I have more than one karma and
Option 1: I no longer play 0 karma pcs, even if I have to wait out the timer to play Arm again
votes: 9
Option 2: I only play 0 karma roles if I am in 'karma jail'
votes: 9
Option 3: I play 0 karma roles if they interest me, regardless of my karma timer
votes: 16
At 0 spendable points I create subguild none so that I can pick a real subguild when the time gimes
I only play characters with mundane esg's. No karma jail for me!
I no longer any longer.
Quote from: Malken on October 04, 2022, 09:36:01 PM
I no longer any longer.
Yeah, we know. It would be great it you did. I remember encountering a character of yours years ago and really enjoyed the interactions.
I get an idea for a char. If I can play it, I do. If I don't have enough karma, I come up with something else.
Quote from: Filthy_Grey_Rat on October 04, 2022, 10:29:10 PM
I get an idea for a char. If I can play it, I do. If I don't have enough karma, I come up with something else.
save them, keep a folder
Whenever I come up with a character concept, I go ahead and write it up, I keep them all together in a folder. When the mantis screen hits unexpectedly, I look through the folder and see what meets my current karma and decide between those.
I do the same as DrunkenSalarr, if I have a role that really inspires and is out of reach of current karma I know I have the option to apply. A good presentation and careful thought put into an application could generate interest, it might not. Either way, the option and possibility is there. I've experimented with icly lying about what I am capable of on occasion as well, creating an illusion is an option that can be loads of fun, at least until the jig is up.
My PCs tend to live long enough for this not to be an issue. I've always had at least 1 karma at chargen.
Quote from: Lotion on October 04, 2022, 05:39:26 PM
I create subguild none so that I can pick a real subguild
The fact that new players are stuck with what veteran players (very reasonably look at) as not a real subguild compared to the new bar with what karma has become since it became CGP, is probably a part of the problem with player retention. When the game is retooled toward much of the playerbase playing with these fuller toolboxes and new players not only lack tools and experiences but also literally full skill trees compared to others, it just widens the gap and inequity.
/2 sids.
something something remembering when karma was purely about how hard a role was to play, and now gating literally just bonus skills behind it makes for a layer of inequity that is not a great look.
My most fun character, as I recall, was a Warrior/Archer, which at the time I didn't even realize was about 90% redundant. I sold a few bows, and that was lucrative enough, but it was barely a part of the character. There are regular ol' subguilds I'd be willing to play, and some I know better than to use, now. I have no problem admitting, as well, that there are none of the old subguilds that I'd prefer over an expanded one.
Mostly though, your point about karma's place in this game is well taken. It used to represent staff's trust in you playing a role that was more powerful or difficult. And games are free to evolve however they choose, but I don't think ESGs fit that definition.
I was hoping that Brokkr would implement the subclass revision project they were working on here:
Quote from: mansa on October 06, 2022, 11:35:23 AM
I was hoping that Brokkr would implement the subclass revision project they were working on here:
This looked awesome, I was following the conversation for a while quietly, thinking about the possibilities it made for for people. I hope it does still get implemented at some point. It looks really promising.