Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: __Torax__ on November 13, 2003, 06:50:34 PM

Title: Age difference
Post by: __Torax__ on November 13, 2003, 06:50:34 PM
I've been thinking about this for some reason lately. But OOCly, an age difference of about past 10 is most of the time morally wrong. No, I do not agree with this because I am 17 and I've fallen in love with a woman that is 36, and she the same feelings. And in my experience, parents, friends (most) find it is wrong. Is there a moral against having sex with a PC that is "quite a bit younger than you." Would it just be considered, wow, another p*ssy or would it be considered wrong?

- Torax -
Title: Age difference
Post by: Anarchy on November 13, 2003, 07:04:36 PM
Its a pretty grim world, and sex is a MAJOR pleasure, i dont think the thought of age ever enters the mind of the citizens, if there is an offer
of sex, then they are going to take it, more so among the fighters, since
you never really know if your going to get it again, more so be alive the next day. So, if the chance shows itself, then most people will leap at it.
Title: Age difference
Post by: Stroker on November 13, 2003, 07:05:49 PM
QuoteNo, I do not agree with this because I am 17 and I've fallen in love with a woman that is 36, and she the same feelings.

When I come to power such things will no longer be considered wrong. So pick up your sickle and hammer and help fuel the Revolution!
Title: Age difference
Post by: __Torax__ on November 13, 2003, 07:08:23 PM
Title: Age difference
Post by: Faglore on November 13, 2003, 07:43:39 PM
Torax, I feel your pain my friend. I have found myself in love with a morbidly obese gerbil by the name of Marmaduke... my parents find it wrong, but that festively plump gerbil love just feels so right.
Title: Age difference
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on November 13, 2003, 08:15:14 PM
Torax...she's twelve, bro, twelve.
Title: Age difference
Post by: Angela Christine on November 13, 2003, 08:32:32 PM
I think the main reason these things are frowned upon is that it is relatively easy for the older, more experienced person to manipulate the younger, less experience person.  They've been playing the game longer, they know where the buttons are and how to push them.  Money is power, established adults generally have more money than young people.

As a 17 year old, you probably believe that your 36 year old friend isn't, wouldn't or couldn't manipulate you.  But in general a person who is 30+ can manipulate and control a teenage boy/girlfriend without much trouble, even without intent.  

Forget your situation, take a few deep breaths.  You probably know some gues that are 16-18, right?  And there is a good chance that you know guys around your age who "date" girls that are 13 or 14.  Who has the power in the relationship?  Usually the older one.  These young girls are being kind of dumb, thinking that this older boy loves them and wants to be with them forever.  And being with an older boy is cool, because he is old enough to have his driver's license, maybe he even has a car.  Maybe he has a job and he can afford to take the girl places and buy her things that the 13 and 14 year old boys could not afford.  He is smoother, cooler than the boys her age.  He knows just what to say.  :swoon:  He has a lot to give, and a lot to take away if she doesn't go along with what he wants.  Sometimes these relationships work out great, they might even get married after high school and live happily ever after.  Other times these relationships go terribly wrong, in ways I'm sure you are familiar with.

The thing is that people always think they are old enough, mature enough, to know what they are doing and to make their own decisions about their bodies and relationships.  It doesn't matter if you are 12, 15, 17, 25, or 45 you probably think that you know what you are doing.  Some 15 year olds really are mature enough, and some 25 year olds really aren't mature enough, but we don't have maturity tests to give us an objective measure of mental and emotional maturity.  So every community sets an arbirary age, before which we declare that -all- people are not capable of giving informed consent to certain activities.  It's a crude, blunt test, but so far that is what we have to work with.

Once you get past the point where people are concerened about a child being exploited, people are still uncomfortable with large age difference.  Part of that is because we idealize love, and we think a large age difference indicates that the relationship may be based on something less altruistic.  When you see a guy with a girl less than half his age it is easy to assume she is there for money, security or becuse she has daddy issues, and that he is there because he wants a young hot peice of ass, a trophy wife, or a submissive maleable girl rather than dealing with a "real woman" his own age.  There is also concern that they are at different stages of their lives.  Are they going to have kids when the man is likely to be infirm or dead in 15-25 years?  Is she going to be a widow at 45, perhaps doomed to spend 40 years alone because she doesn't know how to relate to men her own age?

In our world, we worry that there is something unsavory going on in relationships with significant age gaps.

***game world part begins here***

How does that apply in Zalanthas?  Not at all.  Are you being used and manipulated?  Probably, but nobody cares.  In all likelyhood even long-term child rearing partnerships (similar to our marriages) are based on convinence rather than hopes of eternal true love.  It isn't so much "I can't live without you" as "Yeah, I could live with you."  :twisted:  

Sex is fun, and since Zalanthans aren't all repressed and freaked out about it, even young people are probably clever enough to use the birth control options available.  No one is going to think you are a "slut" if you have a packet of mul mix in your backpack, being without it is like going into the desert without a weapon and hoping that you don't run into any scrabs or gortoks.  Lots of guys that aren't looking to be daddys probably carry mul mix themselves, so that if they get lucky they won't have to wait for the herbalist shop to open for the woman to get her mix if she has run out.  Having sex and birth control are not issues that affect your "respecatability" in most of the known world.  It is a non-issue.

So if you want to go get yourself some of that 13 year old ass, go ahead.

Title: Age difference
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on November 13, 2003, 08:45:15 PM
I agree with AC here. As it has been stated numerous times on this board, in numerous posts, age is something of a oxymoron in Zalanthas. It is used to figure out how long you've been living. That's it.

What counts is physical and in many cases, mental, maturity, and if you are capable of any one thing. If you are, then your age is irrelevent.

We know form modern times that 13 is old enough to have sex, and old enough to raise children, physically. In Zalanthas, we can likely assume that children are more mature mentally then children nowdays in our world.
Title: Age difference
Post by: Anonymous on November 13, 2003, 09:30:12 PM
My only comment is about the RL thing you spoke of.

By my math just about the time you hit prime mid-life crisis years, she'll be collecting social security and trying to mule canadian pharmeceuticals across the border.

Title: Age difference
Post by: crymerci on November 13, 2003, 09:35:04 PM
Quote from: "CRW"My only comment is about the RL thing you spoke of.

By my math just about the time you hit prime mid-life crisis years, she'll be collecting social security and trying to mule canadian pharmeceuticals across the border.


7 simple rules for dating a geriatric cradlerobber?
Title: Age difference
Post by: __Torax__ on November 13, 2003, 10:04:54 PM
AC I would agree with you on many of your points. Though I could argue the entire thing for days on end, but that isn't the case. My personal life also isn't the case as I possibly shouldnt have posted anything of my personal life. But thank you for your information and comments, I'll keep them in mind and you've all answered my question about the MUD. Thank you for your time.

- Torax -
Title: Age difference
Post by: __Torax__ on November 13, 2003, 10:07:58 PM
And CRW, your calculations are off. I probably wont have her in my life in the next 5 years, considering he is HIV positive. I've heard many of my friends claim that I've lost it for doing this with her, though I do not and will not explain myself nor my relationship to anyone. So thank you for reminding me that I will loose the one I've given my life to in a matter of years.
Title: Age difference
Post by: __Torax__ on November 13, 2003, 10:08:35 PM
Oh and that he was meant to be she...Just so I dont have to listen to you all rant and rave about it.
Title: :raises his hand:
Post by: The Lonely Hunter on November 13, 2003, 11:08:37 PM
Quote from: "Angela Christine"a young hot peice of ass, a trophy wife, or a submissive maleable girl

I'll take two please...with all of the wonderful qualities listed above.
Title: Age difference
Post by: Morrolan on November 14, 2003, 12:50:14 AM
Quote from: "__Torax__"[considering he is HIV positive. I've heard many of my friends claim that I've lost it for doing this with her, though I do not and will not explain myself nor my relationship to anyone.

Dude, that sucks.  I'm sorry to hear that.  And it's brave of you. Emotionally, that is rough for anyone.