Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Angela Christine on November 20, 2003, 04:35:05 AM

Question: Emote undress or code undress?
Option 1: Take your clothes off, you lazy bum! votes: 32
Option 2: Sex takes too long as it is, just emote removing your clothes and get it over with. votes: 12
Option 3: Why bother to get undressed?  A grubby Zalanthan just needs to drop his breeches around his knees, the rest of your clothes can stay on. votes: 18
Option 4: Real roleplayers don't mudsex. votes: 8
Option 5: Why won't anybody mudsex with me?  I'm over 21, I swear! votes: 4
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Angela Christine on November 20, 2003, 04:35:05 AM
Not that it comes up a lot, but I do wonder what the protocal is here.  Do you labouriously remove each item and drop or put it somewhere, or do you just "emote takes off all ^me clothes" and then "change ldesc is here, naked!" Most of the time it won't make much difference, but sometimes it does.  
Taking off each item and dropping it takes longer, and is kind of a drag.  If the game crashes you may lose your clothes, or get a second set of clothes, depending on when the last save cycle was.  A second set can be junked, it takes a while if a bunch of items were duplicated, but you can deal with it on your own.  But if your clothes disappeared, well, now you are stuck naked with no reasonable IC explanation, and even if the imms return your clothes it could take a while.  It seems like a bother, especially if you plan to fade to black or cover the action with a few vague emotes.

On the other hand, there are times when it will make a difference.  For example if one of the participants plans to assassinate you as soon as they get you out of that nasty armor.  Obviously just emoting that you removed your armor won't help the assassin code-wise.  Or if someone comes upon you while you are supposed to be naked, there may be some confusion if they look at you and you are both fully dressed.  Likewise a raider, kidnapper or assassin may have been waiting to catch you with your pants down, and it really isn't fair to them if you decide to emote undress rather than code undress.  

What to do, what to do?

Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: creeper386 on November 20, 2003, 05:03:41 AM
I haven't even got physically involved with another PC with any of my characters so haven't had to deal with it. I'd say the important factor would be how much you are wearing. Unless there is some sort of remove all that I haven't tried out.

Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Callisto on November 20, 2003, 05:17:00 AM
You should remove all coded items that your character would have removed before boarding the pork-chop express, since someone* might walk in and decide to steal your clothes or assassinate you while you're naked and more susceptible to stabbity death.

It depends on the situation, of course. If you're a whore - and deep down I know you want to be - it would be perfectly reasonable to emote hiking up ye old skirt and getting it over with like that, for example. If you emote taking off something, code-wise remove it and drop it (unless your character loves those boots so much as to make love while holding them close), so the other players in the game have a chance of walking in and making you pay for being a sinner!

* (IE: Me - lol @ those oashi suckers in the commons!)
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Delirium on November 20, 2003, 05:20:28 AM
Not a big fan of these scenes, but if they're encountered I definitely make it a policy to remove whatever my character removes. Even if it's a fade to black. Of course, you can emote in such a way that the actual removal of said clothing item isn't redundant.

>emote sexily begins to tug her shirt up over her head in a sexy manner. Woowoo.

>rem shirt
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: jhunter on November 20, 2003, 05:25:55 AM
QuoteOn the other hand, there are times when it will make a difference. For example if one of the participants plans to assassinate you as soon as they get you out of that nasty armor. Obviously just emoting that you removed your armor won't help the assassin code-wise. Or if someone comes upon you while you are supposed to be naked, there may be some confusion if they look at you and you are both fully dressed. Likewise a raider, kidnapper or assassin may have been waiting to catch you with your pants down, and it really isn't fair to them if you decide to emote undress rather than code undress.

I hadn't really thought about that before since I haven't had a char involved in that, but that is a good point.
It's rather unfair to the other player not to undress code-wise since they may have other motives and IC your char -is- going along with it.
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Bestatte on November 20, 2003, 07:09:36 AM
Leave it to AC to come up with an "out there" idea.

I kinda do a combo of both literal and virtual removal. Mostly I have to consider that some of these "rooms" just won't hold everything two people are wearing. So I remove all the outer stuff..cloak, boots, head-covering. Those go right on the ground, usually with nifty drop messages. Then the accessories - neckpiece, sleeves, ankle-wrap, etc..those go in my pack. If there's room, those will end up "on" the bed, but I'll emote that they're hanging off the footboard post.

The rest - pants/shirt/frilly g-string thong/cut-out bra - those might get removed, but remain in my inventory. Or I might just virtually remove them with emotes and not take them off code-wise. It depends on how much time I've spent already on what usually ends up as a 5 minute 4-emote sexual encounter :)

Basically I'd say, leave SOMETHING interesting for that thief hiding under your bed or behind the bush to steal, but don't drag the undressing out so long that it turns into a game-day's worth of clothing removal.
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Jacques on November 20, 2003, 09:04:11 AM
I'm definately in the "get those clothes off" camp.  First, there's the whole "what if the guy comes to assassinate you while you're (with apologies to Bestatte) 'doing your thang and then pulling out after she does her thang'" thang... er, thing. Second, if you're not doing a fade to black (or even if you are), this gives you something else to emote - it's a little known fact, but you can only emote a caress/nibble/etc for so many times before your head will explode. Don't let this happen to you!  Thirdly, and for me this is the most relevant one, it is in keeping with what your character would be doing in that situation. Unless you're into kanking in your nice, heavy armor (hey, we've all seen Excalibur, right?), GET OUT OF IT. Otherwise... wow, armor bites on the naughty bits - that would be quite unpleasant.

So by all means, and with my full support and blessings, GET NAKED!
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Anonymous on November 20, 2003, 09:11:40 AM
My longest lived PC got killed 'doing the mansa'.  I had my clothes off and was lying down.  I never regretted having clothes off because the urge to 'draw dagger' might have been a little bit much for me.
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Petra on November 20, 2003, 09:36:03 AM
Quote from: "Delerium"Not a big fan of these scenes, but if they're encountered I definitely make it a policy to remove whatever my character removes.

You mean you remove your shirt in real life if your character removes her's?  Wow.  That's what I call getting-into-character!   :lol:
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: X-D on November 20, 2003, 09:41:19 AM
No partial removel option...grumble, and thats what I'd vote for, did full removel on a char once, rather long lived warrior type, and you find out that if your char has been around a while, like every wear slot is filled.

Now, just remove key pieces, breech, leggings, spiky stuff, belt, cloak torso armor and helm. emote the rest
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Delirium on November 20, 2003, 09:47:29 AM
*clears her throat* Geez, you miss a couple words due to sleep deprivation and the guys just get all these ideas in their mind... you know what I meant, damnit. :P

"I make it a policy to have my character remove code-wise whatever they roleplay taking off."

That better?!
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Seeker on November 20, 2003, 10:05:25 AM

That is why ARM has those handy aliases for in the first place.

:with a sultry glance to !luckydude through her the lowered lashes, @ places her hand on %luckydude chest and gently breaks the kiss to draw herself away from !luckydude.

tell luckydude (leaning back and slowing freeing  her long, thick hair from its restraints to tumble loosely over her shoulders) Mmmm....

Alias 1
Alias 2
Alias 3
Alias 4 (!!)

tell luckydude (curling a finger to seductively beckon to !luckydude, in a throaty whisper) Please....
tell luckydude (in a throaty whisper) ... help me with this?

Alias 5

What else could you possibly uses the aliases for anyway?  

Oh, yeah, for dismount.

Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Morrolan on November 20, 2003, 11:00:18 AM
Has anyone seen Enemy at the Gates?  Okay, that has to be one of the best sex scenes ever.  Clothes more-or-less on.  In a barracks.  And wow.

It's almost reason enough to join the Byn, don't you think?

Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Cuusardo on November 20, 2003, 11:22:55 AM
If you've got the time, take it off.  TAKE IT ALL OFF!   :wink:
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: on November 20, 2003, 12:48:04 PM
From an Rp standpoint I think it looks better if you remove all your stuff and drop it, put it under the bed, whatever. Because you never know who or what might be watching, or able to sneak into the room, etc. -Or- that the person your having sexual relations with is of the highest caliber of integrity. I personally thought it would be funny if someone poisoned/drugged their mate and then stole all their clothes and locked them in the room...

and this of course wouldn't be as readily plausible unless they were naked.
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Angela Christine on November 20, 2003, 01:59:04 PM
You look darn silly humping wildly with your backpack bouncing on your back.  And if you happen to be on the bottom . . . well, that is just going to be uncomfortable.  :P

When I had a character that changed her clothes often I set up macro.  This isn't just for characters that like to get naked, but also for characters that have a set of clothes and a set of armor for emergencies.  Gmud lets you set up 10 macros, most other clients will let you set up some too.

Here is an example:

    remove pack
    put pack chest
    remove cloak
    put cloak chest
    remove veil
    put veil chest
    remove gloves
    remove hat
    put hat chest
    put gloves chest
    remove armbands
    put armbands chest
    remove shoes
    put shoes chest
    remove shirt
    put shirt chest
    remove belt
    put belt chest
    put dagger chest
    put dagger chest
    remove skirt
    put skirt chest

There are some important bits here.  You'll notice that I am removing innocuous items like my hat and gloves first.  That protects me if I twitch or the cat walks accross my keyboard and hits the macro key.  As long as there is not an open chest in the room I will only remove the first few items, then my inventory will be full so I won't be able to keep removing items and accidentally strip naked in the Trader's Inn.  Suddenly taking off your pack, cloak, gloves, etc. may raise a few eyebrows, but at least you aren't naked.  If you are in a room without a chest but want to get naked anyway you just hit the macro, "drop all" hit the macro again, "drop all" again, etc. until everything you own is on the ground.

Another thing to consider is that not everything I might be wearing is included.  My jewelery isn't on the list, because you don't necessarily remove your earrings for a nooner.  If you wear a lacy garter under your dress you might not want to have it auto-removed, because you want keep it on or remove it in a unique way.

Obviously it isn't perfect, the whole process is rather abrupt and leads to a startling screen scroll.  You can throw an emote at the begining or end to explain what is happening, so that your charcter doesn't look like a clothes removing machine.  Emotes in the macro are dangerous, because if you accidently hit the macro in public you won't remove all your clothes, but you would still display all the emotes, which could look odd.

It also takes a couple minutes to set up and test your undressing and redressing macros the first time, but I think it's worth it for the time you save later.

Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: ShaLeah on November 20, 2003, 09:17:01 PM
Whatever you do, don't "remove all" and "drop all".
Talk about spammy.
I'm a big fan of the drop ldesc's so I go nuts.
drop cloak hanging from the left post of the bed is ~
drop boots it looks like ~ has ended up separated, one under the bed, one on top of the dresser

It's about realism, isn't it?
drop herb under a pile of rumpled clothing
tell toy (frowning as she closes the drawer to ~dresser) Have you seen the mul mix?
emote staring at ~toy with growing suspicion and anger, @ slinks off !toy and crawls to the edge of ~bed to frown darkly at !toy
tell toy (shrieking) You're cheating on me, aren't you? It's that BITCH aide of yours, isn't it! Don't lie to me!!!
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: spawnloser on November 20, 2003, 09:53:42 PM
The one character of mine that got laid...we ended up roleplaying through everything up to the actual deed.  Including the removing of they were removed.  It was kind funny sorting through all the crap on the floor for what was hers and mine (they worked for different noble houses).
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: mansa on November 20, 2003, 10:50:26 PM
I wear a kilt.
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Wintermute on November 20, 2003, 11:27:37 PM
mansa is my personal God.

I suppose that gives a new and interesting twist to timeless phrase, 'doing the mansa'.
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: creeper386 on November 20, 2003, 11:58:38 PM
I'd just like to say try to set things up codewise as realistic as you can if your worrying about screwing over someone trying to kill you.

Guess I can't say anything else.

Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: House Rising Sun on November 21, 2003, 02:24:52 AM
I'll never again deny that we're the "sex MUD". We have mudsex so often that our macros for stripping down accidentally get set off in a tavern? People, please.

Personally, I would rather emote undressing in either a fade to black situation or a fully emoted scene from Debbie Does Tuluk. In the first situation, it's unlikely that anything that'll check the my coded armor ratings will happen. If it does, I have no problem hearing "someone" ooc "Please take your armor off". It's realistic and it's expected.

And in the second... give me a break! Four straight days (well, half-days, so we'll say two) of sex? The last thing we need is another couple of hours to emote how fucking fancy we are when we undress.

I hear very often that "just becuase the code says it doesn't make it true", so why not now? No, I'm not humping away with a backpack on, because I emoted it onto the floor. My spiky plate armor is there too. If someone screws up an assassination attempt because they were too jumpy to trust my adherence to ic rules of realism and didn't ask me to remove my stuff before jumping from the shadows, that ain't my problem.
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Anarchy on November 21, 2003, 06:42:38 AM
ubber warrior gets out of his scrab armour and begins to do his thing crawling onto sextoy.

someone OOCs "Please remove your armour"

Ubber warrior draws his steel broadsword

ubber warrior kills assassin.

No, if your gonna do the deed, remove the armour and clothing and rest, simple as that - not wiling to do it? then dont mudsex.
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: John on November 21, 2003, 08:21:18 AM
I think it depends how well you know the person, and whether or not your going to do a quickie (IC 5mins tops). It would take too long OOCly to remove all your clothes, but then ICly your probably not removing too many clothes.

But yes, if your going to lounge about after sex, remove all your clothes (if your char would). That way you can get caught ;)
Title: The Naked Lunch
Post by: naatok on November 21, 2003, 12:30:27 PM
Oh F*CK!!!

You mean....people actually might be present and WATCHING when my PC is 'slidin' up in that honey an' layin' his thang down'?!


I'm never mudsexing again in this game!  In fact, I'm gonna have every one of my PCs belong to some obscure Mithraic castration cult!


But seriously, folks, I agree...if you're going to roleplay sex, or masturbation (you SICK FU*KS!!!) or taking a dump, it only makes sense, IC and codewise, to drop your to speak.

Gods, what sort of a nightmare would it be for a fully armored linebacker for the Allanaki Militia to be grinding into his luv-muffin (or getting ground by her luv sausage)?!  Visions of 'Excalibur' come to mind, but that's beside the point.

The fully armored Militia titan steps over to the bed with a rough clinking of heavy silt-horror plate.

Peering from the bed at the fully armored Militia titan with a disdainful, incredulous stare, the petite luv-bunny exclaims, in sirihish:
    "'d like to THINK that...wouldn't you?!  You sadistic CREEP!!"

Not even considering unrealistically foiled assassination/castration attempts (just keep that cult I mentioned earlier in mind next time your PC is getting his lizard buffed  :twisted: ), it just doesn't make IC sense NOT to remove your artificial shell before sexing it up.

As for all the sexless wonders out there....c'mon, gimme a break!!  The castration cult has quotas to fill!!!  :twisted:
Title: Mudsex: Clothes on or off?
Post by: Sephiroto on November 21, 2003, 01:46:35 PM
I have found, in my experiences, that clothing just adds to the rp experience.  There are times when a quick removal may be needed, but I perfer to take my time.  I find it much more effective in building up the effect when you take it slow.