Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: dravage on March 15, 2016, 06:11:02 AM

Title: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: dravage on March 15, 2016, 06:11:02 AM
Some of you have been playing the game for years - maybe even since it began. You've seen a lot, you've done a lot. People who have played much less may also have had some wonderful experiences they can share.

My questions to you then, are (without obviously divulging sensitive IC information):

What do you -love- playing?
What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
What's your guilty pleasure?

Excited to see some of the replies!
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: evilcabbage on March 15, 2016, 06:12:11 AM


human warriors

slashing chopping every day



human warriors

piercing bludgeoning all the way
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Dakota on March 15, 2016, 06:28:15 AM
Quote from: dravage on March 15, 2016, 06:11:02 AM
What do you -love- playing?
What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
What's your guilty pleasure?

A strong, simple concept within a character that ADDS something to the world which was lacking / under-represented. Every good PC I've created falls into this.
A clan leader. Fell into it 3 times. Always ended up having fun despite avoiding it initially.
Permadeath and the fact that reprocussions to your actions have real consequence. It amplifies all aspects of the game and roleplay.
Raiding and mudsex.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Marauder Moe on March 15, 2016, 06:47:55 AM
Characters with a secret/mystery.


Watching a character grow and evolve over a long period.

Looting PC corpses.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: The Silence of the Erdlus on March 15, 2016, 06:52:27 AM
Quote from: dravage on March 15, 2016, 06:11:02 AM
What do you -love- playing?
What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
What's your guilty pleasure?

1. merchants, witches, members of the lowest social ranks.
2. Arm soldier, Dasari minion (once, but I would do it again) and noncriminal elves.
3. I most like two things: the capacity for telling, hearing about, or seeing stories, and the unique skill system. If one of these were taken out, I would no longer play regularly.
4. I love playing unmanifested witches in Tuluk and witches who don't cast/don't cast much.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Desertman on March 15, 2016, 08:28:29 AM
Quote from: dravage on March 15, 2016, 06:11:02 AM
What do you -love- playing?
What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
What's your guilty pleasure?

1) Rangers and middle-aged/old men. Usually both. I've played several.
2) Child characters. I generally do not enjoy this. But I did play a couple in the past that just really made my day. (Stored more though.)
3) Making and keeping long-term friends and family in the game. It's also what I hate most when they die. Hate it more than losing my own PC.
4) Slipping in tiny bits of RL comedy/movie references/pop-culture references where they fit the game world/situation for laughs.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Inks on March 15, 2016, 08:46:19 AM


Coming up with a concept. RP backed by coded abilities/limitations.

Using abandoned mounts in the distance as a treasure island style X.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: LauraMars on March 15, 2016, 09:24:41 AM
I love playing crazy people.



edit: oftentimes both at once
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: whitt on March 15, 2016, 11:30:59 AM
What do you -love- playing?

Flavor characters that push other people's stories forward or that give other players living props to help build their stories and characters.

What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?

A magicker

What do you enjoy most about the game itself?

The immersion.  When you can get stuck in with another player, or even better a group of players, that are all playing their characters as characters in a shared story, win or lose.  The whole learning about those characters' backgrounds and what makes them tick and watching them react to the world around them.  While it's possible to learn all of the coded game world and that sense of discovery may fade, players like this are brand new discovery quests... all the time.

What's your guilty pleasure?

Watching characters I used to play beside as another pc and seeing little tidbits from those previous interactions show up as a story told in the bar, or a keepsake referenced in an emote, or some little reminder that the story we shared is still going on.

Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: BadSkeelz on March 15, 2016, 01:39:33 PM
What do you -love- playing?
Anything that can get stuck in to melee combat. I love the trading of hits, the adrenaline and danger of two things tearing each other apart. No other form of combat - not stealth, not ranged, and certainly not magick - excite me so much. So I tend to play characters who can do this.

What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
Crafters. It was much more fun talking shop and seeking out new recipes as a tailor in Red Storm than being a magicker.

What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
I enjoy cooperative play and storytelling, as well as the relationships and dynamics that can form within groups. So what I suppose I love most are clans. The ability to don a uniform and step in to a culture with history and traditions, adopting them and maybe adding a bit of your own.

Also I love seeing people react to brutal combat emotes.

What's your guilty pleasure?
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: WarriorPoet on March 15, 2016, 02:22:15 PM
-I love playing warriors or rangers, preferably 'in the shit' of the front-lines.

-I LOVED playing a Tan Muark. The social RP, merchanting and bardish tendencies were far outside my comfort zone but I had a blast and think I did fairly well. I have some very good memories of this character.

-I enjoy the everyday gritty personal struggles of the game. The common soldier, Bynner, hungry hunter or Rinthi without enough coin left to fill a waterskin. Silks and politics and magick hold zero interest for me. If they were purged completely and the game left at 'ground floor' I would be perfectly content.

-My guilty pleasure is the same as in real life. I like pretty girls. Even though I know in my heart of hearts it is Blaze on the other end.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: The Silence of the Erdlus on March 15, 2016, 03:25:56 PM
Quote from: WarriorPoet on March 15, 2016, 02:22:15 PM
-I enjoy the everyday gritty personal struggles of the game. The common soldier, Bynner, hungry hunter or Rinthi without enough coin left to fill a waterskin.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: lostinspace on March 15, 2016, 05:02:39 PM
What do you -love- playing? Sneaky types, my favorite being burglars.
What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play? Warriors, I've played one to the point he was a badass. It was fun, but took altogether too much time.
What do you enjoy most about the game itself? Secret rooms and locations, hidden trapdoors, pitfalls, finding things many others likely don't know about.
What's your guilty pleasure? Playing a magic class until I'm completely/nearly completely branched then just storing. I live for them skill-ups.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Case on March 15, 2016, 05:32:51 PM
What do you -love- playing?

What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
Current PC

What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
Story / character development

What's your guilty pleasure?
secret magick and creepy plots
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Delirium on March 15, 2016, 05:37:47 PM
What do you -love- playing?
rangers and whirans, duh.

What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
a burglar. total red shirt, had a lot of fun.

What do you enjoy most about the game itself?  
the "multi-author" storytelling aspect

What's your guilty pleasure?
completely avoiding civilization for weeks at a time because I just want to bop around in the wilderness and explore.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: wizturbo on March 15, 2016, 06:09:23 PM
What do you -love- playing?
Humans with goals.

What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
A half-elf who looked like an elf. 

What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
Secrets.  That's why I like magick so much, it has a lot of secrets hidden away in nooks and crannies of the code/story/lore.

What's your guilty pleasure?
Going back and reading logs of cool events.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: IAmJacksOpinion on March 15, 2016, 08:03:14 PM
What do you -love- playing?
The rugged, violent, chip-on-shoulder types. Preferably indys. But honestly, I play just about everything that isn't attached to a barstool.

What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?

What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
Freedom of choice and roleplay. Whenever I try explaining Arm to my D&D buddies or whatever, they always get hung up on classes and the system. It takes me a while to explain that the class system is basically irrelevant to what Arm is.

What's your guilty pleasure?
Wise-crackin' youth-y rascals.
Also, playing bad people; not assholes, not PKers or griefers, just morally vacant people. Where the whole bar sees a down on her luck youth and tries to get her a job with <clan>, I'm the guy trying to get a 20 sid beej to everyone's chagrin. Someone's gotta.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Vwest on March 15, 2016, 09:12:33 PM
Quote from: dravage on March 15, 2016, 06:11:02 AM
What do you -love- playing?
What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
What's your guilty pleasure?

Outliers -- Long lived antagonists are my bread and butter.

Bimbos -- I normally end up with hardened badass characters, but I had a happy-go-lucky ditz of a warrior for a while and it was a blast. Once was enough.

These days? I couldn't tell you. My current character will very likely be my last here.

Romance -- I'm never more into a character than when the character is in love, probably a product of being married to the military.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Asmoth on March 16, 2016, 12:59:01 AM
What do you -love- playing?

Mages who are a part of things, be it a group of mages, a plot, and or into shit (read whiran).

What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?

A retarded, highlord worshiping beggar who didn't use a single skill in his life, and was murdered.

What do you enjoy most about the game itself?

The story telling aspect of it, admin plots that you don't really know are admin plots till something fucking crazy and out of the norm pops up.

The stories that people create in their characters, at least some of them.  (Not the "I wanna get better at combat only" storylines which I get is a different strokes view)

What's your guilty pleasure?

Doing stuff I haven't done before.  What I mean by that is advancing a combat character farther than ever before, and finally killing that [insert beast here]. (I play rangers A LOT)

Getting a magicker stronger than before to see how X spell works in the game.

Doing things I never thought I could do in game. (Special roles/applications).

So many and too many to put here.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Rokal on March 16, 2016, 01:50:30 AM
What do you -love- playing?
Mages and pickpockets - mages for the lore and trying to discover that aspect of the RP and including the flavor into the IC, pickpockets for turning a simple thiefy art into something more. Theres so many things a pickpocket can get into that one wouldn't expect!
And younger characters. They open a lot of potential for growth and development.

What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
Warrior, one warrior I had was pretty awesome, but normally its just too straightforward/boring for me.
What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
immersion, arm is the only RP i've played that, in game, has a near complete disconnect from OOC and IC. this makes the RP awesome.

What's your guilty pleasure?

Taking insane risks and living to tell the tale about it (or dying too) Exploration without fear of the danger.
This has lead to a lot of short lived, but fun characters.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Lizzie on March 16, 2016, 08:04:34 AM
What do you -love- playing?
Whirans, rukkians, and rangers (in no particular order)
What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
current PC
What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
Participating in the ongoing story, and staff animations that bring the NPCs to life.
What's your guilty pleasure?
Spam-crafting, and skinning piles of dead critters. It's very zen.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Majikal on March 16, 2016, 08:24:19 AM

What do you -love- playing?
Outdoorsy types, whirans/rukkians/rangers

What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
Militia Sergeant. #teamevershine

What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
The Lore, not the stuff you see everyday but that stuff that makes you go 'Wow, that's a thing!'

What's your guilty pleasure?
The grind, I absolutely love the grind.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Kryos on March 16, 2016, 08:32:00 AM
What do you -love- playing?
I think I find myself having to draw back a level of granularity to answer this properly, but the answer is more or less someone who is moving and shaking.  Warriors used to be, but I think I'm out of that phase.

What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
A noble.  What the heck, I really didn't think I'd enjoy that, but it turns out it was fun.  REALLY not my normal approach.

What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
Sweeping, high stakes battles, stumbling into wondrous things face first with no idea they were coming, the pounding pulse and fluttering stomach that comes with kill <player>, and bumping into personalities that I remember.  Also very high on the list is doing 'stupid shit' as a character.

What's your guilty pleasure?
Half giants.  If I can scratch out a half decent concept maybe muls.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: dravage on March 16, 2016, 09:12:01 AM
I love that every reply here has been vastly different - goes to show the immense range/diversity of player here. Pretty awesome!
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Barsook on March 16, 2016, 12:56:46 PM
What do you -love- playing?
Characters that want to learn about the world around them.

What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
Current PC

What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
The multi-author storytelling, immersion into the game world, and the lore.

What's your guilty pleasure?
Youngsters, maybe because they have room to grow to learn.
I'm a female in real life, but I play more males.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: tiptoe on March 16, 2016, 06:24:26 PM
What do you -love- playing?
Rangers, warriors, outdoorsy types that rarely step foot in cities.

What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
Halflings, whirans

What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
Adventures! And the diversity of tribal history.

What's your guilty pleasure?
Half-giants. Often when I have a long-lived character die, I'll switch to a half-giant for a while because it's so much easier to just not understand complicated situations like politics.
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Culinary Critic on March 18, 2016, 09:45:38 PM
What do you -love- playing?
Indies.  Lots of indies.  Outdoorsy indies that hunt and explore.

What have you played before that you really enjoyed but don't normally like or play?
Almost everything.  It took me a very long time to create my first gick (like five years) and I was surprised by how enjoyable it was

What do you enjoy most about the game itself?
1. The way the story constantly evolves and changes. 
2. The world.  Finding all those hidden little things that you don't know if anyone else has ever seen.  Staff and everyone else who have contributed and created the things and places get big applause.

What's your guilty pleasure?
Title: Re: What Tickles your Fancy?
Post by: Jihelu on March 18, 2016, 09:50:40 PM
1: Rangers

2: Half-elves. I don't play too many but the concept always makes me want to...

3: Connecting with characters.

4: Music rp. I"m bad at it but...THE MUSIC