Riev on November 14, 2023, 03:20:15 PM
My gameplay loop typically consists of:

Do things while its light out.
Socialize with people at night.
     If it turns to day and its not AGAINST THE RULES, continue with socializing.
Idle at the bar/apartment/compound unless worth getting up to antics at night.

Sometimes I just watch TV on another screen and wait to see if anything happens.
Title: Re: Gameplay Loops
Post by: Pariah on November 14, 2023, 04:10:00 PM
Quote from: Riev on November 14, 2023, 03:20:15 PM...
Socialize with people at night.
     If it turns to day and its not AGAINST THE RULES, continue with socializing.

It's against the rules to waste time tavern sitting when there are better things to do. /sarcasm
Title: Re: Gameplay Loops
Post by: Trevalyan on November 14, 2023, 06:56:10 PM
Byn gameplay loop:

- spar/ play hooky if no one is around
- chores/ weapon practice/ unarmed training
- climbing practice/ run around like a maniac/ heavy drinking

Leave day
- forage like crazy OR don't stop drinking since the previous evening OR go "patrolling" outside the gates

And that's literally the most restrictive role I've played this year. You can be in a sphere where you can get between all the spars or zero spars. All the exploring or never leave the gates again. Craft, fight, whatever you want to do. I personally think all crafters should either have stealth or combat ability, but hey- quite a few have magic, so there's that.

I'd never want to be stuck in a gameplay loop, even if I'm arguably the sort of person who would love finding a profitable groove, but so be it. I'd rather be fun than grindy.
Title: Re: Gameplay Loops
Post by: Lotion on November 14, 2023, 08:13:49 PM
On a very fresh wilderness character sometimes my gameplay loop will be:

log in
get a barrier fail
get a ride fail moving between two rooms
rest my mount
forage food for cooking fail items
wait until i have a forage and cooking fail
log out and wait for timers

Title: Re: Gameplay Loops
Post by: ShaiHulud on November 15, 2023, 02:23:37 AM
Log in, hide, wait at the span for some fool. Log off.
Title: Re: Gameplay Loops
Post by: Jihelu on November 15, 2023, 11:54:15 PM
My thief grind:

Day: Figure out what my day job is. Whether it be beggar, crafter, shitty hunter, etc.
Night:  Steal shit at night, get all my sneaky skills up, climb in alleys, fist fight rats like the true alpha hood rat.
Other:  Add stealing to my day routine when it stops sucking. Breaking into apartments is mostly a night activity and I don't do it till stealth makes me a ghost.

For the first few days played I play like a terrible person/robot. Log in, barrier fail, forage fail, cooking fail, do the above, then log off. I don't tend to roleplay much till I'm what I consider at 'I'm a human being' skill levels.