Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Miradus on June 25, 2016, 10:09:15 AM

Title: Walking
Post by: Miradus on June 25, 2016, 10:09:15 AM
Why is it more people don't ditch the mounts and walk? Particularly rangers who have a great movement regen.

Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Majikal on June 25, 2016, 10:16:11 AM
Some pro's and cons to either that I can think of. Forgive any errors, I've been  up for 9 hours playing Rust.... it's 9am.

On foot, skills like sneak/hide become considerably more useful.
Regen varies greatly in different kinds of weather (storms/heat) and can leave your pc in a dangerous situation with no way of getting away from various threats.
Unmounted targets can be easy game for skilled mounted fighters. (see charge/trample)

Mounted, being chased until exhausted isn't as likely (though still possible).
Combat while mounted is more effected for some classes and subguilds (like rangers) for the benefits of trample/charge or being proficient at mounted combat in general.
Mounts are cool and can haul things.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Chettaman on June 25, 2016, 11:40:43 AM
Because stabling fees are only 20 coins.
Because mounts around 500 coins and you find like three mount tickets on each corpse you chance upon so it's not like it's a big deal if you lose one anyway.

Because most people are pansies.

Majikal's list is also true.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Kankman on June 25, 2016, 12:00:48 PM
Because it is literally INSANE to walk around in the desert when you could ride a mount.

It's hot.

It's dehydrating.

And your character doesn't know (s)he's a danger that regens faster than other (and I'm not sure that's true).
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Molten Heart on June 25, 2016, 12:31:27 PM
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Chettaman on June 25, 2016, 12:35:36 PM
Everyone is going to say, "There's no reason not to." which is nearly true.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Molten Heart on June 25, 2016, 12:36:45 PM
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Chettaman on June 25, 2016, 12:43:19 PM
Right. Because while you can't do everything you can do on foot on a mount, you can do those things with it hitched to you.
And there's no negative to an animal being hitched to you. Holding reins while in combat or not.

The only reason not to, other than being a race that shouldn't mount animals is if you live in the wilderness there is probably no save room for you to keep your animals.
But that's why rangers can tame animals.

Bam. No reason not to.

I want the prices of beasts of burden to increase as well as their stabling fees!
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: nauta on June 25, 2016, 01:03:43 PM
Quote from: Chettaman on June 25, 2016, 12:43:19 PM
I want the prices of beasts of burden to increase as well as their stabling fees!

As a big fan of the slow-core Arm movement, I'd love to see more incentives for people to slow down and smell the room descriptions.  That said, there are very obvious coded negatives to not having a mount in the desert and it's practically suicidal to be without a mount more than, say, ten rooms from Allanak -- but I've had some of the best times wandering around on foot.  Rather than viewing Zalanthas in big terms (e.g., a trip to Luir's, a trip to Morins), you view it more microscopically -- a trip to Yaroch is a deal and one to RSV a big deal without a mount, for instance.

I wouldn't mind some of the more buff mounts (I'm looking at you war beetles, and not at you erdlu) finding a price increase so people go for walking or the wimpier mounts.  But playability might suffer -- literally nothing more boring than waiting for your mount/you to restore stamina -- so I'm probably fine with it as is.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Miradus on June 25, 2016, 01:41:42 PM
Interesting responses.

Codedly the argument is entirely skewed towards riding rather than walking, but is that enough of a reason to ALWAYS ride with every single character concept?

I don't know. I'm embarking on a walking character to see how feasible and fun it is. I walked a lot in the beginning because I didn't know enough about mounts but now I know the areas, the spots where I'm more likely to run into dangerous tracking mobs, etc. is it still imperative that I ride everywhere?
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Lizzie on June 25, 2016, 01:53:23 PM
Quote from: Miradus on June 25, 2016, 01:41:42 PM
Interesting responses.

Codedly the argument is entirely skewed towards riding rather than walking, but is that enough of a reason to ALWAYS ride with every single character concept?

I don't know. I'm embarking on a walking character to see how feasible and fun it is. I walked a lot in the beginning because I didn't know enough about mounts but now I know the areas, the spots where I'm more likely to run into dangerous tracking mobs, etc. is it still imperative that I ride everywhere?

Answer to your question: No, it isn't enough of a reason. The code doesn't need to be the exclusive reason to choose to do something or not do something. It really depends on the character, his environment, background, personal preferences, societal assimilations, and the goal of the particular experience. In your case the goal would be "to get to point B, from point A."

How far is point B? Does your character know how to get there? Does your character have enough food, water, and shelter to last at least til the next shaded, food-bearing, thirst-quenching rest stop? Does he need food/water/shelter for the journey at all? Does he KNOW whether or not he needs it? Has he actually been to point B via a mount or wagon, and therefore already has some idea of what to expect along the way and when he gets there?

All of these things CAN (don't have to, but can) be used in deciding whether or not your character is going to walk, or ride. If he's just going from Allanak to Yarochs, and isn't hauling a lot of heavy stuff in either direction, there's usually no need to ride at all, for anyone. If he's going to Luir's from Allanak, there are obstacles along the way that a mount might be useful in circumventing (or outrunning). Or, depending on your character's personal coded situation - a mount might BE an obstacle (elves don't ride, as just one example of several).

Many of my characters walk when the journey isn't very far, and ride when it is. Desert elves don't have a choice - they run. Some half-giants prefer to walk almost exclusively. Riding is the most common thing for non-elves to do, but it isn't considered "bad roleplay" or even "out of genre" to prefer to walk, I don't think.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Miradus on June 25, 2016, 01:59:03 PM
Consider the added bonuses to wearing armor versus not.

If I head out into the desert in my silk briefs I'm going to get beat to hell. Probably won't make it back and Joe Grebber in scrab shell armor is going to loot my silk briefs and wear them back to town on his head.

This is because there is no skills raised by not wearing armor. My agility will never increase as a result of not wearing armor. I guess technically my defense might but otherwise there's no benefits.

So I posit this: the base code is not sophisticated enough to allow for attribute gain or any other benefits by not treating it like a hack and slash.

In other words, if I walk everywhere and survive for 20 IG years my endurance isn't going to go up and I'm not going to get more movement points. At the end of it I will codedly gain no advantages over the guy who rode around on the traditional war beetle.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Lizzie on June 25, 2016, 02:04:26 PM
No, you won't. However, riding all the time also won't make your mount any better at carrying all your gear, dodging mekillots, or avoiding running into a gith pit.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: BrokenRomance on June 25, 2016, 06:17:43 PM
Personally, lots of my characters lately have high endurance. It's my preference because I make characters who work in such a way they carry a lot of stuff and even in the city it wears them down.

Still, even if I'm not taking much to somewhere, I like to take my mount out because I enjoy RPing a bond with your mount. You go through a lot of crap with it, and it's interesting to RP friendliness between you and it. I mean if my ox outruns a yompar and a gortok, I'm going to act like I have discovered Plainbiscuit and it's a fun sort of solo and even poly-RP. You can tell people about your awesome mount, or if you're by yourself just talk to him.

So that's why I don't walk all the time. I walk in the immediate area of where I am, but if I'm going from distant points my mount comes with me.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Dresan on June 25, 2016, 06:32:15 PM
The reason is mostly to save up on stabling fees.  Early in the game 500 sid and 20 sid stable fees eats a chunk of your meger profits.

Some people start with hide/sneak as well these days, making it more reliable when hunting foraging near the city since forging with a mount often attacts more attention.

Later in the game it allows you to sneak up on people, with a good tent/strenght and endurance you can cover alot of ground. I wouldn't recommend walking from Allanak to luirs, but if you want to explore places that are off the common paths then sometimes sneaking/hiding is your best bet (sometimes it will lead to your death).

Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Evilone on June 25, 2016, 06:54:46 PM
I'd really like to see tents be cheaper than mounts, then we might see more walkers. The sun is coming.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Miradus on June 25, 2016, 07:00:41 PM
Tents are insanely expensive.

I can't imagine nobody has mastercrafted a hat with an umbrella on it.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: nauta on June 25, 2016, 07:02:57 PM
Quote from: Miradus on June 25, 2016, 07:00:41 PM
Tents are insanely expensive.

There are cheaper tents, they just aren't readily available.  #moretentsingame #morecampfiresingame
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Harmless on June 25, 2016, 08:46:37 PM
rather than greatly nerf mounts, I'd like to see walking buffed, such as to enhance endurance to reduce encumbrance ratings, or to have a bonus to stamina regen for being well hydrated, so that someone could still get a good amount done in the desert as long as they had water to do it. Even if it meant getting thirsty a bit faster in the sun, it'd be cool if sweat had a meaningful benefit in stamina. This is how it works in real life, after all.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Dresan on June 25, 2016, 08:57:02 PM
For every five sid you increase stabling costs, you'll increase walkers, i reckon.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: SuchDragonWow on June 25, 2016, 09:02:04 PM
Or give people incentive to log out while mounted, thereby limiting roleplaying opportunities.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: BrokenRomance on June 25, 2016, 09:31:19 PM
Honestly, I think it would be a huge mistake to up stabling costs or the costs of mounts.

We are all pretty old players, so we know the gist of things. But imagine you're a newbie. You might think strength, wisdom, and agility are much more important than endurance and get massively screwed over by the random roll for stats and have like 40 stamina to your name but you chose to have your PC be from some dangerous area like the Tablelands or the Northlands in general. You're going to be running a lot.

So you get a mount. They're cheap. Most PCs can even afford just one within a few weeks, or even just starting out if they go with minimal starting stuff. Then the stabling can actually be costly if you aren't yet familiar with a good way to make a profit. So that 20 sid is daunting enough as it is.

Yeah, I'd not even keep playing if I was new and mounts were all like a large and stabling was a a small.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Jihelu on June 25, 2016, 10:16:40 PM
I can count a ton of stories from our own 'world', I guess, that involves people walking large distances/being a roamer that don't involve mounts.
Mostly Japan, because owning a horse in Japan was fucking hard/reserved for fancy samurai. Though they could cover large distances without stopping and did so frequently.

The game doesn't support this. You can't walk more than, what, 10 rooms as a non ranger or so without being borderline close to passing out? I wish it wasn't so.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: BrokenRomance on June 25, 2016, 11:03:33 PM
Quote from: Jihelu on June 25, 2016, 10:16:40 PM
I can count a ton of stories from our own 'world', I guess, that involves people walking large distances/being a roamer that don't involve mounts.
Mostly Japan, because owning a horse in Japan was fucking hard/reserved for fancy samurai. Though they could cover large distances without stopping and did so frequently.

The game doesn't support this. You can't walk more than, what, 10 rooms as a non ranger or so without being borderline close to passing out? I wish it wasn't so.

Japan doesn't happen to be a barren wasteland.

I think if you want to draw comparisons of stories from our world, read Westerns. They usually ride horses, and it's a barren wasteland.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Jihelu on June 25, 2016, 11:05:59 PM
Well. Not all of the world is a barren wasteland. And even then I thought we adapted to the most of it? I know sure as hell the elves did.
Fuck elves.

I should play a delf one day.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: nauta on June 25, 2016, 11:07:44 PM
Quote from: Jihelu on June 25, 2016, 11:05:59 PM
Well. Not all of the world is a barren wasteland. And even then I thought we adapted to the most of it? I know sure as hell the elves did.
Fuck elves.

I should play a delf one day.

Play a Sun Runner.  All they do is fuck elves.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Clavis on June 25, 2016, 11:22:54 PM
i wish coded tribals/people with tribal background got a version of what the delfs get.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Jihelu on June 25, 2016, 11:27:34 PM
People with nomad/nomadic as a starting background should get what rangers get in stamina loss in the desert.
Rangers with nomadic?
Make them traverse the desert even better!
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Chettaman on June 26, 2016, 01:31:49 AM
Quote from: Miradus on June 25, 2016, 01:59:03 PM
Consider the added bonuses to wearing armor versus not.

If I head out into the desert in my silk briefs I'm going to get beat to hell. Probably won't make it back and Joe Grebber in scrab shell armor is going to loot my silk briefs and wear them back to town on his head.

This is because there is no skills raised by not wearing armor. My agility will never increase as a result of not wearing armor. I guess technically my defense might but otherwise there's no benefits.

So I posit this: the base code is not sophisticated enough to allow for attribute gain or any other benefits by not treating it like a hack and slash.

In other words, if I walk everywhere and survive for 20 IG years my endurance isn't going to go up and I'm not going to get more movement points. At the end of it I will codedly gain no advantages over the guy who rode around on the traditional war beetle.

You don't need armor to survive in combat. It helps. Let me tell you, It helps in several ways that I've noticed, but only if you plan on getting hit.

If you so choose to traverse certain japan-like areas of this game world on foot or mounted you will notice the similarities to reality.
If you so choose to traverse desert-like areas of this game world on foot or mounted you will notice the similarities to reality. *note similarities aren't perfect depictions of reality

True, though. Stamina loss happens at a great rate in both/most areas.

My argument to people's "no to increased stabling fees and such" isn't a good one, but I wanna say it still:
You're just gonna run up on a corpse with like three of these things for free anyway.
You're gonna join a house where they have more tickets than they know what to do with.
You're gonna be some nothing commoner who should be sttruggling... Ah. I'm seeing the point now. I don't wanna force people to /actually/ struggle. PFFFFT... After at least two minutes to think that over. (and I really did take some time to reconsider my position) - seriously. I've been calling you lot pansies for how long. You can survive on foot traveling from here to there - especially if you do it with others. ESPECIALLY.
the only people this would affect greatly would be those casual players. Those people who may not be able to earn so many funds but want to travel all willy-nilly and/or those who would travel on foot, and admittedly it takes a while on foot. (with the way regen works now).

I'm still going to call you pansies.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Jihelu on June 26, 2016, 01:33:28 AM
I just don't wanna be looked at like I'm the craziest person in the known cause I walk within 4 rooms of the gates.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Lizzie on June 26, 2016, 07:55:40 AM
Quote from: Jihelu on June 26, 2016, 01:33:28 AM
I just don't wanna be looked at like I'm the craziest person in the known cause I walk within 4 rooms of the gates.

I don't know why this would be happening to you at all. MOST characters I see within half a dozen rooms from the gate, at any given moment, are on foot. The only ones I see mounted are on their way to or from a longer journey.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Harmless on June 26, 2016, 09:04:07 AM
What if there was a mount that wasn't totally mindless and would resist someone's attempts to steal it?

That'd be a highly coveted mount.

Make it a well trained subspecies or breed of something else, and charge like 5000 sid for one.

You could get off of it in the wilds and leave it in a spot and be pretty confident that it won't have been easily stolen when you come back; if someone does try to steal it, they'd first get a stern warning from the animal, and if further attempts are made, would risk being attacked by it (sort of like taming a wild mount) and if it were a beast in combat, all the better.

It'd imprint on someone after being purchased and the owner would get a special message... maybe psionics could be involved.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Miradus on June 26, 2016, 09:35:24 AM
In no way would I want to see mounts or stabling hit with any change. Nor was my purpose to increase or promote walking in any way.

Lately I have been more afoot with a couple of characters, and each time people would pass by and sort of have a little IC freakout about it. "Don't you know you're going to get eaten?" or "Are you a gick?""

Where it seemed to me to be a perfectly natural thing to do and not at all that dangerous so long as I don't act stupid. It's nice every now and then to get away from the burden of maintaining a mount.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Lizzie on June 26, 2016, 09:56:46 AM
Quote from: Miradus on June 26, 2016, 09:35:24 AM
In no way would I want to see mounts or stabling hit with any change. Nor was my purpose to increase or promote walking in any way.

Lately I have been more afoot with a couple of characters, and each time people would pass by and sort of have a little IC freakout about it. "Don't you know you're going to get eaten?" or "Are you a gick?""

Where it seemed to me to be a perfectly natural thing to do and not at all that dangerous so long as I don't act stupid. It's nice every now and then to get away from the burden of maintaining a mount.

It's not just that you have no mount. It's that you're out of the city, ALONE, without a mount. ICly, the most common siting of people out of the city, alone, without a mount, will be a) raiders with friends hiding nearby, b) solo raiders, c) magickers, and d) characters played by new players who don't know that being alone, outside the city without a mount can be risky.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Jihelu on June 26, 2016, 09:57:46 AM
Quote from: Lizzie on June 26, 2016, 07:55:40 AM
Quote from: Jihelu on June 26, 2016, 01:33:28 AM
I just don't wanna be looked at like I'm the craziest person in the known cause I walk within 4 rooms of the gates.

I don't know why this would be happening to you at all. MOST characters I see within half a dozen rooms from the gate, at any given moment, are on foot. The only ones I see mounted are on their way to or from a longer journey.

I meet other people all the time, most usually just salting and I never give them that stigma and they never give it back, but others.
People are strange.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Miradus on June 26, 2016, 10:44:05 AM
I can see that in the south, but not the north.

The canyons north of Luir's are a 3d environment. A person with a mount is like a lobster crawling on the bottom of the ocean.

The scrub plains and grasslands have tons of places to sit and rest "safely". And some places you can't take a mount with you.
Title: Re: Walking
Post by: Bushranger on June 26, 2016, 06:01:02 PM
Elves go about on foot. You want to be some kind of dirty elf?