Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Tamarin on November 24, 2003, 06:28:33 PM

Question: What kind of plots are the best?
Option 1: Assasination based votes: 29
Option 2: Open Combat votes: 14
Option 3: Magick votes: 12
Option 4: Crime votes: 19
Option 5: Hunting votes: 4
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Tamarin on November 24, 2003, 06:28:33 PM
Just wondering what people think are the best kind of plots.
Title: Plotlines
Post by: JollyGreenGiant on November 24, 2003, 06:32:23 PM
The best ones have it all.  Something gets stolen.  Someone gets assassinated.  Open combat breaks out as a result, and the magickers get in on the action.  Hilarity ensues.
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Bestatte on November 24, 2003, 06:45:00 PM
I like political plotlines best. Mental backstabbing, emotional hostages, things that require an excruciating amount of thought and not all that much physical action. Though, a little defenestration is always fun.
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Tamarin on November 24, 2003, 07:03:19 PM
Yeah, I meant to include a political/social/alliance/economical option, but I forgot to hit the "add option button"...
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Anarchy on November 24, 2003, 08:25:54 PM
Lets face it, assassination and assassins are the greatest invention Armageddon has ever created, a single skilled assassin can strike fear into anyone. The death of one right person can spark all the other options you put up and many more. You know where my vote went.
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Carnage on November 24, 2003, 08:38:13 PM
Magick. I'm in love with the magick system and magickers in general. It's a whole alternate way of thinking and fun to be able to bend the natural laws of the world, whether conjuring water or recharging yourself to go on a long trek across the world. Eat your heart out non-karma classes!
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Callisto on November 24, 2003, 08:48:29 PM
You're such a newbie Carnage, everyone knows the warriors have all the fun. Open combat gets my vote.
Title: Plotlines
Post by: EvilRoeSlade on November 24, 2003, 11:06:58 PM
What's a hunting plotline supposed to be, anyway?  A bunch of hunters grouping together and going to kill those black beetles?
Title: Plotlines
Post by: mansa on November 24, 2003, 11:10:36 PM
I like the plotline where people go to unexplored places, and act surprised.
That's for a sunday afternoon.

I like the plot line, that happens at 3 a.m. at night.  When you're running from the terror you can't see, and finally, when you think you've got a safe place, you realize... you can't kill the boogie man.

I like the plot lines where intersecting lines happen.  Where one thing happens, and then a RL month later, another thing happens, and then, another month later, you realize, everything was connected, and you should of figured it out before, but you didn't.

Dang you!  I should of known it!  Ahh well.
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Stroker on November 25, 2003, 01:25:10 PM
Seeing as we are the sex mud, I put one vote for Sex Plotlines.

You all watch your backs, one day a man with a hammer and sickle will rise from the wastes of Zalanthas and he will have a dream: communism, and he shall spread that dream. Long live the Communist Revolution!

Catch me if you can.
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Xygax on November 25, 2003, 01:29:09 PM
Quote from: "Dirr"Seeing as we are the sex mud, I put one vote for Sex Plotlines.

You all watch your backs....

I actually shuddered in fear at this point.
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Stroker on November 25, 2003, 01:39:11 PM
QuoteI actually shuddered in fear at this point.

And with good cause.
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Ueda on November 25, 2003, 04:01:35 PM
Actually I've never had "Mud Sex" & I shudder at the idea of it.
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Bestatte on November 25, 2003, 05:41:32 PM
Well Mudsex Armageddonstyle involves copious use of ginka sauce and a shallow enclosure. That's just since we don't have all that much mud in Armageddon.
Title: Normal Plots.
Post by: LoD on November 25, 2003, 07:08:06 PM
The choice I wanted wasn't presented in the list.

I enjoy normal plotlines.  Plots that would actually happen with frequency and don't require some stretch of the imagination or magickal nonsense to make them interesting.  I would like to see these become the norm, because I firmly believe that they would actually improve the play of the game tenfold for clans and players alike.

What do you mean 'normal'?

I mean things that every House would have going on, that require players to get off their ass and do something that -could- turn into something interesting.  That actually allow them to use their skills in a realistic manner besides morning training, or an RPT once every few months.


Example One

A local pub decides to have a drinking contest on Thurs night.  They advertise for a RL week with a post on the board, Imm animates the bartender to speak with PC's when they are at the bar about it.  They have a small cash or item reward for the winner.

-> Sub plot - the bartender hires the Byn to travel to location 'X' to pick up barrels of drink 'Y' for the contest.

Example Two

A until-now virtual House wagon becomes stuck between some rocks out away from the city somewhere.  It calls upon the House guards to head out to the location with some supplies, get it free, and escort it home.

-> Sub plot - while freeing the wagon, someone unearths what appears to be a skeletal hand.  They dig further and find an old grave in the sands of a long buried Bynner with a few tattered pieces of Bynner gear and maybe a halfway decent item.

Example Three

An independant merchant has been undercutting your House's prices after repeated commands not to do so.  He is known to be coming from Red Storm with another shipment of his goods to a stall in the city.  He's got a small group of rag-tag bodyguards.  Intercept him, destroy his cargo and explain to him this is his last offense.  If he resists, kill him.

->Sub plot - After obtaining the cargo, you find that part of the delivery happened to be a scroll with writing on it.  Giving it to the senior agent of the House, you discover that....$10 says you wanted to know what it said and were interested to see where it was going.

That's what I'm talking about.  Normal quests, that are interesting, fun, and completely normal.  Everyday business for a clan, without fanfare, HUGE setup time, or world-level craziness.  I realize that this DOES happen to some degree here and there, but I propose that it happens a lot more.

My 2 'sid.

Title: Plotlines
Post by: Lerl on December 17, 2003, 09:13:14 PM
I agree LoD.  When was the last time a wagon was successfully stopped and/or attacked?  You'd think with how desparate and desolate things are supposed to be that a huge wagon full of goodies just might be worth figuring a way to stop.  Maybe code something so that if there are items in a room then a wagon gets stuck on them until someone gets out and picks them up? Ok, maybe thats too far but Id like to see the "common" things go all terribly wrong often.  Be quite interesting.
Title: Plotlines
Post by: sacac on December 17, 2003, 10:11:17 PM
Yeah Where are the simple things in the desert life? like finding the most beautiful flower in the desert and smelling it, tasting it and eventually finding out that it's poison.. :)
Whatever happened that made kanks not afriad of anything? If your fighting a pack of gith.. you would think that the kank would get scared.. and runa way.. forcing you to do the small quest of finding it.. or walking back :)
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Anonymous on December 17, 2003, 10:25:59 PM
They do get scared ..... and knock you off their backs. A good rider can keep their mount under control. As far as a beatiful flower? WTF?
Title: Plotlines
Post by: sacac on December 17, 2003, 10:36:47 PM
not what I mean.. but ok.. For instance.. When you might leave your kank and go to a next screen.. And if something goes in the screen with the kank.. and maybe it runs away.. awhile..
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Anonymous on December 17, 2003, 10:38:54 PM
You could very well rp that without code. And you could rp against it without code. For instance, you could charge into battle with the kank being many cords behind you, not even aware of the present danger.
Title: Hrm
Post by: Dakkon Black on December 18, 2003, 12:22:49 AM
As a matter of fact one of the main causes of Vivaduanism is a need for mud for mudsex.
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Cuusardo on December 18, 2003, 08:37:08 AM
You can't really limit a plotline to any one of those options alone.  A good plot in the Great Zalanthan Soap Opera contains all of those things!
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Seeker on December 18, 2003, 09:36:18 AM
There is NO plot line that cannot be improved with just a little more ginka sauce thrown into the mix.

Title: Plotlines
Post by: Cuusardo on December 18, 2003, 09:38:04 AM
Quote from: "Seeker"There is NO plot line that cannot be improved with just a little more ginka sauce thrown into the mix.


That definitely has interesting connotations.
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Bestatte on December 18, 2003, 09:42:51 AM
Ginka sauce is the cure-all for any stale plotline or mundane moment in a Zalanthan's life.

Why, just the other day, in band camp...

Title: Plotlines
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on December 18, 2003, 11:33:46 AM
The best plotlines are those which are contrived by the players themselves due to realistic roleplay and conflict. The Immortal Plotlines are great, and think not that I do not stay thankful for the time which is invested into these, but the very best are those which require no Immortal interaction and are based solely around the dominoes which are toppled whenever someone takes an action to nudge the first.
Title: Plotlines
Post by: Callisto on December 18, 2003, 07:28:19 PM
Quote from: "Lerl"Ok, maybe thats too far but Id like to see the "common" things go all terribly wrong often.

Join the T'zai Byn.