Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: Pariah on November 29, 2022, 10:06:22 AM

Title: Notes system offshoot of Biography mechanic.
Post by: Pariah on November 29, 2022, 10:06:22 AM
So right now you can us Biography command to make little stories or biographies of your homie or homegirl.

But you can't edit them and they are technically supposed to be narratives of what happened in your life.

I find myself when I meet folks, having to use a separate notepad++ App to remember things, maybe it's cause I'm in my forties and my mind is going with old age haha.

But it's always a bit clunky right, cause I meet Amos the spice smuggler lets say and he's like, get me five ounces of that green green (I don't really use spice much in game so am not sure how it works exactly).

I then have to open up my notepad and be like Amos wants green green spice and said he'd pay for it.  Seems like a shift fuck, maybe can turn him into the Templar for a reward etc.

Or if I meet tressy-tressed woman named Bessy I have to go to notepad and put her description and name and whatever notes.

It's not the end of the world, but it's a ooc trove of info right?  If there was a coded way that's tied to the character, that I could edit, like Notes view:

1.  tressy-tressed woman

Notes #1

I met the  tressy-tressed woman  and she works for House Tektolnes and is a  concubine  for The Highlord, don't piss her off.

Then she gets fired I can go in and edit it and be like

She's just a normal whore now, works for Kurac.

But ultimately the benefit of having this be IN GAME is that when my character dies, the notes go with it.  I don't have a three page long notepad file filled with ooc notes, recipes and whatever else I take notes of just chilling on my desktop (I mean you could but it encourages you to use the systems in game and not the out of game ones).

I just think it would keep things more purely IN GAME and less alt tabbing or switching to my second monitor for note taking.  Just an idea.

But biggest thing I think would be attractive to the game is that when you die, your notes die with you.

Please be considerate both ICly and OOCly of your terminology with regards to females. Thanks. -Hestia
Title: Re: Notes system offshoot of Biography mechanic.
Post by: mansa on November 29, 2022, 10:37:20 AM
Quote from: Pariah on November 29, 2022, 10:06:22 AM
But you can't edit them and they are technically supposed to be narratives of what happened in your life.

You can edit every biography except the first one.  The first one is why your character was approved in the game, and cannot be edited or changed because players will do a 'bait and switch'.

biography <#>
biography add <title>
biography delete <#>
biography edit <#>

biography 1
biography add Another year gone
biography delete 6
biography edit 6

You can also edit them on the website here:

Quote from: Pariah on November 29, 2022, 10:06:22 AM
I find myself when I meet folks, having to use a separate notepad++ App to remember things, maybe it's cause I'm in my forties and my mind is going with old age haha.

But it's always a bit clunky right, cause I meet Amos the spice smuggler lets say and he's like, get me five ounces of that green green (I don't really use spice much in game so am not sure how it works exactly).
I then have to open up my notepad and be like Amos wants green green spice and said he'd pay for it.  Seems like a shift fuck, maybe can turn him into the Templar for a reward etc.
Or if I meet tressy-tressed woman named Bessy I have to go to notepad and put her description and name and whatever notes.
It's not the end of the world, but it's a ooc trove of info right?  If there was a coded way that's tied to the character, that I could edit, like Notes view:
1. tressy-tressed woman
Notes #1
I met the tressy-tressed woman and she works for House Tektolnes and is a concubine for The Highlord, don't piss her off.
Then she gets fired I can go in and edit it and be like
She's just a normal whore now, works for Kurac.

But ultimately the benefit of having this be IN GAME is that when my character dies, the notes go with it.  I don't have a three page long notepad file filled with ooc notes, recipes and whatever else I take notes of just chilling on my desktop (I mean you could but it encourages you to use the systems in game and not the out of game ones).
I just think it would keep things more purely IN GAME and less alt tabbing or switching to my second monitor for note taking.  Just an idea.
But biggest thing I think would be attractive to the game is that when you die, your notes die with you.

I use the alias command for out-of-character notes.

alias mansa small, blue-eyed boy (SilverScorpion in Tor)

And then I just type 'alias' and the game tells me my tiny notes.
Title: Re: Notes system offshoot of Biography mechanic.
Post by: Pariah on November 29, 2022, 10:41:04 AM
Explain this alias thing in more detail please?
Title: Re: Notes system offshoot of Biography mechanic.
Post by: mansa on November 29, 2022, 10:55:05 AM

Alias                                                                  (Control)
This command allows you to create mnemonics which will be expanded into full
commands when typed. Arguments following the mnemonic will be inserted into the
command, but replaceable parameters and substitutions are not implemented. You
can have a maximum of 100 aliases. Using the alias command by itself will list
your current aliases.

To delete an alias, use the alias command with the name of the alias you wish to
delete, as in "alias spoo".

alias <mnemonic> <text>

You can have 100 separate "alias" entries.  They can be a maximum of 230 characters.  (,49825.msg1051450.html#msg1051450)
The command is completely OUT-OF-CHARACTER, and remains on the character ONLY.

I use the "mnemonic" as the character name, as long as the character name isn't a command in the game like 'nod' or 'smile' or 'get' or 'say' or 'follow'.
And then I have about 200 characters to have my OOC notes about the character.  If there are more notes I need to remember, I would create a notepad file.
Title: Re: Notes system offshoot of Biography mechanic.
Post by: Pariah on November 29, 2022, 10:59:20 AM
Quote from: mansa on November 29, 2022, 10:55:05 AM

Alias                                                                  (Control)
This command allows you to create mnemonics which will be expanded into full
commands when typed. Arguments following the mnemonic will be inserted into the
command, but replaceable parameters and substitutions are not implemented. You
can have a maximum of 100 aliases. Using the alias command by itself will list
your current aliases.

To delete an alias, use the alias command with the name of the alias you wish to
delete, as in "alias spoo".

alias <mnemonic> <text>

You can have 100 separate "alias" entries.  They can be a maximum of 230 characters.  (,49825.msg1051450.html#msg1051450)
The command is completely OUT-OF-CHARACTER, and remains on the character ONLY.

I use the "mnemonic" as the character name, as long as the character name isn't a command in the game like 'nod' or 'smile' or 'get' or 'say' or 'follow'.
And then I have about 200 characters to have my OOC notes about the character.  If there are more notes I need to remember, I would create a notepad file.

Ohh, I get it, so you're creating aliases of the actual name of the person, so unless you type.


it will never trigger.

I guess that's smart, but totally misusing the system haha.
Title: Re: Notes system offshoot of Biography mechanic.
Post by: Brokkr on November 29, 2022, 11:30:59 AM
I typically do

alias names1 bob the short dwarf, raul the mustachio'd man
alias names2 mary the lamb-shorn woman

Title: Re: Notes system offshoot of Biography mechanic.
Post by: Agent_137 on November 29, 2022, 05:04:14 PM
the new unofficial client has this feature baked in and it's called notes
Title: Re: Notes system offshoot of Biography mechanic.
Post by: deskoft on November 29, 2022, 06:56:14 PM
This is a topic that is close to my heart, I have a terrible memory and 1000 things on my mind to remember the sdesc-name thing.

The Unofficial Client definitely aims to fix this, we're in a process of transition right now.
Title: Re: Notes system offshoot of Biography mechanic.
Post by: Pariah on November 29, 2022, 07:35:05 PM
My apologies Hestia, I call both men and women bitches, but I could see how that came off in that context.
Title: Re: Notes system offshoot of Biography mechanic.
Post by: Barsook on November 29, 2022, 08:12:17 PM
Mudlet has a built-in notepad. Might be of use for you.
Title: Re: Notes system offshoot of Biography mechanic.
Post by: Filthy_Grey_Rat on November 29, 2022, 08:58:46 PM
Alias changed, omg. I had no idea, Alias changed! Wooohooo!! YEAH!
Title: Re: Notes system offshoot of Biography mechanic.
Post by: Barsook on November 29, 2022, 09:00:13 PM
Quote from: Filthy_Grey_Rat on November 29, 2022, 08:58:46 PM
Alias changed, omg. I had no idea, Alias changed! Wooohooo!! YEAH!

But when? I don't recall when it became a max of 100. I thought it was like ten for some reason.
Title: Re: Notes system offshoot of Biography mechanic.
Post by: mansa on November 29, 2022, 09:11:43 PM
Quote from: Barsook on November 29, 2022, 09:00:13 PM
Quote from: Filthy_Grey_Rat on November 29, 2022, 08:58:46 PM
Alias changed, omg. I had no idea, Alias changed! Wooohooo!! YEAH!

But when? I don't recall when it became a max of 100. I thought it was like ten for some reason.,49825.msg1023114.html#msg1023114

November 11, 2018