Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: Forest Junkie on October 21, 2003, 04:16:03 PM

Title: Question on sneaking.
Post by: Forest Junkie on October 21, 2003, 04:16:03 PM
Need some advice on the subject of sneaking.

Situation: I am sneaking with my weapons out in the alleyways of the Red Sun Commons trailing a mark. I am wearing an irrig lantern on my back.

NOW, when I enter a square my mark is in, will it echo my pc filling the area with a light? It sounds like a screwy situation to me, because a) I am trying to sneak BUt b) I have a light out that would most likely alert anyone to my presence. Any thoughts?

Also, same with hiding. If I hide in a square with a light out, will I still be visible to people?
Title: Question on sneaking.
Post by: creeper386 on October 21, 2003, 04:25:14 PM
I don't know what it is coded... But I'd say it should echo the area filling with light, as well as maybe even announce your presence fairly well.

And hiding with a light? Even more ridiculous. Your trying to be sneaky, quiet, unseen. You don't want to announce your presence to everyone with eyeballs.

The dark is your friend, put the lantern away.
Title: Question on sneaking.
Post by: Anonymous on October 21, 2003, 04:39:12 PM
Even if it doesn't announce your presence or that the room is filled with light, I don't think its realistic roleplay.
Title: Question on sneaking.
Post by: Rindan on October 21, 2003, 07:41:08 PM
If it is a dark and spooky night, the last thing you want is to be holding a blazing light source.  Yes, holding a lantern when it is pitch black out is a dead give away that someone is there.
Title: .
Post by: Forest Junkie on October 21, 2003, 09:25:32 PM

Has anyone come across this problem? I suppose it is not feasible to sneak at night then, unless you are shadowing someone?
Title: Question on sneaking.
Post by: Teleri on October 21, 2003, 09:45:27 PM
If it's night, and you character's situation requires stealth, then it is entirely feasible to sneak at night.  However, to sneak around effectively, you'll have to wait for the right circumstances and use other light sources.  I suppose it would be fine to have your character sneaking around with his own light would just give away his or her position.  If there was a way to tweak the code so that a special light source could somehow be dimmed or focused so that nobody would see the room filling with light echo, then it would be a lot better.  

Sadly, most humanoids on Zalanthas don't have infravision, and to move around in complete darkness would probably be considered unwise anyways.  You could trip, fall, and break your neck on something, or attract just as much attention stumbling over piles of rubble and other garbage as you would walking around with a torch.  

So if it's pitch black outside, and your character needs to move quietly over a distance, then perhaps waiting until natural circumstances improve would be the best choice they could make.  However, the character could be irrational anyways or under time constraints, and risk hurting himself in the dark or being revealed by his light source than wait any longer to move on.
Title: Question on sneaking.
Post by: sacac on October 25, 2003, 05:17:48 PM
just don't do that in the 'rinth... They'll see you think you have a chance of having money and BOOM.... there on you like white on rice...
Title: Question on sneaking.
Post by: Silent Bob on October 26, 2003, 09:18:07 AM
Use moon light to sneak at night.  Find some magiks to see with in darkness. 8)