Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => World and Roleplaying Discussion => Topic started by: sarahjc on November 24, 2003, 10:44:55 AM

Question: Which city has better plots and richer RP
Option 1: Tuluk votes: 15
Option 2: Allanak votes: 43
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: sarahjc on November 24, 2003, 10:44:55 AM
Though I love the North and to RP in the north, I gotta say south for this, I was wondering what others thought.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: X-D on November 24, 2003, 10:58:53 AM
Had to take tuluk, though I really think the pole should have more choices.

I've played quite a bit both places, and I think the RP is rich  in both, just different somewhat in style.

Plot wise, Allanak seems to run on plotlines while tuluk run on plot webs.

Hell, I can't even say which I prefer, just depends on the day I suppose.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: sarahjc on November 24, 2003, 11:23:26 AM
I only chose the two for the reason that they are the most populated and have the biggest plot line opportunites..

Though the other citys and locations I am sure do have really good RP and plots, I don't think they are on scale with the two big ones.. I mean maybe Luirs..

But well... :?
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: X-D on November 24, 2003, 12:16:20 PM
Well, I did not mean more city choices, but splitting up the question a bit.

But maybe that would be to many options now that I think about it.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Tamarin on November 24, 2003, 12:42:25 PM
What people don't seem to realise , maybe because it isn't that obvious, is that there are many plotlines intertwined between both Allanak and Tuluk.  There are many organisations that operate in both cities, and their members interact with the nobles, templarate, militia, and general mercenaries in both cities.

If one city suddenly disappeared, you'd see a lot less plot lines in the other city.  Doesn't matter which, but they are both important.  As are all the minor locations.  They all fit into the greater web of plots that encompases all of Zalanthas.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: sarahjc on November 24, 2003, 02:13:20 PM
Uber I agree that many plots run between cities, But not all plots stand out like an eye sore. And maybe it’s just something in the way that the two cities differ in culture. There are always plots within plots.. Within plots.., and since Allanak has a very ridged class structure, it consequently would have a more colorful player base, and a bit more conflict, more known plots.  

But I think that is also why the north is an easier starting point for a Newbie player.  You may be frowned upon for not dipping your head to the local noble, but at least it won’t end up on a pike.  They will just quietly plan ways to make you disappear. The laid back climate of the north is not a bad thing at all, in fact it is where I prefer to play, but it also reflects a more subtle RP and plot environment. Which if you’re more of a grey forest roaming solo type, you may not see too much in the way of plot.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Tamarin on November 24, 2003, 02:18:35 PM
What the game really needs, in my opinion, is a big plot that actually unites Tuluk and Allanak, bringing them closer together in terms of their interaction.  I think this would not only condense the player base, but also end these petty squabbles that really amount to: which is better, Allanak or Tuluk?
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: X-D on November 24, 2003, 02:28:40 PM
Uberjazz, I'm hoping that is some kind of joke, if anything, we need the two to hate each other more.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: sarahjc on November 24, 2003, 02:34:27 PM
Uber, You've got to be kidding..
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Ueda on November 24, 2003, 02:52:05 PM
Allanak's the REAL Zalanthas! :twisted:
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Rindan on November 24, 2003, 02:57:07 PM
I personally would rather NOT see Allanak and Tuluk rise up together in hand holding goodness to fight off some terrible unnamed evil.  I wouldn't mind seeing a consolidation of sides, but I never want it to be fighting against some great evil power.  In my ideal world, it would be Allanak, Vs the Merchant Houses, Vs Tuluk.  Those are three very distinctive cultures with three very distinctive form of power.  They all rely on each other and hate each other to one extent or another.  Good dramatic conflict comes from PC Vs PC conflict.  NPCs are fun cannon fodder, but I taking on the Dark Lord of Darkness, Evil, Being Dark, and burning random orphanages, doesn't really get my rocks off.  The best battles are when there is no good and evil, just two sides in conflict.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: sarahjc on November 24, 2003, 03:06:19 PM
Uber, You've got to be kidding..
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Petra on November 24, 2003, 03:15:18 PM
Quote from: "uberjazz"What the game really needs, in my opinion, is a big plot that actually unites Tuluk and Allanak, bringing them closer together in terms of their interaction.

I may be interpreting this wrong, but nowhere in that post was said Tuluk and Allanak should be friends.  Increasing the interaction level doesn't mean you have to like one another.

When Arm first began the quest to promote realism and role-play, the races were given their own personalities and the players encouraged to play them accordingly.  No longer were mantis found lounging in Allanak's taverns, or halfling merchants hanging with their human buddies in Flint's tavern.  As this progressed the races became more and more distant from one another.  Suddenly everyone became isolated.  The gypsies isolated themselves.  The Blackwing (at the time, the only desert elf tribe) isolated themselves.  The halfling, the mantis, the gith... next thing you know everyone is playing their own little MUD within the MUD.  It reached a point where this had to be abolished to encourage player interaction.

The way I see it now Tuluk and Allanak are two separate MUDs within the MUD.  Yes, there are plots intermingling between the two but they are on a very unseen level.  Up the hate, I say, but don't be afraid to interact .. lest you go down the trail of our predescessors and make yourselves a bunch of ISO clans :P.

I think what uberjazz is suggesting is a means for the two cities to interact more (or at all), not cooperate.  Allanak and Tuluk are enemies you say?  No they're not.  Well, if they are, they're certainly not at war with one another.  Bitter rivals, at this point, is more like it, in my opinion.  Who wouldn't like it if there were monthly RPTs involving small battles that the players could participate in and choose sides amongst?  I think it would be a healthy change of pace from the constant "behind the scenes" roleplay that's going on now.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Tamarin on November 24, 2003, 04:40:25 PM
Petra nailed it one the head.  I don't think Allanak and Tuluk could ever be best of friends.  There are so many reasons, geographical for one, why this will never happen.  I think there could be way more interaction between the two.  As it is, there are maybe three houses operating in both cities, with the Byn performing contracts in both as well.  Beyond that, there is no constant interaction (that I know of).  I'd like to see more of this.

I think a big plot involving both cities would be extremely cool.  Envision this:

Some unheard of force comes to attack Zalanthas, and Allanak and Tuluk both realise it.  Of course, they both see the possibilty to let this force destroy the other city, but they can't admit that to each other.  So they temporarily "join forces".  All they while, various people of influence from both cities plot to take advantage of the other city....and the web grows.  Now doesn't that sound like a good idea?
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Lazloth on November 24, 2003, 04:43:25 PM

And for the record, to quantify 'intricate roleplay' based on region is arrogant and limiting.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on November 24, 2003, 04:45:30 PM
I agree. Agression needs to step up between the two city-states. The only semi-safe sanctuary should be the Byn or one of the Merchant Houses. If you do not work for one or the other, you should be driven out, and fast.

I really don't care about this mess concerning economics and such. Also, I would really like to see an Allanaki accent defined further. As it is, people we meet with a southern accent are all hated, and as far as I am concerned, it is those with an Allanaki background that should be reviled.

The militia in Allanak should be making spying moves and raiding routes. The legion or various intrests in Tuluk should be doing the same thing to Allanak. And the fact that they don't is relatively unrealistic.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Tamarin on November 24, 2003, 04:49:58 PM
Quote from: "Lazloth"No.

Don't you love poeple who make themselves look like asses because they disagree, and then provide no counter argument or alternative?  I know ---I--- do....

What, LAZLOTH, do you suggest to more closely link the RP between the two cities?  Or do you think global RP is a bad idea?
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: X-D on November 24, 2003, 05:36:12 PM
First, I was going to answer the same as lazloth myself, A nice simple no, no arguement because just about any arguement I would present would be darn close to flaming such a silly and horrid un-armlike idea as nak and tuluk joining forces, not only would it simply suck in every possible way but could never happen, there is no way either could be convinced that this terrible evil was not the making of the other, and Tek and Muk both likly consider themselves and the armies they control more then a match for any upstart outsiders.

And rp just because of location...what?

Tuluki's hate nakkies cause of the things they have done in the past, cause they are cultureless barbarians who let hell-spawned magickers roam the streets, cause they have some upstart tyrant calling himself a god and the dragon running their dirty stinking city, not because tuluk is north and nak is in the south, and we have global rp, though it needs to be stepped up some I think, but events have happened that maybe are pointing in that direction.

But I won't do that, A simple NO will do.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Tamarin on November 24, 2003, 05:39:00 PM
See, THAT answer makes sense...Well said.
Title: What was the question?
Post by: gfair on November 24, 2003, 06:09:58 PM
I think the very question asked in the thread is flawed and vague - what is a "better" plot?  How easy is it to work your way into any given plot?  How can anyone make a judgement call on the RP in the two cities?

I don't know if these questions can be answered without any personal bias, and it should be answered without bias, at least the portion asking which city has the best RP.  As for what constitutes a rich plot - it won't make any difference if you can't get in on it.

It's a hollow question really - you can't judge an entire city based on its individual members, and you can make plots bigger and richer and alter the balance, or people can ruin someone's perceived image of the quality of RP.  You can also go out, ask around, get advice and RP tips, and do your own part, perpetually seek to play roles on a deeper level, and greatly increase the perceived quality of RP.

So ... ask not what your city can do for you, ask what you can do for yourself, and those that will interact with you.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Rindan on November 24, 2003, 06:19:03 PM
I think you people are looking way too deep into this, I doubt the purpose of the thread was to conduct a scientific experiment collecting unbaised data.  It was just a crap shoot, "which place as the the coolest plots", the "in your opinion" that came before it was pretty much implied.  As to what makes the best plot, clearly that is a matter of opinion, hence the thread below it to clarify what makes a good plot and who does that the best in your opinion.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: sarahjc on November 24, 2003, 07:18:48 PM
It was just that simple.. Rindan

Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Angela Christine on November 24, 2003, 08:13:56 PM
I would like to see more interaction, friendly or unfriendly.  Skirmishes or raiding could be good, hard to organize since most of the vulnerable targets are virtual.  Another way to go would be an "official" cease fire or peace treaty with an exchange of ambasadors.  That wouldn't prevent unofficial skirmishes and raiding, but would provide some extra conflicts and catfights for nobles, templars and their servants.  And it would give old school rebels the chance to take potshots at visiting ambasadors, they must miss not having people to take potshots at.

Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Anarchy on November 24, 2003, 08:49:17 PM
I want to see more -focused- hate between Tuluk and Allanak.
I have asked small questions about this before, and it seems its just a catch 22, while you all agree the game world is small, most seem to think that they dont know what Red Storm, thats another matter.

I would love to see more raids and attacks between the two city states

The city officals in each city is also a cool sounding idea, but sadly IMO, we wont get focused hate unless we get a few diffrent accent in.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: on November 25, 2003, 02:08:23 AM
QuoteI want to see more -focused- hate between Tuluk and Allanak.
QuoteI would love to see more raids and attacks between the two city states

QuoteI would like to see more interaction, friendly or unfriendly. Skirmishes or raiding could be good

QuoteAgression needs to step up between the two city-states.

Then do it.
It seems the most common sentence starter is "I'd like to see..."

Well what -I'd- like to see is less people wanting to see things and more people doing what they'd like to see.

Want some tension? Stop letting those foreigners drink at your bar. Got some extra sid? Hire someone to go up there and kill something. Got a team of lackeys? Go on a raid for the weekend.

A south to the north raid would work nicely because all those hippies like to cut down the trees. They'd never see it coming.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Ueda on November 25, 2003, 02:23:30 AM
Quote from: "Jenred"A south to the north raid would work nicely because all those hippies like to cut down the trees. They'd never see it coming.

I knew Tek banned spice for a -reason- and there it was right infront of me the hole time. :lol:
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: jhunter on November 25, 2003, 04:08:46 AM
QuoteWell what -I'd- like to see is less people wanting to see things and more people doing what they'd like to see.

IMHO, exactly fucking right.

Example: "Tuluk has no conflict, everyone is a bunch of bunny-fucking pussies who all want to go down on each other!"

My take on that sort of statement: " I'm fucking whiner and can't take the initiative and create a role and RP it to GET IT GOING MYSELF, IF THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO SEE."

I mean really, there are some damned good roleplayers in this game...are some of you saying that you cannot do what you think it should be, in a Tuluki style?
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Anonymous on November 25, 2003, 12:12:53 PM
Why do so many of you have an attitude or a chip on your shoulder and use profanity when discussing opposing viewpoints?
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: flurry on November 25, 2003, 12:42:13 PM
Jenred is 100 percent correct.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on November 25, 2003, 01:43:40 PM
Quote from: "Anonymous"Why do so many of you have an attitude or a chip on your shoulder and use profanity when discussing opposing viewpoints?
It's something that we have developed upon this board. Most of us here consider the other person writing on this board to be a peer, and capable of dealing with us and we with them. Now and then you'll see fights here between two posters.

Most of the time, we do not really have an attittude. We swear because we are comfortable doing so. We use assinine terms to assert our view-points. It is something that does not bother the vast majority of us. We use the language here that we tend to use when discussing topics with our IRL friends.

While we tend to avoid outright flaming here, partially due to the staff dictate concerning it, it can still get gritty to a point. Just like in game, it is not wise to hug the gortoks and tregils here.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Anonymous on November 25, 2003, 01:53:52 PM
Quote from: "The7DeadlyVenomz"
Quote from: "Anonymous"It is something that does not bother the vast majority of us.

I'm not so sure that is true.  About the language, probably, but not the tone.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on November 25, 2003, 02:03:32 PM
I'll append, does not appear to bother the vast majority of us.
Title: Who's got more KICK
Post by: Tlaloc on November 25, 2003, 02:12:04 PM
Speaking from a staff perspective, I'd say both City-states have many, intricate and involved plots. Many of them also involve the hate between the two city-states. I think asking "Which has better plots, Allanak or Tuluk?" is sort of unjust to the people who strive to make great plots in both city-states.

I think if you feel that there are no plots going on in your neck of the woods, there are two things  you can do:

1) Try to get involved in a plot thats going on (basically, fish around untill you find one).

2) Go start a plotline yourself. I would encourage people to email the mud, or thier clan immortals if they have ideas for plotlines they feel like running (or seeing run). I'm always excited to help run a plot that a Player came up with.